Guo Zhiyun only got the previous information just before dawn.

He took the infantry on the way, and some of the cavalry was used to hold the battle.

Another 40,000 infantrymen escorted the prisoners back, and waited for Zhang Zhongliang's follow-up troops and supplies to arrive at Jiedu, Longyou.

There is no need for grass, and people have to give it away, and there are arrows.

Some of the arrows picked up during cleaning on the battlefield had broken feathers and some broken shafts and needed to be taken back for repairs.

By the way, take back the weapons and armor of the captives and change them into own.

"Eating, and pushing forward after eating, running so far." Guo Zhiyun commanded.

The people who came back in front told him that Yulin Feiqi chased him out for more than three hundred miles.

"Tubo will die a lot of horses and people." Wang Junkui said with a smile.

"If you chase for another morning, you will be able to run to Sister Lake." Guo Zhiyun headed away, his team couldn't keep up.

Now Datang’s army will wear leggings, and wearing leggings, I feel that it can save a lot of energy.

You can't run so fast even with leggings, and the armor and weapons are heavy.

"It's better to compress biscuits. They are oily, take a few mouthfuls, and drink some water to be full."

Wang Junkui talked about the favorite and most reluctant thing for soldiers to eat, compressed biscuits.

Take a bowl, pour hot water, and put a compressed biscuit soak in it. Once it is soaked, it will fill a bowl with a layer of oil on it.

Take a bite without hot water, taste it slowly, and drink cold water again, and feel comfortable all over.

"The price is also high." Guo Zhiyun also likes to eat compressed biscuits, unlike Li Yi, who feels greasy after eating compressed biscuits, not as good as stir-fried dishes.

He saw the contents of the compressed biscuits, they were all good things, and then it would take a long time to compress them so hard.

Breakfast is ready, and the person who was on guard last night will eat it first.

"Captain Fan, the Yulin Feiqi ahead may have killed many people. How long can they hold on?"

While waiting for Guo Zhiyun to eat, he told Fan Fan, who had not talked to him.

Fan Fan, who was in charge of a hundred hang gliding brothers, stayed.

"How long does it last? General Guo asked how long our people can continue to hunt down?" Fan Fan was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

"Yes!" Guo Zhiyun nodded.

"As long as the enemy can persist, Yulin Feiqi can persist. No one can beat Yulin Feiqi in physical strength and will."

Fan Fan smiled and gave such an answer.

Isn't it just chasing? You run, let's chase, and see who gets tired first.

In this regard, Yu Lin Feiqi has always scorned other people. No one else can compare to him. The training he received includes a quick rest and recovery in a short period of time.

For example, if you are hungry and tired, most people will gulp and gobble up food.

People like myself chew quickly, then chew it to pieces, mixed with saliva and swallow it, so that the digestion speed is fast and it can replenish physical strength in a short time.

And you can’t eat too much. If you eat too much, it will affect your thinking, and people will get sleepy, your judgment will decrease, and your reaction will be slow.

"That will be troublesome. They will hunt and kill them all the way, and then they will encounter Tubos from other places. Tubos usually count as one thousand."

Guo Zhiyun expressed concern because of this.

What he hopes is that the Tubo horses will soon die of exhaustion. According to the distance and speed, as well as the contact between the two sides, the Tubo horses cannot bear it.

Once the people of Tubo lead Yulin Feiqi to other places, Yulin Feiqi will face more enemies.

Especially when the news was just received, Tubo divided its troops, and Yulin Feiqi followed suit.

As soon as the forces are dispersed and the number of enemies is large, the Habayashi Flying Cavalry will be in danger.

"It's like this." Wang Junkui followed and told Fan Fan the latest information.

"It's okay, our people are not stupid and know how to deal with it. According to the current situation, I guess the Tubo people will be cleaned up before they wait for the place."

Fan Fan didn't worry at all, how could the own team make such a mistake?

Dongzhu Li repeatedly emphasized to himself and others that in war, we must be smart, not just fighting hard, but also using our brains and minds.

And usually, I and others will conduct various scenes of sand table deduction and confrontation, and I have almost exhausted all the tricks I can think of.

"Is that so?" Wang Junkui was still not at ease. If Yulin Feiqi suffered too much damage on the battlefield on his side, his Majesty would be angry.

"Eating, and going forward after eating, the battle report has been sent to Chang'an, Dongzhu Li will think about it after seeing it, not to mention the people in Shu are coming soon."

Fan Fan comforted the two ambassadors, one foremost and the other. He found that these two were quite good, at least cautious.

Dongzhu Li said that in large-scale wars, there is no merit but no demerits.

As long as there is a confrontation on the frontal battlefield, there are many ways to disrupt the enemy.


The Shu people mentioned by Fan Fan were also eating at this time.

The people from the Shu area also got the battle report. Before, they knew that the land of Jiuqu was occupied by Hexi Jiedu to occupy about two-thirds.

It shows that the local logistical support continues, and the major merchants in Shu are fighting for it.

I paid extra for myself and asked people to tell the people on the road ahead that they would get all the commodities in Shu land at half price for the next year as long as they provided help.

The wealthy merchants from all walks of life in Shu area united and promised to others at the same time.

The people of Shu are very loyal, and their promises are extraordinary.

They knew that they needed more things in front of them, and what they were doing now was to help Datang.

And after paying, the court will understand, and more importantly, Li Dongzhu knows.

A little bit of technology and things out of Li Dongzhu's hand is enough for himself.

If the battle is finished, the credit will be given to you, right?

After going to Chang'an, I have a face to look for Li Dongzhu, maybe I can see the prime minister and have a meal with him.

The salt gang had eaten with Prime Minister Bi Gou before and had a good conversation.

I just don’t know if I can see your Majesty. If I can, it’s worth donating half of my net worth.

So under the reward, there must be a brave man.

The people along the way went crazy, and the people in their village moved to help build roads and carry things.

Even teenagers who run before and after they give water and food, pass the news by the way.

The first materials that will be delivered within a month are now one day short of arriving at Longyou Jiedushi's location, Huangshui County.

Zhang Zhongliang got the news ahead of time that a large amount of supplies will be delivered, which is said to be a joint promise of rewards by the wealthy merchants in Shu.

"Quickly, go to welcome, go out to welcome, bring things back, and immediately send another batch of local things to the front. The army will dispatch 30,000, and leave more than 10,000."

Zhang Zhongliang was not only negligent, everyone was fighting, and there was a problem in the own link. His Majesty was angry and might chop off his head.

No one in the court will intercede for themselves. Even if they do, it is estimated that Li Yi will intervene.

Li Yi is terrible, he can assist here in Changan, and every time he assists, he hits the key place.

Is this just strategizing and winning over a thousand miles away?

"I can't have a problem with the whole thing. Li Yi definitely considered me. He trusted me. I waited to go back to Chang'an and ask to see him to see what he was like."

Zhang Zhongliang said, went out to check the situation.

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