Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1171 It is normal to not charge interest (first more)

Yan Jie, who relied on his family to become county magistrates, didn't know that he had been pitted.

While he sent someone to the post to deliver the letter, he called people back to Xiyuan County to tell the clan that there was nothing wrong, and he stared at the people in Xiyuan County.

See who dares to report it, take a small book and write it down, wait until you have done your work, and clean it up.

Turning his head, he took the people in the original yamen and continued to blackmail the foreign businessmen.

At the moment he is relatively courageous, works hard to inspect the goods, and extortions are scattered, usually worth hundreds of dollars.

Others are even less, grabbing a handful of peppercorns and putting them in their pockets, thinking they have made a profit.

The barbarians transported goods by ship and didn't care about something. They didn't make any other expressions other than unhappy when they saw someone steal it.

When Yan Jie and others inspected the goods, they were more serious and tried their best to be fair.

There is no need to discuss the price. As long as the merchants of Datang bring the goods, they must set the price uniformly.

According to the different classifications of specifications and appearance, in exchange for the other party's different classifications, and then pay taxes.

The other party exchanged ten tortoiseshells for a catty of Hangsi, and the two exchanged.

After the exchange, the Yi merchants need to pay an extra tortoise shell worth three or two dollars of Hangsi, and the Datang merchant handed in a tortoise shell.

If barbarians send grain, medicinal materials, and crops that are not available in Datang, they will not be taxed and part of the tax will be deducted.

Crops even get high rewards. Without crops, living animals that Datang has never seen will do.

In Xiyuan County where Yan Jie was relieved, Li Feng turned over many cases.

According to the operation of Amnesty Day, even if something is really committed, if it is not serious, it will still be released.

Some of the others are responsible for supervising road construction, and some bringing the people into the mountains to find medicinal materials.

The common people know that there are few medicinal materials, there are only a dozen kinds of simple ones.

For example, the root of dandelion, people know that they can go to the fire, boil water and drink.

The villager brought the picture book to teach the people to recognize medicinal materials, including insects.

I will teach you a simple preparation method, make up a batch, and the yamen will accept it, and the price is not low.

There is no middleman, the people of Lijiazhuangzi take it and ship it back directly.

Excluding the freight, it's still cheaper than the merchants' delivery, and the people get more.

Then teach the people to use local herbs to make simple medicines, such as snake medicine.

Of course, if you are bitten now, you don't need to deal with it by yourself, so you can quickly find the yamen, there is serum in the yamen.

The common people learn earnestly, and no one taught anything about making money and saving lives.

Other villagers took their books and pens to look from house to house in the county, looking at the houses, the terrain, and the surrounding ditches.

Yulin Feiqi next to him protects him from being harmed by Yan's people.

In the evening, the people, young and old, who did not go to build roads in the county gathered again.

Today, when I went up the mountain, I found a group of wild boars. Yulin Feiqi disposed of five of them and let go of a female wild boar and a group of little piglets.

All the wild boars killed by the musket were more than 100 catties. After the meat was taken care of, three were sent to the road builders.

The wild boar is stewed, and it will take a while.

Li Feng spoke to the people: "We now have several problems in Shiyuan County. One is that there are few livestock working. We move around in the county. Except for Yan, there are only two donkeys and one buffalo.

The second is that there are few pigs and poultry. Many people do not raise a chicken, let alone ducks and geese.

The third house is small and old, and the most are covered with mud mixed with grass. There are no beams on it, and small wooden supports are used to cover the grass curtains.

The fourth is that there are few tools for work. The imperial court has issued atlases, including many types of plows. "

He said one, the people nodded, yes, we are these problems now.

Then what? You see the problem, what do you say?

"I thought about it. The main reason is lack of money. When I say lack of money, I don't mean that everyone has savings, but that everyone can't find a way to make money."

Li Feng concluded that if there is no money, there will be everything if there is money.

"Liming Mansion, let's talk about it, how do you get the money? Who is it? Is it Yan?" Some of the people thought they wanted to do it.

He expressed his support. Today, he saw muskets hit wild boars. It was powerful. It was easier to kill Yan's people than wild boars.

"State-owned and national laws, if there is any problem with Yan's family, it must be handled in accordance with the law." Li Feng glanced at the man.

He went on to say: "There are two ways now. First, I will help you find lucrative work to do.

When I leave, your money will be enough to buy livestock and poultry to raise.

The second method is that I first pay for livestock and poultry.

Coupled with other tasks, after a period of time, you will have money to return to me. "

Li Feng stretched out two fingers. The second method is faster than the first method. There are livestock and the speed is faster.

Poultry reproduces, chickens, ducks, and geese come out for dozens of days, and they have been raised several times until the New Year.

"How high is the profit?" Old man Chen asked loudly, and the people looked at each other, and finally stared at Li Feng.

"Don't profit, and buy in large quantities, it's cheaper to bargain with others." Li Feng shook his head and refused the interest.

Even if he is asking for a profit, the nature has changed.

He is not a gold and silver shop, he does not lend, he is a yamen.

The current yamen have public capital, but the interest rate is very low, and they don’t force it.

It’s not okay to borrow and take out loans, because the local government is not very strict.

This money is more harmful to the people. The court took the money out and threw it to the state government, asking the state government to pay a certain amount of interest every month.

At the highest point, the annual interest is equal to the capital, doubled.

The state government can only arrange for people to lend usury, but if it doesn't work, it forces others to borrow.

However, the general situation is that the people borrow, because the interest is higher for others.

The people couldn't eat anymore, so they borrowed a few money to eat for two days, and waited for the end of the month to find a way to pay it back.

Usually the interest is 2.7%, calculated according to the day.

One cent is one percent, one thousandth of one per cent, and a daily interest rate of 2.7 per thousand. One month counts as 30 days, 8%.

Borrow one hundred dollars, and even return one hundred and eight with interest.

One hundred and ninety-six dollars are paid back in one year.

After borrowing for one year and compounding interest, you need to repay 2.518 times, two hundred fifty-two.

If you don’t have it yet, you have to take things, or get into prison.

The current interest on the capital of the public property is 8% a year, not compound interest, and calculated based on the year.

The people are willing to borrow, and the state government is ordered not to raise interest privately, let alone lend a lot of money to one household at a time.

Li Feng has no public funds, and he doesn't want to make good things happen to the government and let the people borrow money.

Now it’s not a loan, it’s just borrowing without interest.

"Li Ming Mansion, if you don't collect interest, how can you explain to Dongzhu Li when you go back?" Someone among the people asked.

"It was the proprietor who told me not to charge interest. My proprietor earns thousands of dollars a day, which is not bad." Li Feng showed off his wealth and showed off his wealth for Li Yi.

The people widened their eyes, thinking about how much a few thousand yuan is.

One thousand yuan, one thousand yuan...Why are there so many? Ten is ten thousand dollars, one hundred...

"It seems that everyone chooses the second one. I will call someone to negotiate the price, and then everyone will take the livestock and poultry home."

Li Feng saw it from the expressions of the people and decided.

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