Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1178 Killing the chicken and the monkey is not too much (second more)

"You are not the right product." Yan Bang looked at the barbarians in front of him, and pointed at the pearl and tortoiseshell on it.

"What's wrong?" The Yi Shang thought that the Yan Gang would take a pearl, but the other party refused to take it and said about the goods.

The goods are the same. I came here late, but I received more goods.

Don't look at the weather in Guangzhou as it is a little bit cold, when I go back, the road will gradually get warmer.

The barbarians were preparing to make a fortune, but the Datang officials were not allowed to trade during the inspection.

"What's wrong with you? Let me tell you? If I say it, things will be big, think about it." Yan Bang lifted his chin slightly.

He actually didn't know what was wrong with the pearl and tortoiseshell, it looked normal.

According to size and roundness, the pearls are divided into boxes.

The tortoiseshell is a shell, a tortoise-like shell, with which you can polish beautiful jewelry.

At the same time, tortoiseshell is also a medicinal material, which can cure diseases, but it is not clear how to use it.

The follower next to him leaned to the barbarian merchant and whispered: "With so many things, you are rich, unlike us, who are tired and suffer. The little salary we got is not enough to support the family."

"How much is your salary? Can an official still not be able to support his family?" Yi Shang wondered.

"Do you really don't understand, or pretend to be stupid? You make a lot of money at once, and we can't eat, ah! Do you understand?" The attendant frowned.

"I invite you to dinner? Are you asking for food?" Yi Shang said along.

Someone who went back before, told him when they stopped on the road that they would be tax deductible when they brought food.

An Yi businessman came by, took out a few pearls from the box, and handed them to Yan Gang: "Mingfu, you can help me see."

"What are you looking at?" Yan Bang glanced at the small pearl, staring.

"I can't see clearly here, take it home to see." Yi Shang laughed with him.

"Take it home? Who are you as the official? How many little pearls can you look at? The official is clean."

Yan Gang continued to stare, but those eyes were looking at the big pearl and the tortoiseshell that he thought was good.

The barbarians followed his gaze and showed a look of embarrassment. He was not his goods. He just helped his own people and didn't know what to do.

"The product is wrong, it's sealed." Yan Gang shouted, and a group of people came over with a clatter.

"Don't seal it, Ming Mansion, look, look at this tortoiseshell shell." The owner of the goods realized it and asked for benefits.

He took the tortoiseshell and handed it to Yan Bang, but Yan Bang's eyes were looking at Pearl.

The Yi Shang hurriedly held the tortoiseshell shell, turned it over, grabbed a handful of pearls and placed it inside, watching Yan Gang.

"This batch of goods...I can look at it again, look at it again." Yan Bang drooped his eyelids.

"Yes, look." The barbarian businessman grabbed two more pearls, with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Okay, I think it's good." Yan Bang said, turning around, not picking up the tortoiseshell with pearls.

The follower leaned over, reached out and grabbed a handful of pearls, and then left.

"Why is this?" The cargo owner felt distressed, suddenly a lot less.

"In the beginning, they came over and didn't want anything. Then they reached out and took a little bit. Now, alas!" The Yi Shang who had helped before shook his head.

Elsewhere, Yan's people took the same method. For those who were anxious, they lost their faces and grabbed things in the same way.

Yi Shang was angry in his heart, and he didn't dare to make any extra expressions, otherwise he would be more ruthless.

They just feel that it has changed, everything has changed.

No one cares. Someone went to find someone from Zhang Jiuling, and the person over there wrote it down.

Looking back, the man went and scolded Yan, saying that a barbarian businessman had reported it, and which barbarous businessman had taken the other party.

The result is that Yan's people returned things in the past, but after paying them back, they said they were unqualified and were not allowed to trade.

In the end, the barbarians can only give more things, and they are robbed again, and then report it?

The barbarians are completely honest, the officials of Datang ventilate each other, it's unreasonable!

Zhang Jiuling ate the fried chicken sprout mushrooms and drank a drink: "The fire is almost there, right? Let them go down, it's time to exterminate the race."

"It can't be destroyed, it is impossible for the whole family to be killed, exiled...Where else is more remote than here? Or throw it to me?"

Tan Shui found it interesting, and she regarded it as a game.

The Yan family of Sail County was really greedy, step by step into the pit.

Zhang Jiuling was sad for Yan family: "In the beginning, Yan family asked for double the money for road construction. At most, he ordered him to rectify or remove him from his post.

According to the current troubles, the entire Yan family in Xiyuan County is completely over. Have we done anything..."

He wanted to say that he had done too much, and held back.

Jian Qing has another view: "If you don't clean up the Yan clan, the clans in other places will make trouble.

What Zhang Gong thinks is one thing. For the people in Xiyuan County, how long have they endured Yan's bullying?

It is difficult to find those evidences. The current evidence is in front of us. Use this evidence to convict the crime and seek justice for the people. "

"I think about dripping in the same way." Pang Kuang nodded in agreement and ate the mushrooms quickly. He found that this mushroom had a special taste.

"Next time you make them fried, Dongzhu Li gave me many ways to make such mushrooms. I also have them. Write back and ask them to collect them."

Tan Shui felt that he had not eaten correctly before and learned new knowledge.

"Never mind." Zhang Jiuling thought of the arrogant appearance of the other party when he caught Yan.

Yan Jie is not afraid of an official of his size. How much hardship did the local people suffer?

Li Feng and others searched for evidence in the past, and they had to lead the people to live a good life. Many evidences are estimated to be unavailable.

The Yan family has controlled the Yamen for so many years, and the cases that shouldn't exist have been dealt with early, or in other words, they are not recorded.

To punishing crimes by case loss, at most it is the lead distribution, and some are even downgraded.

It doesn't hurt or itchy, other county officials are watching.

If one is improperly handled, the performance is weak, and Guangzhou's sea trade is over.

Those people wouldn't directly learn from Yan to rob them, they could try to change the transaction location and collect 10% of the tax.

The 10% tax collected goes into the pockets of officials and the court cannot get it.

Wei Yuefeng interrupted: "The mountain people ran down to become naturalized, and the local government took charge of them. The officials' hands were looser and tighter. The situation is even different. The mountain people will be forced to make trouble..."

Look at Tan Shui while he is talking.

"Look at what I did? How did I go the other way? I strongly urge Luzhou to send someone from Lijia Zhuangzi to serve as an official."

Qin Shui was not worried about any other Datang officials, thinking that Lijiazhuangzi's people were better.

Lijiazhuangzi is rich and will not harm them for a little money.

"That's it." Huang An will be responsible for this, and jointly write a letter with Zhang Jiuling.

Yan belongs to the chicken that was killed for the monkeys, including his Huang, who are all monkeys.

Today, Yan is unlucky, but after seeing the method, Huang will not take care of the situation tomorrow, and another method will be used to target Huang, which Huang cannot bear.

Too shameful, how can people not be greedy? Especially when corruption is given.

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