
Chapter 99 Things in the Shadow

Xu Le blinked several times and looked back, wanting to see if he had seen it wrong, but when he looked again, the result was still the same.

[Gu Beichen-Light Casting]

He was sure that Gu Beichen really had the label of Gu Yin's multiple visions, which was definitely different from normal people.

But the only good thing is that Gu Beichen has no level description or weird description.

He only has the word "Light Cast", does this mean he can still be saved?

Is it because of that shadow monster?

Although this idiot has a bad personality, his character is not bad.

Last night, Xu Le was reminded about Gu Jianuo, and Xu Le didn't want to give up on him either emotionally or rationally.

"Gu Beichen!"

Xu Le suddenly shouted, and Gu Beichen, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at Xu Le.

Surprise flashed in his eyes. Although it was only for a moment, Xu Le was sure that it was a surprise.

Xu Le thought, considering Beichen's character, if he really discovered something, he would definitely want to let everyone know about it.

But since the massacre last night, this guy started to be the Riddler.

Did something really happen to Gu Beichen?

"you call me?"

Gu Beichen stood at the door and asked, but Xu Le curled his fingers at him.

"Yes, just you, come out here."

Xu Le did not change his previous tone. The more hostile he was in this situation, the safer Gu Beichen would be.

After hearing Xu Le's call, Gu Beichen raised his head slightly:

"What? Do you want to hit me or something?"

There was a smell of gunpowder as soon as the two talked, and Bai Jing, who was about to enter the building, felt a little strange.

Although Xu Le is a bit jumpy, he is really reliable in his work.

He suddenly called Gu Beichen, and it was such a blatant shouting that was very unreasonable.

Do you need to cooperate with Xu Le?

"Gu Beichen, go over and see what's going on with Xu Le."

Bai Jing's words made Gu Beichen look sideways, and then nodded.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Bai Jing also saw something in Gu Beichen's eyes just now. He was excited. Yes, he was excited. It seemed that he had done the right thing.

She had been in contact with each team member for a long time, so she immediately noticed something was wrong.

She said to Wang Shu on the side:

"Wang Shu, you keep an eye on the two of them here, while the others change positions with me."

Bai Jing's request seemed a bit strange, but no one questioned it.


Bai Jing and others were hiding behind the door of the building, while Gu Beichen was already standing on the edge of the shadow of the building.

Standing in this position, he seemed a little hesitant.

Suddenly he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the building. It seemed that after confirming that Bai Jing and the others had walked in, Gu Beichen slowly walked out of the shadow of the building.

Wang Shu stared at Gu Beichen and Xu Le, not sure what happened between them.

But he knew that Bai Jing would never do such a meaningless act.

Therefore, I became particularly serious when observing their attitudes.

Standing in the middle of the broken square pool, Xu Le stared at Gu Beichen.

When Gu Beichen's figure walked out of the shadows step by step, Xu Le finally confirmed something.

With the blessing of Gu Yinduo's vision, Gu Beichen's shadow kept beating.

It bared its teeth and claws, changing into the form of a woman or an evil ghost. This constant transformation made Xu Le very uneasy.

[Memories of Bai Gui, Special, Shadow Demon, Level 3 Weirdness, Specter Species, Ancient Sound - Lightcast Defiler, Awakening - Shadow Escape, Awakening - Soul Collection]

Although Xu Le has been staring at Gu Beichen, in Gu Yinduo's vision, his shadow is always the focus.

What's weird hiding in the shadows!

The explosion last night, as well as Gu Beichen's Riddler state and suddenly smarter brain, should all be related to the current Shadow Demon.

"The memories of Bai Gui? Shadow Escape, collect the soul!"

Xu Le had already turned on the ethereal state. He sorted out his thoughts in a short period of time and thought about what might happen.

From the current point of view, Gu Beichen is possessed by the shadow demon.

He doesn't dare to speak nonsense in this possessed state. Is it because if he speaks nonsense, he will be directly killed by the shadow demon?

Shadow Demon is supposed to be intelligent, and he doesn't dare to hint at things like shadow.

So he's been doing all sorts of weird things.

For example, a stupid guy suddenly becomes a smart guy.

So what Gu Beichen said before was not just a reminder to himself, but also a cry for help?

If it was a cry for help, what should he do to prevent this guy from being killed?

This was the square pool that had just exploded. Apart from the two of them, there was no one else there, and there were no buildings.

So there are only shadows of the two of them.

When the distance between the two was about 10 meters, Gu Beichen stopped, pointed at his chest and said:

"Come on, hit me here. I'm about to change my car. If you dare, beat me to death."

"Looking at your arrogance, do you really think I dare not hit you?"

Seeing this move, Xu Le already understood what Gu Beichen meant.

It had to be a hit in the chest, and it had to be a fatal blow.

It was now past 8 o'clock, and the shadow was stretched. Gu Beichen's shadow at this time kept a distance from Xu Le.

Xu Le stared at this distance, which was about 7-8 meters. Maybe this was a safe distance.

"Yes, what else is there to say between us? If you want to come, then come."

Gu Beichen raised his head slightly, with disdain in his eyes, and his anger arose spontaneously.

"Yeah, it's time to make a break." Xu Le nodded.

Wang Shu, who was standing at the door of the building, had a strange expression. It was all because he felt that the conversation between Gu Beichen and Xu Le was a bit strange. It felt like a role-playing game played when he was a child.

To be precise, it's acting.

"What are the two of them going to do? A duel?"

Wang Shu suddenly realized something was wrong, but found that Xu Le actually raised his pistol and pointed it at Gu Beichen.

In Gu Beichen's hand, he picked up a fireball.

Seeing that brothers were about to kill each other, Wang Shu wanted to speak out, but Bai Jing suddenly covered his mouth.

Wang Shu shut up, but his heart was happy.

"so big!"

In the center of the square, Gu Beichen looked at Xu Le who was raising a gun against him, and the flame in his hand suddenly rose.

"Want to kill me? You can try"

When Xu Le heard this, he immediately understood Gu Beichen's hint, which was to ask him to shoot.

"Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you."

Xu Le moved the revolver's magazine to the last bullet, which Xu Le would not normally use.

Because this bullet is the Guinduo Anima Bullet - Fear made by him.

He stretched out his left hand and something like a pocket watch fell into his hand.

SU Relic - Deathstroke.

Under the suspicious eyes of Wang Shu and Bai Jing and the expectant eyes of Gu Beichen, Xu Le had already pressed the zero button of the death knell.


A soul-soothing sound spread around.

SU-level relics can produce excellent effects on level 3-4 weirdos.

Facing the sound of the death knell, even the level 3 Shadow Demon was firmly rooted to the spot.

At the same time, Xu Le pulled the trigger.


Gu Yinduo's anima energy bullets are emitted.

Gu Beichen frowned. The sound of the death knell would only have an effect on the ghost species. As a human being, he had no effect at all.

When the death knell rang, his body instantly became elemental, and frost gradually replaced his entire body.

Gu Yinduo's bullet accurately hit his chest.

When the bullet hit Gu Beichen, it seemed to hit something else, like a faint black shadow.

A big hole instantly exploded in the Iceman's chest, and he fell straight to the ground, turning into ice slag on the ground.

And Gu Beichen, who had become a scumbag, had no shadow to speak of anymore.

The black shadow gradually condensed in the air, and it seemed to want to find a place to get in, such as Xu Le's shadow.

But Xu Le didn't give him a chance at all.

Jumping back twice in a row, he distanced himself from the black shadow.

"The distance of 8 meters is just right."

Without its host, the shadow had nowhere to escape in the sunlight. It kept shrinking and swimming, trying to swim toward the building.

But Xu Le was already prepared.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Each of the next five bullets hit the shadow.

Although these bullets are not anima bullets, they still have the effect of enchantment and dispersion.

Each bullet burns away part of the shadow.

But this was not enough. When the black shadow approached the building, Bai Jing and the others finally walked out.

"Everyone, prepare to shoot."


Bai Jing herself didn't pause. She first picked up the shotgun at hand and shot two shots at the shadow.

Bang bang!

The shadow without a host actually let out a scream. As if it could no longer bear the damage, circles of blue and black mixed things evaporated from the shadow.

"What is that?" Bai Jing asked Gan.

"It should be something like a soul."

After Gan finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and started to release the technique directly.

Technique - Anima Explosion.

A surge of anima energy rushed through the square and bombarded the black shadow.

Under the blow of the heart energy explosion, a large number of souls ejected from the shadow body. These faint souls quickly dissipated in the air after being exposed to direct sunlight.

I don’t know if it’s liberation or death.

The shadow demon itself was also screaming and running around in the square.

"It's a shadow, don't get close." Xu Le shouted.

The others immediately took two steps back and stopped approaching.

Bai Jing picked up the pistol and said to the others:

"Shoot it from a distance and wear it down bit by bit."


Under Bai Jing's order, the team members' firepower became more and more fierce, and those from Team 5 were also rushed out at this time.

When they saw Bai Jing and the others shooting at a group of black figures, they immediately realized that it might be something strange, and they all joined in the shooting.

Never save your bullets when faced with weirdness, this is something all Night Watchmen know.

The barrages fell like raindrops, and the shadow demon who was forced to retreat kept struggling and wailing.

Its vitality has exceeded many people's expectations.

Some people have already fired 5-6 magazines at this time, but the shadow demon is not dead yet. You must know that all these bullets are enchanted.

However, Shadow Demon's life is limited after all.

After Xu Le fired his second anima bullet, the wailing shadow demon finally dispersed, exploded into countless scattered shadows, and disappeared into the air.

After the battle ended, everyone was actually a little scared.

A shadow has such strong vitality. What will happen if it really blends into the shadow of the building?

"do you died?"

"It should be dead, it just exploded."

"Oh, it's really rare that this kind of weirdness can be solved without any harm."

Although others are unable to determine what the Shadow Demon's level is, judging from the number of times the opponent has resisted dispelling bullets, it is definitely not a Level 2 monster.

Normal level 2 weirdness, 5-6 shotgun rounds will do it.

Being able to kill such a weirdo with level 3 abilities from a long distance is certainly worth celebrating.

The only person who was not happy was probably Xu Le.

The reason is that he is not sure whether Shadow Demon is really dead.

Logically speaking, Shadow Demon's full name is Bai Gui's Memories, Light-forged Defiler, and he is a Defiler who has awakened his abilities.

It should be of the same level as the statue.

As a ghost species, especially a high-level ghost species, there will usually be sustenance or ghost fragments after death.

But now that he has scanned the whole place, he has not found any drops or residues. This is what is suspicious.

"Really not?"

When Xu Le was confused, Gu Beichen, who was broken into pieces, squirmed on the ground.

The broken ice cubes gradually bonded together, slowly grew and grew taller, and returned to their previous iceman state.

After confirming that there were no damaged parts of his body, Gu Beichen gradually transformed into a physical entity.

He squatted on the ground and pinched his forehead to relieve the burden of excessive use of the fruit's energy.

While resting, I didn’t forget to complain:

"Phew, finally got rid of it."

Xu Le stood in front of him, staring at the frightened Gu Beichen, and immediately curled his lips.

"I asked you why you suddenly became smarter. It turns out you were anxious."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Wiseness arises out of haste!"

Gu Beichen originally thought it was a compliment, but after tasting it carefully, he felt something was wrong.

"You mean I was stupid before?"


"Fart, I'm very smart to begin with."

Wang Shu came over at this time. He was also confused about everything before, but after seeing Shadow Demon, many things became clear.

"You were making eye contact before? Were you in such a tacit understanding?"

Xu Le pouted:

"Probably, someone was possessed by a ghost. He was probably scared to death, so he thought of a way to give me some signals."

"You fart, I'm not scared, you don't understand that feeling."

"Can you still feel being possessed by a ghost?"

Xu Le originally meant to be sarcastic, but unexpectedly Gu Beichen calmed down and nodded seriously:

"This weirdness is a bit special. It has collected a lot of souls, including Shunliu's."

"Is that so?"

Xu Le remembered that one of Shadow Demon's awakening abilities was to collect souls. If we take the literal meaning, it should be the ability to collect souls.

When Li Shunliu died, was his soul also collected?

"After it possessed you, did you talk to Li Shunliu?"

"Yes, we talked. She told me some things about herself and Gu Jianuo, and asked me not to blame you."

"Is there a possibility that Shadow Demon is telling you this just to appease your emotions?"

Xu Le's suspicion is not unfounded. If the possession of the shadow demon has a certain purpose, this is a very possible guess.

"No, I don't think so. The conversation between Shunliu and I was very complicated. If it wasn't true, there shouldn't be such complicated information.

And it is not without purpose. It has been guiding me since it entered my body.

It wanted me to do a few things for it, and marked a place for me to find some things. "

"Looking for something? What is it? Is it about the mayor?"

"I don't know, it doesn't feel like it. What he asked me to find seemed to be insignificant things.

Notebook, toothbrush, pillow, hat, and... cane. "

Hearing what Gu Beichen said, Xu Le felt even more strange, but now the team was ready to start again, so Xu Le said directly to Wang Shu:

"Brother Shu, go and look at her first."

Wang Shu's eyes moved, he nodded, and walked towards the team in silence.

Gu Jiano is very special. Although there is not much possibility of conflict between the two parties at present, someone still needs to watch her just in case.

This is a job with certain risks, and Wang Shu knows that neither Gu Beichen nor Xu Le is suitable for it.

The most suitable person is only himself.

Bai Jing, who was standing at the door of the building, glanced at the two of them, although she wasn't sure what happened between Xu Le and Gu Beichen.

But judging from the way the two of them are so close and arm in arm, they should be fine.

"I'll give you 5 minutes to rest and catch up as soon as possible."


After the two nodded in agreement, Xu Le stretched out his hand to Gu Beichen:

"Get up."


Gu Beichen grabbed Xu Le's hand, but the moment their fingers touched, a strong hostility erupted directly from their hearts.

This feeling, this hostility, is completely involuntary.

kill him! kill him! kill him!

This thought filled their minds. Gu Beichen took a few steps back, his face full of surprise and suspicion. He took a deep look at Xu Le.

"The emotion just now... did you feel it too?"

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