Athlete training only needs to focus on one aspect.

The explosive power of anaerobic exercise for swimming and sprinting.

The aerobic endurance of long-distance running is also the same as that of speed skating.

Soldiers can't train, they must have all of them.

The disadvantage of being fully equipped is that it is not refined, and the advantage is the high probability of survival on the battlefield.

Training slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers does not need to be absolutely outstanding in one aspect, as long as they can be trained.

Of course, except for people like Guo Ziyi, who are talking about normal people.

The injured soldier on the ground reacted passively to muscle contraction at the moment of hitting the arrow.

So after the arrow penetrated the leather armor, it was blocked by the muscles. If someone had no training, the arrow tip went in.

Going in will injure the internal organs, which is not the same as a muscle injury.

"Do you want to sew? Give me an anesthetic." The man lying on his stomach heard an inch deep and wanted to cry.

"It's less than an inch, nearly an inch, it's necessary to sew." Someone had already taken out the needle and thread.

The people nearby found hay and lit it with a lighter.

"What do you mean? Use grass lighting? Isn't there alcohol? With me a stick, I will bite my tongue."

People on their stomachs don't want to play, they want to go home, this group of people is too bad.

"Here, bite the shaft, it's the one that pierced you." Someone handed it over.

"Change one, let's own the arrow. I'm afraid there are germs on the arrow shaft. It is too dry here. My lips are broken and will be infected. Wipe it with alcohol. Hey! Alcohol, give me a sip!

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms written by Li Dongzhu, Guan Yu drank alcohol after healed his wounds. Oops, something. "

"The anesthesia needle the proprietor gave me." Qin Li came over.

"Actually, I don't need it. I can hold on." The man lying on his stomach felt embarrassed. He did it on purpose. He is a wounded, so he should be squeamish.

"You are now in a state of excitement. Actually, your body is very tired. Too much pain can make you faint."

Qin Li used the precious anesthetic needle, and it was a bit painful. It was said that the proprietor took his life in exchange, but the brother really needed it.

After a short time, local anesthesia will work, and the most skilled person will come over to sew it.

Just kidding, brother Own is injured, so you have to be serious.

The ones that are lit are...candles, beeswax, for medicinal purposes, but anyway they are all wax, they are made into candles, and beeswax candles can also be eaten.

Several injured were being treated, and the fire ignited.

The horses drink a little water, and the blood-letted ones use the light to eat the grass. They know that it is dark to eat the grass hard, and they can't see whether the grass is tender or not.

The Tubo team running away on the other side found that no one was chasing them, so they stopped and bleed the horse quickly.

It's a pity that many horses have persisted in running until now, bloodletting is useless, and they can't get up when they fall down.

"Yulin Feiqi, don't let me catch it, I and you are mortal enemies." A warrior roared with tears as he watched his own horse die.

Others were angry with fear that they did not want to recall, and they finally felt how powerful Yulin Feiqi was today.

Everything is the best, and the key person is no worse than them. With the same ability with different horses and bows and arrows, he is unable to resist.

They don't understand why they practice riding and archery since childhood, why is Yulin Feiqi as proficient as himself?

Naturally, they don't know. There is a kind of training called science, and a kind of diet called nutrition.

Yu Lin Feiqi itself is a strong soldier selected from the various Zhechong Mansion. Didn't Zhechong Mansion start to practice from a young age? It's just that some don't have horses, and some don't have good bows.

NS! Those who can stand out and be selected must have their own strength.

When I arrived in Chang'an, I received systematic training, especially the first three thousand people.

How many people can Tubo eat meat all at once? How many people can eat meat and scrambled cucumbers?

After eating, eat watermelon, cantaloupe, plum, steamed sand fruit, how many more?

Use swimming to practice the explosive power of the body under anaerobic conditions. Does Tubo have so many rivers?

Muscles are strained during training. Does Tubo have massage techniques to cooperate with acupuncture?

Tubo soldiers grew up in an environment and developed habits.

Habayashi Feiqi has someone to help adjust every detail, including how to correct the inaccurate archery.

The same is true for horse breeding, wild horses can never be better than breeding horses.

Breeding horses eat better food, can grazing horses and food-eating horses be the same?

The horse pack that eats food can catch up with the horse that grazes, and then people can use a horse pole or rope to trap the wild horse.

The Tubo people think of these details, which is not what they should think of.

They don't have Li Yi, no one gives a systematic thing, and they can't support the consumption of the troops.

There is only hatred and horror in their hearts, and the horse is not good.


They understand that tomorrow is the hardest thing.

If they were replaced by them, they had to hunt down to the end. Who stipulated that the hunt would only be one day?

Everyone is familiar with horses. Would Yulin Feiqi not know that his horse is not working?

"Commander, let's fight it." Someone didn't want to run, they would die if they wanted to.

"How to spell?" Tashi Kuge didn't know who to complain.

If the opponent is an infantry soldier and 100,000 people surround themselves, then they will rush forward and kill a few more if they die.

The opponent is a cavalry. When you go to rush him, he runs, he has a lot of horses and is fast, and he does not fight with you.

It's not worth it if you can't die together.

Tashi Kuge regretted it again. He had known this a long time ago, so it was better to take the team to attack the opponent's infantry.


"Encamp! It's cold at night here, and it won't be warm until July." Guo Zhiyun marched with the large army.

It was dark, he gave an order not to look for the Tubo army who was running in other directions.

The follicles were all infantry, dozens of people ran, and Datang infantry didn't chase them, saving energy.

The cavalry chased, the number was limited, ten cavalry chased fifty infantry.

When they were chasing, fifty infantrymen ran apart again, and someone kneeled and surrendered.

You can't kill if you surrender, you can kill before, don't drop soldiers.

Now you can exchange your own people, and you can turn into labor.

You can only stop and gather the surrenders, and the others will run away. If you chase them again, the surrenders will run away again.

Guo Zhiyun was familiar with these scenes and couldn't chase, so he should rest quickly.

Everyone was busy setting up camp, Wang Junkui arranged something and found him: "Li Yi is really amazing."

"Your Majesty is the most powerful, Li Yi is not for your Majesty." Guo Zhiyun emphasized who to praise.

Last time he was corrected by Wang Junkui, this time he corrected the opponent.

Wang Junkui said that Li Yi was training troops, and Yulin Feiqi really dared to go.

The dispatch of Yu Lin Feiqi boosted morale, and your Majesty's private army was so strong.

"It's for your majesty." Wang Junkui admitted, the range of the sky monkey and the flight of the hot air balloon, plus the hang gliding wings.

Li Yi wanted to attack the imperial city. It was too easy. Launching the Sky Monkey from his Zhuangzi could blow up Xingqing Palace.

To say that he is ill-intentioned is pure nonsense.

Guo Zhiyun looked at his surroundings: "Let’s eat, the Yellow River area, good offense is not good defense, offense is the first line, defense is the same."

He found it and wanted to occupy it easily. I want to keep occupying after occupying, it's difficult!

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