Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1006 A Reason To Flee In The Middle Of The Night (First More)

With the breeze blowing, the night was really cold.

Yu Lin Feiqi took out the compressed biscuits and gnawed them, squeezing each other together.

The person in charge of the night watch went out on horseback, ran to a place more than ten miles away from the Tubo ‘camp,’ looking for a small mountain bag, and watching from the horse.

Yulin Feiqi brought three night vision devices, which could be seen from ten miles away.

Qin Li worried that the people of Tubo wanted to fight to the death and attacked the camp at night.

When the enemy rushed over, the own team heard the movement, and it was difficult to find someone at night.

Fortunately, the moon has risen and is not round. The moon on the eleventh month of the lunar calendar rises earlier than the moon on the fifteenth day. It will be in the sky before midnight.

There is no industrial pollution, the sky is clear, and the enemy team can be seen miles away in the moonlight.

It's okay to listen to the news. With so many horses, Tubo has no conditions to wrap the horses' hoofs.

The scout observed that there was no fire in Tubo, and he ate in the moonlight.

Raw horse meat, tired horses are cut off and eaten.

The people of Tubo were indeed thinking about the night attack. They rushed once in the dark, and if Yulin Feiqi ran, he would chase after him.

If you don't run, fight with Yulin Feiqi.

In that case, you need to send a team back to tell Zamp and others what happened here.

The most important thing is to let Princess Jincheng help write a letter of peace, and now it can't go on.

The Land of Nine Musics is Datang's dowry for Princess Jincheng. Li Longji wants it, and sees if he can come back.

On the battlefield, it was also heard that another team was finished, the baggage was knocked out, and many other tribesmen in the team had all fallen.

No wonder I haven't heard from there for a long time, so I have to tell the people behind.

Tashi Kure ate the raw meat, raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I'm resting. I can take the night to evacuate and disperse to tell people in other places that the Datang army is calling and let them prepare in advance."

He chose not to fight hard, because he was afraid of desperate death. Datang's army moved forward quickly, and his own people didn't have time to react.

The others nodded, agreed to this method, and discussed with each other how many teams to split and which team to go to where.

They leaned on a dead horse, but had not taken the meat, and sat and slept.

When the wind blew, they were trembling with cold. Someone was hit by an arrow and their body was exhausted. When they fell asleep, they felt cold and feverish.

Coughing sounded from time to time, falling asleep when falling asleep, and gradually losing consciousness.

Others discovered the situation, moved over to look at it, and said nothing.

The dead are normal. They have never felt that there is anything wrong with playing Datang. Datang people's life is good.

If you can't produce good things by yourself, you can only grab them. As for the exchange, why?

Isn’t that stupid if you have the opportunity to grab something and change it?

Look, even though I have suffered casualties when fighting against Datang, I did snatch a lot of things, and there are also people from Datang.

As long as you are alive, you still have to grab it. It is a shame to be afraid of fighting.

The Yulin Feiqi scout on the hillside waited for a while, and then another group of brothers came. They handed the night vision device to the people who came later, and rode the horse back.

The moon slowly rose to the center of the sky. After some time passed, the moon did not reach the center of the sky.

The people of Tubo looked at the moon and got up one after another.

Others have a serious fever, and don't care what they say.

Bring all the horses that can run, two thousand six hundred and ninety-one people, divided into ten teams of varying numbers, mounted and started running.

Tashi Kuge has the largest number of teams, and he glanced back when he was running.

"Run, hurry, go back and report." The man holding the night vision device called to the person behind him.

The two riders turned and left, and the others continued to stare. They were a team of one hundred people.

"Run away, the Tubo detachment ran away." Two scouts ran back and shouted.

"Get up, blow the trumpet, and chase." Qin Li was awakened, rubbing his face with his hands, and soon became sober.

With the sound of the horn, Yu Lin Feiqi got up, the horses stopped sleeping, and opened their eyes.

Everyone got on their horses one after another and rushed to the position where the scouts were in front.

Before Qin Li left, he took out a firework and set it on the ground to light it.

Ten-ring small fireworks, boom, boom! Beautiful light rain appeared, one after another.

The scouts have already drawn a picture on the ground with wooden sticks. There are probably how many people in each direction. Some actually ran in one direction first.

After running for a certain distance, they separated slowly, and then it was judged.

"Divided into ten teams, bite." Qin Li ordered.

The other teams are all 1,000 people, and he himself has less than 3,000 to chase Tashi Kuge.

Each pair of scouts must be found in a team of Tubo people, depending on the footprints of the horses.

A group of horses ran past, and the ground was different from normal.

"You few stay." Before Qin Li's main force went out, twenty people with unwilling faces were left behind.

The team was gone. Twenty people looked at the people and horses in the camp under the moonlight, hiding in the distance.

They heard the groan of the person, and if the person suddenly rushed over, they would not react fast enough, they would be injured, or even die unlucky.

As soon as the fireworks took off, it was more than fifty miles away from where Yulin Feiqi was resting. Someone saw it with a telescope.

The fireworks at this distance are very small, even with telescopes.

But it can still be judged that it is different from the stars. The stars are now darker and are blocked by the light of the moon.

"Over there, something happened." The watchman who watched shouted to the person next to him.

This unit is a cavalry. They can't run anymore, and in the evening they strolled and walked some distance.

After discovering the situation, some people ran back on horseback and told the team behind that all the others got up.

There was a gap, and Yulin Feiqi suddenly got up in the middle of the night, and would recover sober in a short time.

The cavalry was still at a loss one by one, yawning and asking about the situation, looking for their own horses.

It was fast after a quarter of an hour when the large troops set off.

The Yulin Feiqi chasing in front controls the speed, and they can estimate the speed of the Tubo cavalry.

The Tubo cavalry will sprint for a certain distance in the early stage, and then they must slow down, otherwise they will run until dawn and there will be basically no horses to ride.

This is not the Jingzhao Mansion of Datang. From Chang'an to other counties, I ran in the middle of the night and arrived in the county in the morning.

No, some counties in Jingzhao Mansion can't run in half a night. They are far away.

Qin Li guessed the intention of the Tubo people, reported the letter, told others while he could still run, and then joined forces.

It shows that the enemy commander has a strategic mind, and did not take advantage of the opportunity of darkness to find himself desperately, trying to make other places suffer sudden blows.

"Actually, the proprietor does not want to fight war. It is best for everyone to have peace and then trade with each other. But if you have to fight, the proprietor can only make some weapons."

When Qin Li was chasing, he still mumbled leisurely, a little gloating.

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