When a heavy rain fell in Guangzhou, all the main roads in all counties in Guangzhou were completed.

After repairing, it means being able to catch a car. Some sections of the road are not easy to repair and only one car can pass.

It belongs to the generals and will be used, wait for the people to take a break, take care of the affairs of the house, and then slowly repair.

Dirt road, gravel road.

Sand is piled next to it, and it is used to make up the sand washed away by the rain in rainy days, otherwise the stones will protrude and hurt the wheels and the hoofs of the animals.

Dirt roads need to be covered with sand. In winter, it rains in Guangzhou, which is uncomfortable. When walking is muddy, people don't like to walk.

The coal from Luzhou is being transported continuously by ships, and it has not been washed along with the gangue.

There is not much coal face. The coal powder is made into briquettes or briquettes locally in Luzhou.

Two pigeons flew from Chang'an, and Zhang Jiuling had read the contents of the letter with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

With the damp sea breeze blowing, he tightened his clothes tightly: "I don't want to go back now. I should stay for another year."

The letter told him that he would return to the capital at the end of the year and plan to be prime minister, and let him think about what he would do to become prime minister.

You can't have any own opinions and ideas, you need to write it out for your majesty, and the policy guidelines.

"What ideas can I have? Didn't you all think about it? My idea is to listen to Li Yi."

Zhang Jiuling murmured, he had an idea, and he wanted to clean up the officials when he returned.

Taking advantage of the stability of the war and the absence of major turmoil in Datang, the officials who should be arrested paid a lot of attention.

But he knew that speaking out by himself depends on Li Yi's plan. Li Yi disagreed and said it for nothing.

He thought about it, wrote a reply, and wanted to wait until next summer before returning.

Tell Li Yi that countless mountain people in Guangzhou went down to the Yamen for naturalization, and Yamen had to make arrangements.

It's not that the mountain people live under the mountain, they should go back or have to go back, there is no place under the mountain.

I am sitting here, and under any circumstances, I can quickly go back and forth through pigeons.

Naturalization of mountain people is the beginning, do mountain people pay rent? What benefits did the imperial court give to the mountain people? Just cut malaria pills and antivenom?

Two pigeons were released, and Zhang Jiuling consulted with others, including Tan Shui.

"Letter from Chang'an, let me go back at the end of the year, what do you think?" Zhang Jiuling didn't look happy at all.

"What are you going to do?" Tan Shui was full of curiosity. Was he cleaned up when he went back? Because Zhang Gong is not doing well enough here?

"Go back to be Zaifu." Jian Qing knew the situation.

"Promoted? Okay, Zhang Gong will be a Zaifu, he will definitely be able to help the court manage Datang, but what about the three Zaifu before? One more?"

Tan Shui was happy, she felt that she got along well with Zhang Jiuling here.

Zhang Jiuling became Zaifu, and she had another business to go to Chang'an, and she had many acquaintances.

"But the matter here is not over, how can the old man leave with confidence?" Zhang Jiuling shook his head, he is not so eager to be the prime minister now.

Jian Qing thought for a while, and said, "Dong Zhang answered the letter to explain the situation?"

"As I said, just the two pigeons just now." Zhang Jiuling's face still doesn't look good. He feels that the matter is not over. If he goes back, his tail will stay.

In the future, if there is any change in Guangzhou Mansion, even if others don't mention it, his heart will not feel well.

"Since Zhang Gong said, why worry, the proprietor will naturally consider the situation and just wait."

Pang Kuang could think about it. Now that Zhang Jiuling told the proprietor, the proprietor would think about it.

"It has no choice but to do so." Zhang Jiuling had no other way.

One day later, I don’t know if the pigeons understand the emergency, or if they feel the climate in Guangzhou is uncomfortable.

The two pigeons flew vigorously, drank some water in the middle, and ate nothing, then flew back to Lijiazhuangzi.

‘Cuckoo! Cuckoo! When the pigeons of Lijiazhuangzi saw their familiar teammates come back, they cried out to express their welcome.

Li Longji came back early in the evening and saw the pigeon's letter. Zhang Jiuling said about the local situation and his own ideas.

"Brother Yi, how to deal with this?" Li Longji also struggled.

The county magistrates and clans in the locality are not a problem in his eyes.

He is the emperor, seeking a country but not a place.

"Mountain citizens are enthusiastic about naturalization. When rent-free for ten years, let the Tan family help to cultivate the terraces and send some students over."

Li Yi knows why Shan Min is willing to be naturalized. Shan Min's idea is very simple.

After naturalization, there will be more malaria pills and antivenoms.

It looked like it was going to pay the rent, but at the same time, the court spent money to build roads and bought grass that no one wanted before at a high price.

That is medicine, and grass is medicine.

Including mushrooms, they can be sold for a price.

"Send the people in Zhuangzi out? The first batch or the second batch?" Li Longji also liked the Guangzhou border trade.

"The first batch, go to twenty. Except for the governor, the other counties have to be top leaders."

Li Yi gave an answer, sending out the people he least wanted to send out.

He didn't want to send, not that these people did not learn well.

Li Yi was reluctant, he still wanted to teach more knowledge.

But in Guangzhou, local clans, mountain people, and trade relations are involved.

What to do in this case? Zhang Jiuling didn't want to come back, he was worried.

To be honest, a place where Zhang Jiuling sits is enough!

However, the court needs to increase manpower, and the prime minister's work has to be detailed. Song Jing has too many places to manage and is distracted.

Zhang Jiuling was transferred back, and he was first responsible for diplomacy with Turks, Tubo and other places.

After Song Jing's power was divided, four prime ministers were better than three prime ministers.

If the family is cleaned up in the next step, the three prime ministers will not be able to restrain each other.

One agrees, one opposes, and the third person becomes important.

Four people can basically form a two-on-two situation. If three-on-one, it is the three who get the deal.

Two against two, the final decision is in the hands of His Majesty.

"Are they going to be emptied in the past?" Li Longji worried that the first batch of students from Lijiazhuangzi would be difficult to issue in the face of local forces and government orders.

"They used to evade the Huang clan. The Huang clan is the most powerful in the local area. Others want to evade them and pay too much. I plan to increase the salary of local officials."

Li Yi's method is simple and direct, using money.

The students used to ask people to do work, but those who were instigated quit, they just removed the officials and replaced them with another one.

The normal salary, the locality must confront, and no one will be obedient.

How about five times salary? What about extra benefits? What about the big red envelope bonus after the evaluation?

The people's life is easy, and the people have a solid foundation. What is a family with a little more people?

If they dare to kill officials, they will inevitably destroy the clan.

Li Longji was still worried, but chose to believe Li Yi, at least there were pigeons flying around.

When Zhang Jiuling comes back, he will bring a lot of pigeons raised in Guangzhou. The students will go there and bring pigeons raised by Lijiazhuangzi.

"What should the Yan clan in Shiyuan County do in the end?" Li Longji remembered the ‘chicken’.

"Wait for Li Feng, Li Feng and the others find evidence of Yan's money and death. According to the number of people who died, they were sentenced to hanging by Yan and those who were with them."

Li Yi is not merciless and asks Yan to take advantage of it. This is subjective and bad behavior.

Using this reason to deal with Yan's problem in Xiyuan County, the result was perfect.

If Yan had never killed anyone, he would naturally not be strangled.

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