
Chapter 97 What’s Hidden in the Dark

"Careful, it comes alive!"

Although Xu Le's reminder was surprising, it was not without effect.

The first to bear the brunt were Zhou Jie, Bai Jing, and Gu Jianuo who were standing closest.

Bai Jing blocked Gu Jianuo behind her. The moment the statue moved, Zhou Jie immediately drew his knife and faced it. The sharp blade collided with the hard iron fist.


Like a heavy bell, there was a fierce roar between the sword and the fist.

Zhou Jie, who was almost killed by the statue before, was filled with anger. He moved the statue's arm away with all his strength, pulled out a dagger with his backhand and stabbed the statue's eye socket.

Perhaps his strength is not as good as the statue, but his skills are truly crushing.


The dagger hit the eyeball accurately, and the statue's body visibly tilted back.

Zhou Jie could feel that his attack just now had an effect, but when he looked at the statue again, he found that the statue's eyeballs had recovered.

"It has awakened weirdness and has the ability to elementalize. This kind of physical damage can repair itself in a short period of time."

Xu Le, who also masters the ability to elementalize, naturally knows how outrageous this ability is.

And he also felt that this one was weird and outrageous.

Its ability is as if it has been specially set by someone.

An iron statue that has mastered the awakening of the iron element, has abnormal strength, defense, and speed, and also has certain special attack effects.

Is this the extreme weirdness of Guyinduo?

Can a level 3 warlock fight against such a weird thing?

Xu Le glanced at Gu Jianuo subconsciously. Well, maybe not. There are also differences between warlocks.

But Xu Le also noticed something when observing the statue.

The awakening ability that originally existed - immortality, actually disappeared at this time.

The other attributes and abilities of the statue are still there, but the ability of immortality has disappeared. Does this mean that it can now be killed?

The statue's fist hit Zhou Jie again. Zhou Jie vomited blood and flew out. Several other warriors from Team 5 also rushed forward.

But in the face of such weirdness, the warrior's ability is simply too weak.

Their attacks were too simple to hurt an iron statue that mastered the iron element. After resisting a few swords, the statue instantly grabbed a level 3 warrior.

The warrior struggled in the statue's grasp, but there was no way he could break free.


Zhou Jie exclaimed, and Bai Jing, who had been protecting Gu Jianuo, finally took out his hand.

She rushed forward, the machete in her hand glowing slightly.

When the statue was ravaging Akai's body, Bai Jing chopped it off with a single blow.


The sword was almost embedded in the body of the statue. The power of this sword almost cut off half of the statue's shoulder.

"Is it hurt?"

"It's useless." Bai Jing said herself.

Yes, she has already felt that this level of attack is completely futile.

The physical defense of the statue is too strong.

It's okay if it's just defense. As long as the destruction continues, there will always be a day when the statue will be broken.

But now the question is can it be restored.

This makes the battle unsolvable and meaningless.


Level 3 warrior Akai's neck was broken by the statue, and his body was still being ravaged by the statue, but there was nothing anyone else could do about it.

"Spell - Ice Cage."

The cold ice cage trapped the statue's body, and the statue's body instantly froze, even showing signs of being frozen.

But the statue didn't pay attention at all. It grabbed the void with its right hand, and then punched instantly.

The ripples like water droplets appeared again.



This punch was like an air cannon, leaving only corpse blood wherever it passed, and the level 2 frost disaster warlock just died.

But after the punch, the statue actually stopped moving.

It slowly turned around and let Bai Jing slash behind it. Although these slashes left marks on its body, there was no possibility of killing it.

The statue walked silently, returned to the center of the fountain pool and squatted down.

Become the thinker you were before.

Two people from Team 5 died, Zhou Jie was injured, and everyone looked unhappy.

They surrounded the statue, but no one tried to touch it at this time.

If the statue wakes up again, the people here may suffer again.

"Team Zhou, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Bai Jing walked over and apologized, but Zhou Jie just waved his hand indifferently.

"You have one less member in your team. You and I don't need to say anything about this kind of thing."

As a captain of the night watchman, separation between life and death has become a common occurrence.

Especially joint missions. The joint mission itself is a task that is difficult for a single team to solve, and casualties are inevitable.

"Get ready for cremation."


A group of people looked at the statue warily, but the statue seemed to have no intention of moving anymore.

And others also discovered that the two movements of the statue seemed to have started after someone approached the fountain pool.

Now that everyone has left the fountain pool, there should be no problem.

"What to do now?"

Zhou Jie's voice was a little low, and his mental energy fluctuated, but as a captain, his mind was still stable enough.

Bai Jing shook her head slightly. She had no way to judge the current situation and could only look at Xu Le.

"Xu Le, where did you get the information just now?"

"I've read it in some miscellaneous books."

It wasn't a good excuse, but no one pressed it.

Seeing that everyone else looked expectant, Xu Le continued:

And I feel that the current statue and the bright spiders I encountered during the day have the same origin, and the source of their power is light.

When the light appears, they will be very powerful, but when the light is not there, they will enter another form. "

Bai Jing and Zhou Jie looked at each other. Although Zhou Jie was not sure who Xu Le was, it seemed that Bai Jing trusted this guy.

"Is there any other information? If there is, tell it as much as possible."

Xu Le nodded. Unless he released Little Sun, he would not be able to solve the statue.

"The statue has two awakening abilities."


"Yes, the first one is immortality. This state is only available when the statue is squatting in the pool and thinking about it. But as long as it acts, the immortal state will disappear.

I don't know what the specific effect of this ability is. I guess it is difficult to be destroyed by external forces in its immortal state.

Of course, if we had that kind of absolute crushing power, we might be able to shatter this immortality, but we don't have that kind of power. "


This information is important to both captains. If the statue has immortality in its frozen state, it can only be solved when it is active.

"Go on, what is the other ability?"

"The other ability is the lower element - iron. It is iron itself and has mastered elementalization, so it can repair itself all the time.

Your physical attacks are not ineffective, but are repaired by it. "

Everyone who heard this conclusion was surprised. If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that he is invincible?

I'm afraid no one present can kill the statue in one go, right?

Bai Jing, who had been deep in thought, now opened her eyes:

"According to Xu Le's information, we have a relatively safe way to kill the statue."

"What does white team mean?"

"Explode on awakening."

Bai Jing's idea is also Xu Le's idea. The statue has immortality when it is unable to move.

Even a strong explosion cannot destroy it.

But if he becomes active and his immortal nature disappears, then the explosion will definitely be effective.

As long as enough explosives are planted and the blasting distance is close enough, the body of the statue can be completely destroyed in one go.

That should be enough to kill.

"Old Niu, prepare explosives."


"Wait." Xu Le stopped Bai Jing again. Bai Jing was not surprised and asked directly:

"If Xu Le has anything to add, just tell me directly."

"Miss Gujano is an alchemist, and she can create a more powerful explosive than the hybrid bomb we used.

This kind of bomb has certain adhesion and is small in size, making it very suitable for this blasting mission. "

Hearing what Xu Le said, Bai Jing and Zhou Jie immediately looked at Gu Jianuo:

"Arnold, can you do it now?"

"Okay, no problem."

When it comes to things like blasting, the captains are much more experienced than Xu Le, a rookie.

After asking Gu Jianuo how to use the alchemy bomb type III, they immediately sent two warriors to tie the statue up with ropes and ground nails.

The rope is a very elastic fiber rope, which is certainly not expected to trap the statue.

The purpose is just to keep the statue from running around as much as possible from when it wakes up to when the bomb detonates.

For example, a big jump rushes into the crowd, and the explosion destroys the group.

When everyone is busy, Xu Le seems to have nothing to do at this time.

When he turned to look at the camp to see what was going on behind him, he found that Gu Beichen was missing.

"Captain, Gu Beichen is missing."

Bai Jing immediately turned to look at the camp. Gu Beichen, who had been guarding the fire before, was really gone!

"Gu Beichen? Gu Beichen?"

Bai Jing shouted several times, but there was no response.

Wang Shu also looked at the camp at this time. When he saw that Gu Beichen was not there, he punched the wall hard.

"This guy is really hopeless."

He, who had always been relatively indifferent, looked a little depressed at this time.


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the darkness, and the sky was filled with fire, so raging that the flames almost lit up the sky.

Gu Beichen slowly walked out of the flames and appeared in front of everyone.

As he walked, he put on his night watchman's coat.

"Stop shouting, I'm not dead."

"Gu Beichen, where have you been? What happened with the explosion just now?" Bai Jing asked with a frown.

When a person walks into the darkness like this, in the middle of the night, no one can tell what happened.

"I have to go to the toilet. Is it okay to go to the toilet?"

"What about the explosion?"

"The explosion just now was just a way to vent my bad mood. The captain also knows that I lost my love."

Gu Beichen was very calm. If Wang Shu had this expression, no one would be surprised.

But everyone thought there was something wrong with Gu Beichen's behavior.

Bai Jing took a look at him and found that there were some water stains on his trouser legs, but there seemed to be no problem in other places.

To the restroom? Water stains on pants? Could it be that he peed his pants?

Although this was really Bai Jing's first thought, she still felt that something was wrong with Gu Beichen at this time.

“Leaving a location late at night without reporting is inherently dangerous.

You are not a newcomer, so you should understand this, right? "

“I know, I was in a bad mood just now, so I acted a little more willfully, but I won’t do it again, Captain.

If the captain still doesn't believe it, he can ask Mr. Gan to come over and check whether I am contaminated. "

Gu Beichen's speech was neither fast nor slow, calm and contented.

At this time, he actually seemed a bit willing to deal with the world, which made people feel very strange.

Seeing what Gu Beichen said, Bai Jing actually asked Gan to come over and check his anima status and the pollution situation.

The result was good, which made Bai Jing relax a little.

"Forget it, have a good rest and get up before 5 o'clock tomorrow morning."


Bai Jing glanced at Gu Beichen again, and then left.

Wang Shu frowned and looked at Gu Beichen, trying to see something in his eyes.

"Beichen, are you okay?"

But Gu Beichen just said lightly:

"I am very good, Xiaoshu, and I will get better and better in the future. I will go to the highest peak of the world, to places that others cannot reach, and see the wonders of this world."

Gu Beichen's words made Wang Shu feel nervous. Is this guy crazy?

He used to only say, "I want to be the most beautiful cub in the lighthouse." Why did he suddenly change his gender?

"Beichen, let's have a good chat after the mission is over."

"Okay, I had the same idea."

Gu Beichen nodded to Wang Shu, then jumped over him and walked to Xu Le.

"Shunliu's death is all because of you."

Xu Le did not reply because Gu Beichen gave him a strange feeling in front of him. First of all, he had said this sentence several times before. Is it necessary to repeat it like this?

Then as for anima, Gu Beichen's anima was almost cleared.

Under the observation of Gu Yinduo, the emotions of the mind are the most difficult thing to hide.

In such a short period of time, his anima was almost cleared, his anger was no longer there, and what was left was probably only a little bit of sadness.

What happened to him?

What happened to the explosion just now?

"You really think so?"

Gu Beichen suddenly stretched out his middle finger towards Xu Le. The fingertips had turned into elemental ice and touched Xu Le.

"Fuck you star."

Xu Le looked at Gu Beichen and nodded slowly. This nodding action was repeated many times, and finally turned into a sentence.

"You are indeed stupid."

Looking at the two people who were at war with each other, Wang Shu felt helpless.

But now it seems that Gu Beichen has no intention of continuing his rampage, which is something to be thankful for.

"Okay, let's all rest."

Just as Wang Shu was about to take a rest, his body suddenly froze.

Gu Beichen's actions just now, and his conversation with Xu Le...

He recalled the ten days the three of them practiced together. During an in-depth chat, Gu Beichen made such an action.

And there was a conversation between him and Xu Le at that time.

"Fuck you, you idiot, uptown."

"You're from uptown too."

"I'm different from them."

"What's the difference?"

"I don't play tricks."

"It's not that you don't play, you're stupid and can't play."


This conversation is an extension of a critique of the uptown class. After all, people like them who earn hundreds of dollars a month like to discuss politics.

But what he did just now seemed a little special.

Wang Shu looked at Gu Beichen and Xu Le, who were already sleeping separately.

They were far away, and they looked like they had never interacted with each other, let alone talk to each other.

"Mr. Wang Shu, where should I sleep?" Gu Jianuo asked cautiously.

Wang Shu glanced at her and pondered for a while before speaking:

"Sleep next to me so I can protect you."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Wang Shu."

"You're welcome, it's all as it should be."

Watching Gu Jianuo fall asleep next to him, Wang Shu did not sleep. He wiped his gun and knife silently, preparing for tomorrow's mission.

By the way...look at the person in front of you.

Xu Le was immersed in his own thoughts.

Gu Beichen was reminding him, reminding him clearly.

Gujiano has a problem.

There are too many things happening today, and everything is too sudden and compact.

In critical moments, even if he is in ethereal state, he cannot cover everything.

So he must have missed something or someone during the day.

First of all, there are Gujiano’s apples. Harmless apples will give people a mark.

Xu Le didn't know what the mark did.

But he knew very well that this move was definitely not meaningless.

Then comes the battle of bright spiders.

The first doubt in that battle was Li Shunliu's mistake.

After this suspicion occurred, he and Wang Shu basically focused their attention on Li Shunliu.

Thus overlooking something.


The process of combat is guided.

From Gujiano's first discovery of bright spiders with her sense of smell, she later told herself that she could make a bomb capable of killing Level 3 polluters.

She guided all the time.

Unconsciously, I moved towards the fighting style that I was guided to.

During this process, Gujiano was the only person not injured.

The death of the assassin Li Shunliu meant that no one would test Gu Jianuo again.

If that's the case!

Putting aside everything else, is there a possibility... Gu Jianuo already knew that Li Shunliu wanted to kill her, and those opportunities were given to her by Gu Jianuo himself?

By the time the teams reunited, all the aftermath of the battle had subsided.

The Thinker Statue is no longer moving, and its pollution properties are Lightcast, the same as the Light Spider.

And there is no sign of further action now.

In this case, why did the statue move when everyone checked it at 9 o'clock?

Because it was checked by Gujiano.

Others couldn't make the immortal statue move even with a knife or axe, but after Gu Jianuo touched the statue, the statue moved.

This is a huge doubt.

Xu Le couldn't even think of a reasonable explanation. Others must have felt this doubt.

If Gu Jianuo really has a problem, what is the reason why she wants to make the statue move even if she exposes doubts?

There is only one answer.

There were things she needed, things she needed to do.

She can't accept the death of too many members of her team and abandon the mission, so she needs to deal with the statue.

"A conspiracy in Uptown?

So the question is, how did Gu Beichen, the idiot, find out? "

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