Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1008 Proprietor lacks honey and people's livelihood suffers (third more)

"Longsun, please record things." Heaven and Earth, third floor.

Several envoys of the Japanese Kingdom invited Sun Wanyun, the chief recording officer of Hongyou Temple, for dinner, and Takaki Junichiro picked up the wine cup during the dinner.

"Please!" The eldest Sun Wanyun followed him with the wine cup, raised his head to drink, and looked at the pedestrians on the street through the glass window, showing a slight smile.

"Why is Changsun's record laughing?" Xia Dao Zhenbei observed the expression of Changsun Wanyun and asked immediately.

"The people's life is better, and a certain heart is happy. It was not like this a few years ago. Look at it."

Longsun Wanyun pointed at the person standing at the station below.

"How was it like a few years ago?" Xia Dao Zhenbei asked.

"I heard that this track was only available this year. Wasn't it so convenient to travel a few years ago?" Fujiwara Mayang took over.

When he was speaking, Zhang Hao had a carriage approaching. The people on the carriage got off first, and the people on the platform got on.

There was a look of envy in his eyes, and his own Japanese Heicheng Kyrgyzstan didn't know when he would have the same thing.

"No, it's not the car, it's the clothes people wear." Longsun Wanyun shook his head.

He said again; "At that time, there were a lot of men shirtless, and many women were nothing more than linen shirts with no blasphemy clothes inside, let alone running with bare butts.

Nowadays, women’s clothes look good. Men change into waistcoats. Children’s clothes are the most beautiful. Look at those little sandals made of straw. "

The straw sandals he said were like leather sandals. The straw woven was wider, and the children looked very cute when they were worn on their feet.

In the past, it was not only poor, but also many novel things were not seen.

"Are they all the styles given by Li Yi?" Junichiro Takaki asked knowingly.

"Exactly." Withdrawing his gaze, he took a bite of the dish. Today's meal is more than 100 yuan, and the price of things in heaven and on earth is high.

He eats lotus root slices, and now Chang'an has not yet reached the time when the lotus root is down. The earliest lotus root is in the south, and it will take more than 20 days.

The lotus roots in the north will only appear when the weather is cold.

The heaven and earth have it now, or it can be provided all year round.

One plate, twenty yuan, you can skip it if it's too expensive.

There is also free soup in the heaven and earth, so you can drink it casually.

"I didn't know until now that Lijiazhuangzi needs honey, and I accidentally collected some before. I wonder if I can make amends with Li Dongzhu?"

Xia Dao really prepared to take the opportunity to say the purpose of inviting the grandson Wanyun.

They can also invite the eldest grandson Wanyun, Hongyousi Shaoqing and Hongyousi Cheng, they can't invite them, they are proud and disdainful.

"Oh!" The eldest grandson Wanyun sighed, thought for a while, and said, "I'll ask you for this meal, let's see what else you can add?"

"Ah?" The four Japanese people were taken aback, and spent a thousand to get a membership card. Why would you please?

"Longsun recorded the matter, you don't need you, we're looking for you to eat." Takaki Junichiro hurriedly stopped.

"But I can't help you get things done, so I feel ashamed. Xiaoyun." Longsun Wanyun shook his head and shouted.

"Hey! Changsun recorded the matter." Xiaoyun responded almost instantly, and when the bead curtain moved, she appeared in front of everyone.

Her eyes flowed, giving the impression that she was looking at me, and I wanted to show it in front of her.

Basically, people who traveled north and south saw that she and Luwan were like this, and they did this job professionally.

Of course, important officials like Yao Chong and Bi Gou didn't matter.

The younger officials couldn't bear it, except for Li Yi.

"This meal..." The eldest grandson Wanyun wants to count him, his expression is still the same as I actually have no money, but you give it a face.

"It's the grandson who wants to cook a hot pot, Xiaoyun, do you think it can be cooked on a hot day?" Gao Shu Junichiro didn't dare to let the grandson Wanyun pay.

"I can't. If you eat too much and get angry, the grandson records things. Knowing that you are still young and your body is not weak, why bother to make up for that."

Xiaoyun followed the words, and looked at grandson Wanyun with big eyes by the way, and fanned the eyelids with long eyelashes that Li Yi invented with mascara and eyelash curler.

In fact, Li Yi still had false eyelashes that he didn't let out, so he was going to show Bi Gou when Bi Gou found him.

The eldest grandson Wanyun knew it was acting, but still couldn't bear it.

He had to smile bitterly: "Dongzhu Li actually likes shabu-shabu. I heard people say that he asked Bi Zaifu for shabu-shabu last time and mentioned it.

He said that he needed 20,000 yuan worth of honey, which was the 20,000 yuan he purchased. He was very worried and couldn't get the honey. "

"I'm going to add a fruit plate, Li Dongzhu is the owner of heaven and earth."

Xiaoyun looked around, and Wei Weifu gently lifted the curtain of beads behind him and left.

The four of the Japanese people looked at the eldest grandson Wanyun, and they heard that Li Yi asked for 20,000 honey, which was not the price they bought.

Continue to collect and make up to 20,000 yuan. What they actually spent is 25,000 yuan. They collected two and a half more expensive.

25,000 to meet Li Yi? this price……

They think it's expensive. In the past, you could get a princess to get a little official for thirty minutes.

See Li Yi now, 25,000 yuan?

Of course, they don't know the market.

When I changed to Li Yi, I was in the position of Li Yi, and I could meet the ministers, the prime minister, and the president at will.

You give him 25 million, will he see you?

The eldest grandson Wanyun watched the four people calculating, and said: "But it's okay, Bi Zaifu said, the court can collect a lot of honey from other places, at least 300,000 catties.

When the time comes, you can directly give it to Li Dongzhu. At that time, the Lijiazhuangzi will be enough. That is millions of honey. "

"The grandson recorded the matter, we have 25,000 worth of honey, I wonder if you can help with something nice?"

When Junichiro Takaki heard that Li Yi would soon have more honey, he was anxious, and drew his hands in his sleeves and stretched out to the grandson Wanyun.

Long Sun Wanyun's hands were also in the sleeves, and the sleeves of the two people touched, and each retracted.

Long Sun Wanyun looked out the window with a pensive look, put his other hand into his sleeve, took out a roll of exchange slip, and looked down slightly.

They are all ten large-value exchange coupons, twenty.

He looked outside with a look of worrying about the country and the people: "It's not easy for the people, Chang'an is expensive, and all living beings are busy, and I don't know why?"

"It must be clothes. It is comfortable to wear clothes that fit you well. Grandson recorded the matter. I will look at the sleeves of your clothes."

Junichiro Takaki handed his sleeve over again, and touched the sleeve of the grandson Wanun.

"Yes, eating and dressing are all necessary. Your affairs, I'll take care of my life."

The eldest grandson Wanyun looked at the money. Thirty cards were good, five hundred yuan.

If you hand it in yourself, you can get fifty, one-tenth.

It is impossible to fail to pay, and was found to be dismissed.

If you do things yourself, Li Dongzhu will have extra rewards. Li Dong's main honey is also made into pills for the people to eat.

It is impossible for Li Dongzhu to eat honey all day, honey is salty.

"Thank you for the record of the grandson, I respect you." Gao Shu Junichiro brought the wine cup, and the other three Japanese people followed, and it was done.

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