
Chapter 98 Night Fury, Puppet, Light Cast

Thinking of this, Xu Le immediately stood up and walked towards the place where Bai Jing was resting.

Wang Shu, who was on duty, stopped him:

"Xu Le, what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Wang Shu's eyes were filled with suspicion, which made Xu Le's mouth twitch.

It doesn't matter if this guy likes the captain, he doesn't think that others are also interested in the captain, right?

The captain is already in his 40s, but his 40s have not been announced to the public, and his net worth is not something that would allow someone to spend the rest of his life without working hard. What are you trying to do?

Not to mention anything else, Xu Le couldn't accept the nasolabial folds and crow's feet. Brother Shu's brain circuit is really different.

"I want to talk to the captain about some mission matters. Don't think too much about it, Brother Shu."

"What are you talking about, I didn't think much about it."

While Wang Shu was still arguing, Xu Le had already walked to Bai Jing's side.

"Captain, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Bai Jing nodded, it seemed like she wasn't sleeping either.

"come on."

The two left the vicinity of the camp again and walked to the location where they had talked before.

Before Xu Le could speak, Bai Jing took the initiative to wave her hand, and then started communicating with pen and paper again:

"You're talking about Gu Jianuo, right? I ate her apples, and I think there's something wrong with her apples. It's better to be careful."

"The captain has noticed it?"

"I didn't notice it before, but the thing about the statue cannot be explained. If there is a reason, it is that she must find a way to get rid of the statue."

Bai Jing's thoughts were also very clear. Although she did not have the assistance of the ethereal state, her judgment of people's hearts was obviously more accurate than Xu Le's.

"Do you want to expose her? After all, she killed..."

Xu Le couldn't continue talking halfway through. Li Shunliu actually committed suicide.

"She has never taken action. She has always been passive. Do you understand?"

"But won't this cause hidden dangers?"

"Xu Le, do you remember what I said before? Do you think her existence is beneficial or harmful to us?"

Xu Le hesitated for a moment. Although Gu Jianuo was very suspicious, the matter of dealing with the statue was common to them.

"She really wants to get rid of the statue, so her purpose should be the same as ours, and it can be considered beneficial to us."

Bai Jing nodded:

"It's good for us, but our goals are not the same. Xu Le, don't limit your thinking to people. You have to broaden your horizons so that you can see more things."

"A wider field of view?" Xu Le didn't understand.

"Can't think of it? Then let me give you a little hint. This mission is too difficult."

Xu Le stayed in place and fell into thinking. Bai Jing asked him to broaden his horizons so that he could see more things.

The goals are not the same...

The task is too difficult...

What will be Gujiano's goal? Broaden your horizons and bring people into their identity, background, and power.

Gu Jianuo's background is the district chief's disciple, a senior rune warlock's disciple, and was sent by Luo Juya to help the team complete their mission.

It is assumed that Luo Juya's main intention is to observe Xu Le, and his murderous intention towards Gu Jianuo is just a concept.

The key point in this matter is not Luo Juya.

But the rune warlock Xiong Zemo.

Let’s analyze the mission objectives individually. Baixia Town, the nominal tourist destination of the Third Era, is actually the testing ground for the alchemists and puppet masters of the Third Era.

Since it is a proving ground for alchemists and puppet masters.

Then this place is likely to have what Gujiano and District Chief Xiong need.

Think again of the situation in Baixia Town, human experiments, blood diseases, and hair that extracts life.

Xu Le felt that what they wanted might not be exposed to the public eye.

It goes so far as to say that not too many people can notice the strangeness inside.

Then the task is too difficult and requires sufficient strength.

"Have you figured it out?"

"I seem to have figured it out."

"Just think about it. When we are weak, we don't have the power to choose."

Bai Jing left, while Xu Le continued to think about Bai Jing's last words.

Team 6 needs to complete the mission before they are disbanded.

Gu Jianuo, on the other hand, needs to get what he wants, so the purposes of both parties are different, but the direction of action is the same.

Complete the task honestly, and let Gu Jianuo and the district chief take what they want quickly.

This should be what the captain is thinking.

After all, no one wants to participate in the game of superiority.

After sorting out his thoughts here, Xu Le felt like he breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Okay, I feel more comfortable now that I think about it.

But it's still an old question, how did that idiot Gu Beichen know that there was something wrong with Gu Jianuo?

Has he realized it? "

At around four o'clock the next day, the team members were already getting up one after another.

No one knows when the statue will wake up, at 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, or 7-8 o'clock?

You won't die if you sleep less, this is what everyone thinks.

Xu Le squatted on the spot and meditated, recovering his spiritual energy that had not yet fully recovered.

Moreover, he found that meditation and relaxation did not require sitting cross-legged. He himself preferred to squat.

Those who like to sit cross-legged and meditate may do it because they are handsome.

For example, Teacher Gan.

Time passed by, and the statue remained motionless until 7 o'clock.

Everyone has a vague judgment in their hearts. 8 o'clock in the evening and 8 o'clock in the morning should be correct.

When it was 7:50, Zhou Jie and Bai Jing each issued orders:

"Get ready."


Rechecking the ropes and bombs, everyone began to wait for the arrival of 8 o'clock.

"It's eight o'clock, captain, why haven't you moved?" said a night watchman from Team 5.

"It should be that someone needs to get close to the pool. We have already predicted this situation before."

Zhou Jie explained, and Gan beside Bai Jing said:

"In addition to activating the statue, a warlock also needs to use spiritual energy to activate those bombs."

activation? Warlock? bomb?

These topics are very ambiguous. Who wants to go?

The first reaction of everyone was to look at Gan who was speaking, but Gan also said very openly:

"I'm not in good health and can't run fast, so I definitely can't do this."

Reasonable and convincing.

Xu Le has already understood that if Bai Jing's label is smooth, then Gan's label should be straightforward.

Of course, the frankness at this time made people want to laugh, but he soon stopped laughing.

Because some people have started to look at him.

"Ugh! Ugh! I don't feel well! Ugh!"

Xu Le twitched and lay on the ground. His hands were still trembling, and he felt like he was about to die.

Bai Jing had already covered her face and looked at Gu Beichen again.

Gu Beichen's eyes were empty and he murmured:

"It hurts, it hurts too much. I'm no longer interested in everything here. I just want to go back and be with her. Do you understand that kind of pain?"

I understand, but no one from Team 6 is willing to go?

Others looked at the disaster pyromancer from Team 5, who also lowered his head:

"I also run very slowly, and I'm sick. I was dumped by my girlfriend a few days ago, and my mind is unstable."

Good guy, did this person sum up what Gan, Xu Le, and Gu Beichen said?

All the warlocks are unwilling to go, what a shame!

But what is surprising is that the captains of both teams have no intention of forcing the players.

Also present was the last warlock, Gu Jianuo.

"You don't want me to go, do you? I...I really can't do it. Student Xu Le, can you help me?"

As soon as Gu Jianuo looked at Xu Le, Xu Le turned his face away:

"Ugh! Ugh! I'm not feeling well, I'm sorry."

As Xu Le said, he actually spit out two mouthfuls of rice.

Gu Jianuo's eyes flickered and he turned to look at Bai Jing:

"Captain Bai, what should we do? Can we just give up the mission?"

Hearing what Gu Jianuo said, Xu Le's heart tightened. This woman knew that the captain would not give up the mission, so she dared to force her like this.

Bai Jing also squinted her eyes slightly, nodded and walked to Xu Le:

"Get up and stop pretending to be dead."

"Why me? Gu Beichen hasn't worked for a long time. He should be allowed to go." Xu Le was a little dissatisfied.

Bai Jing pulled Xu Le up and pointed at Gu Beichen.

"Although his acting skills are worse than yours, he does have a better reason than you."

"It hurts, it hurts too much."

Gu Beichen covered his face, as if you don't care what you say, I won't get up anyway.

The burden of detonating fell on Xu Le again.

Xu Le glanced at Bai Jing slightly stubbornly:

"What if I get beaten to death by him?"

"I believe you won't default on the debt, but if you die, you really don't have to pay back the money."

Xu Le:?

What a loving captain.

"Okay, I'll go then. Teacher Gan, wife and children are all together, so we don't have to take this risk.

But I have a request. Let me pick out one thing on it later, just one thing. "

Xu Le agreed simply, which surprised both Bai Jing and Gan.

Originally, Bai Jing thought that if Xu Le really didn't want to go, she would just let Gan go.

But Xu Le himself had already guessed this idea. Rather than taking the risk, it was actually more appropriate for him to go.

However, asking for trophies is not her business alone. Bai Jing looked at Zhou Jie:

"Captain Zhou, what do you think?"

"This request is not too much and we can agree to it. After all, this matter is very risky."

"Xu Le, are you really okay?"

"It's really no problem."

Xu Le said as he tied a rope around his waist.

"If you don't want to go, we can think of other ways..."

"No need, a warlock must behave like a warlock. I am a warlock and I should go. Only a warlock bitch would say that he is a warlock and he should go.

And the captain is right, how could I die in a place like this. "

"Then you let Gu Beichen go just now."

Bai Jing suddenly raised a question, while Xu Le glared:

"He's a magician? He's just a bastard.

Okay, the technique - the psychic summoning formation! "

Xu Le first summoned the Scarecrow of Fate, and then took an iron shield from Niu Yuan.

Looking at the slightly tattered straw man, Xu Le patted it on the shoulder.

"If I can't stand it, it's up to you, man."

Many people didn't know why Xu Le summoned the scarecrow at this time. Even Gan and Bai Jing were a little strange.

But Xu Le didn't talk nonsense. He handed the rope to Bai Jing.

"When you're done, pull me back."


Xu Le didn't let others interfere in this matter. He couldn't trust others, and he also believed that Bai Jing's level 4 martial artist was enough to pull him back instantly.

Xu Le took a deep breath and quickly ran to the square pool.

With Guyin Duo's vision, he can sense the awakening of the statue more accurately than others.

When the words [Bai Gui's Thoughts] appeared, Xu Le knew that the other party had already woken up.

Xu Le's activation method is much faster than that of ordinary warlocks.

The spiritual energy flows into the six alchemy bomb points along Xu Le's Gu Yinduo soul branches.

At this time, the statue had raised its head and looked at Xu Le.

The eyes of both parties flashed blue in unison. The eyes of the statue were visible to everyone, but Xu Le had his back to everyone, and no one felt anything unusual about him.

Xu Le felt something strange about himself, especially that Gu Yinduo's energy was actually resonating with the statue.

But he didn't care so much and just shouted:

"Okay! Hurry!"

Seeing that Xu Le had activated the bomb, Bai Jing directly grabbed the rope and pulled Xu Le back.

But an even more unusual situation occurred. The statue had no intention of pursuing it, and it didn't even move.

He just watched Xu Le being taken away quietly.

And Xu Le also heard something said by the statue before leaving.

"You smell like a puppet, but I know you are not. You are a Night Fury. Are you here to save me?"


The energy of the alchemy bomb destroyed everything instantly. Xu Le quickly raised his shield and instantly transformed his body into elements.

But even so, the whole person was knocked away by the shock wave.

Bai Jing's reaction was extremely fast. The moment Xu Le flew backwards, she had already jumped up to catch him.

Smoke and dust drifted, and everyone slowly approached the aftermath of the explosion.

"Ahem, help me up."

"Don't you take a rest?" Bai Jing felt that the shock wave just now was so strong that it was strange that Xu Le was not injured.

"No, I have more important things to do."

"whats the matter?"

Xu Le looked at Bai Jing's serious expression and was speechless. Are you saying that I haven't licked my bag yet? The captain is really ignorant.

Let's go see if it's done first.

In fact, it has been done. In Xu Le's Guyinduo vision, he can feel the scattered core position after the statue was blown up.

According to the previous agreement, this core belongs to him.

Xu Le walked quickly to the center of the explosion with a cane.

The pool in the square had been blown to pieces, and part of the statue in the center of the pool was shattered and partially melted.

A round bead stayed there quietly, and Xu Le quickly picked it up.

"Oh, it's still hot to the touch, hehe, hehehehe."

Smiling like an idiot...

This is what many people think.

Xu Le is certainly not an idiot. The thing in front of him is much more powerful than the teeth of the bright spider before.

This kind of ancient sound energy that is almost overflowing, the mother tree will definitely give more feedback.

[Thinker Core-Light Casting]

"Forged in light."

While others began to clean up the battlefield, Xu Le walked to the side and began to think.

He remembered what the Thinker said before, that he smelled like a puppet, but he was not a puppet, but a Night Fury, and asked Xu Le if he was here to save him.

The salvation here should refer to guilt in vain.

If Bai Gui was the mayor, why would he say that?

Night Fury, Puppet, Light Forged.

Do these three labels correspond to something?

Xu Le took out the Guyinduo card from his pocket.

[Black Card-Black Sheep and Girl]

The girl sitting in the arms of the black sheep has bright eyes.

[Black Card-Puppet]

A puppet controlled by threads, the puppet smiles mechanically.

[Black Card-Sun]

The rising sun dispels all darkness, but it cannot be looked directly at.

"The black sheep girl is the Night Fury, the marionette is the puppet, and the sun is the light?

So does the Black Card represent the power of Guinduo?

Like the red card, representing the power of the red moon?

What about the White Card? "

This seems to be a very important discovery, but now that I think about it, it seems to be of little use.

At this moment, Gu Jianuo suddenly came over and pointed at the Thinker Core in Xu Le's hand.

"Classmate Xu Le, what you just took..."

"This is mine, what's wrong?"

Xu Le looked matter-of-factly. He had worked hard to get this thing. You didn't want to have sex for free, right?

"No, I just want to ask you if you can sell it. This thing is the core part of the doll and is something that puppet masters need very much.

If I give it to my teacher, I think it can be sold for a good price. "

"Sorry, my friend is also a puppet master."

"Do you also know a puppet master? What kind of puppets does he use?" Gu Jiano asked in surprise.

"Yes, I know him. He has quite a few dolls, big ones with inflatables, such as Tifa, Lili and so on.

The medium ones include spliced ​​ones, such as Gundam and Dragon Fighter, and the small ones also include ornamental ones, such as Pikachu, Kodak and so on. "

Xu Le spoke very seriously, his tone was sincere, and he didn't mean to lie at all.

At least Gu Jianuo couldn't tell.

But when the topic got here, Gu Jiano already understood that Xu Le was not going to sell the doll core.

"In this case, I won't win anyone's love."

"Thank you for your understanding, thank you for your understanding."

After Gu Jianuo left, Wang Shu came to Xu Le silently:

"Is the friend you are talking about yourself?"

"Brother Shu, what are you talking about? How could an upright person like me buy that kind of thing for myself?"

Wang Shu frowned slightly, that kind of thing? I feel like this is a strange description.

Ahead, Bai Jing had already shouted to everyone:

"Okay, the statue has been cleared, and the town office building is our final development area, ready to go."


The large army began to gather towards the entrance of the building.

Gu Beichen stood beside Bai Jing and walked towards the building, his steps looking a little eager.

At this time, Li Shunliu's whispers were ringing in his ears.

"There is a book in the drawer to the left of the desk in the guard room on the first floor. There is a photo in the book. I got it."


"Beichen, will you blame me?"

"No, I will never blame you."

"Is it really okay?"

Gu Beichen suddenly sighed,

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you cry occasionally. It doesn't matter if you don't have strength temporarily. It doesn't matter if you keep being stupid.

Even if you mess up everything, it's okay.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and everyone has sudden emotions.

But it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. It's not that you have done well, but it doesn't matter even if you are not good. "

I don’t know if I said this to the whisperer or to myself.

"Beichen, thank you."

Gu Beichen showed a calm smile and said lightly:

"It's me who should thank you."

In front of the building, the slanting sunlight shone on everyone and lengthened their shadows.

Xu Le, standing at the end of the team, inadvertently saw Gu Jianuo glance at the shadow on the ground.

Xu Le subconsciously looked towards the shadow.

It seemed that for a moment, those shadows were showing their teeth and claws, as if there was something hidden in the shadows, twisting and circling there.

Just when Xu Le was injecting spiritual energy, he wanted to see the shadow clearly.

Everyone has stepped into the shadow of the building.

Where there is light, there is shadow. When the light is obscured by things, the shadows will also escape.

Xu Le did not dissipate his spiritual energy. He immediately raised his head and looked at the two people who were most likely to have problems here.


She is normal.

Then, he looked at Gu Beichen again.

This glance made Xu Le's pupils shrink slightly.

[Gu Beichen-Light Casting]

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