The people follow good faith, and the county magistrate said that if we borrow it, we can borrow it. We can buy a buffalo. The land will be good next year. This year, we will first soak in water after harvest.

"Mingfu, would you use Kang to incubate chickens and ducks?" The young man who had just spoken was looking forward to it.

"I must know the method given by my proprietor." Li Feng stood tall.

"Can you compost?" someone said again.

"Yes, I also brought test papers to know what the land looks like and what kind of fertilizer to use." Li Feng lifted his chin slightly.

The people began to ask you one sentence and I asked one sentence. Whenever Li Feng said yes, their smiles increased.

"Okay, the meal is ready, eat." Li Feng tried his best to make himself look trustworthy in the process.

He learned these things from Li Yi. When the people decide to believe in you, you must not hesitate or shrink.

Because the people no longer need the truth at this time, they think you are right, and then outline a more perfect result in their hearts.

There is only one thing you need to do, strengthen the confidence of the people, and make the people follow you.

Sure enough, the spirits of the people in Xiyuan County are different, as if their dreams have been realized.

They ate the meat, fragrant, and drank the soup, fragrant, accidentally biting on the cheeks, vomiting blood, and no pain.

Children have the most sensitive feelings. Seeing adults happy, they find a kind of inexplicable happiness.

"Mingfu, can we read the newspaper? They said that we can learn to read in the newspaper. The newspaper is turned over and the back is empty, so people can practice writing."

An older child came to Li Feng with a bowl and asked yearningly.

"Yes, I brought the tools for printing newspapers. I will carve wax paper for you, carve the contents of Chang'an newspapers, and then teach you."

Li Feng still said loudly, telling the people that there is nothing we can't do.

He did bring a lot of paper, paper for trade, and he planned to take out some of it to print newspapers in the county.

Nowadays, many places are writing with leaves. Tianzhu's Buddhist scriptures are written on the leaves. The long leaves are called the Beiyejing.

Much like the leaves of palm trees, the leaves are shaped like a fan.

Use a stylus to write, and use a needle without a stylus. Not only Tianzhu is using it, but also leaves are used as paper in the southwestern part of the Tang Dynasty.

People in Datang have used good paper in many places, paper that is easier to write on than rice paper, which Li Yi'invented'.

Rice paper is also used to make ink paintings and calligraphy. Rice paper has its own advantages.

These papers are all exported, and the price is not low. Paper-making methods have existed for a long time. Others don't know it now, and they won't know it.

And Li Feng brought two kinds of wax paper, stencil wax paper and handwritten wax paper, and the same mimeograph was all-powerful.

The handwriting wax paper can even be painted on the top, the steel plate is strenuous, and the steel plate is engraved underneath.

Amidst the cheers of the children, Li Feng bowed in the direction of Chang'an.

He was thanking Li Yi, who bought him into Zhuangzi as a slave. He had never lived as a slave before.

Li Yi didn't beat or scold him. He only warned once that he had done wrong, and he was expelled for the second time.

Up to now, he has made many small mistakes, and no one has sold him. Selling is dead.

He is older than Li Yi, but he regards Li Yi as his father, godfather!

When many people are at a loss, as slaves, they can manage a county.

There is no mathematics child to study hard, like being a county magistrate and not getting it.

I am leading the people of Shiyuan County to a good life. I can't do it myself, saying that it is difficult for the students to manage the locality.

You don't need to memorize scriptures, as long as you know how to lead the people to find things to do.

"Write back and tell the proprietor." The dealer next to him said to Li Feng.

"Okay, write about our methods and plans for the future. I may not be able to go back this year for the New Year." Li Feng thought so too.

He wants to turn Shiyuan County into Fu County, to support the proprietor.

Tell the people of the world, what extent can any slave of Lijiazhuangzi do.

Officials in other places were careful, and the proprietor was angry and sent all the dealers to take your place.

If you don’t know how to lay down, the host will go there in person, and you’re done!

The people who were eating, whether Li Feng wrote or wrote letters, they were even more excited when they heard what Li Feng said.

"Yes, during the New Year in our county, we listen to you."

"Our winter is warmer than Chang'an. Just wear two clothes."

"How do you spend the winter in Chang'an? I'm scared when I think about it. I heard that the water freezes into ice, and people in the house can freeze to death?"

"Some people say that you have to take a stick when you pee in the north, and knock while peeing."

The people in Xiyuan County felt that they were close to the county magistrate and asked everything.

Li Feng swallowed: "Our Zhuangzi has heating, so we can be naked in the house. Others have hot kangs, which the proprietor figured out."

"Is that so? What is the heating?" The child didn't understand.

"Cut a piece of wild boar, put it outside in winter, and take it out overnight. It's as hard as a rock.

In our house, get a piece of ice in it, it will melt in a short time, and there is heating.

This winter can only be used to burn kangs. I will teach you how to pan the kangs. The proprietor said that the winter in Guangzhou is wet and cold.

It was just as uncomfortable as when we first started over there. There are many rivers in our place. "

Li Feng couldn't describe it, so he could only talk about it briefly.

In the current weather, he felt hot and humid, and when he slept, he felt pain in the bones all over his body.

Fortunately, I brought chili noodles and a lot of ginger, so I can adjust it.

"What is Huo Kang? Pan?" Children have many questions.

"The plate is like a maze, a... When I build a kang for you, you will know it.

Burn the fire during the day, and you don’t need to burn it at night, depending on whether you need to add fire.

As long as a large area heats up as a whole, there will be less humidity, especially after it rains in winter in Guangzhou, the proprietor said that it rains in winter here. "

Li Feng said that he wanted to go back, not staying there.

He knows the temperature, the proprietor said, four or five degrees above zero, rain, cold and cold.

It was the feeling when it started to rain after the late autumn in Chang'an. The ground was wet and the house was damp.

The kang must be plated. Who stipulates that the kang cannot be burned without freezing?

The people still don't understand, they haven't seen it before, and they always think that the winter in Chang'an is difficult.

There is not enough information circulation. In the previous winter, in Chang'an City, there were always dead people who were carried out the next morning, frozen to death, indirectly or directly.

Not now. Every family burns kang and freezes their noses at night, so their body is not cold.

The place where the road is being built, I also eat stew. I'm not picky about anything that is delicious or not. It's good if I have something to eat.

Datang people eat pork, otherwise why do they raise pigs?

It's just that rich people don't like to eat, there are less seasonings and fewer ways to deal with it.

"When the road is completed, we will start to repair the house when we go back. The original house is removed and a new house will be built.

Everyone helps, repairing your own home and other people's homes as well.

This has wages, which is subsidized by the county government to the people. There is a stone mountain next to it. Let's build a house with stones. "

The farmer in charge here shouted to the people who ate that the money for road construction would never be given, and they all agreed that they would be provided by the Yan family.

Turning around, it’s okay to build houses for the people. Give me money.

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