Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1235 Coordination of all parties is an official (third more)

Before dark, the team arrived in Weinan County.

The magistrate of Weinan County and others stood on the side of the road to greet them. They knew that the team would not go to the county government office.

Also greeted by the local people, the people took their own home things, ready to wait for the Lijiazhuang team to arrive and send them up.

They are all ingredients, prepared by Li Yi, and prepared by Li Yi's people.

Pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, as well as mountain products, clean up after killing them.

The people of Weinan County are rich, and the county of Jingzhao Mansion.

Unlike Zhengxian, the people of Zhengxian have a better life than before, but they still can't compare with the county of Jingzhaofu.

The magistrate of Weinan County is very cautious, but the students from Lijiazhuangzi are relaxed and natural, they don't care.

Waiting for the people in the line to get out of the car, the county magistrate's eyes widened.

He knew Li Longji, he thought he was welcoming Li Yi, but who was this group?

Look at your majesty's appearance, those women should be from the harem, that old man, could it be...

"Sun Guan, how about it? Are you still used to it here?" Li Yi spoke to a student who became a county prime minister.

"I'm studying hard. Why don't you replace me? I want to stay in Zhuangzi." Sun Guan felt that Xian Cheng was meaningless.

Cannot learn knowledge, he loves to learn physics and chemistry.

"It takes a year to be an official. It is difficult to develop other disciplines without being an official, and it suffers a lot of constraints." Li Yi patted Sun Guan on the shoulder.

Turning his head to look at the dumbfounded county magistrate Cao Yunbin: "Cao Mingfu has worked hard."

"Don't dare to be the Ming Palace, Li... Li Dongzhu only worked hard." Cao Yunbin didn't know how to greet His Majesty for a while.

"This is my eldest brother, the head of Huai'an County, the other is the third brother, the head of Fangqu County, that is Mr. Mu, and Mrs. Mu.

This is the third sister-in-law, this is Wu Jieyu, this Liu Jieyu, the child of the third sister-in-law, Fu'er, Wu Jieyu's child, Baoer.

The others were all court ladies and eunuchs, and some I couldn't remember, so I won't introduce them one by one. In two days, General Gao could catch up and serve Wu Jieyu and Liu Jieyu. "

Li Yi watched Cao Yunbin introduce the main characters.

Cao Yunbin bowed continuously and couldn't say anything.

He finally understands why Li Yi's power is so great. Your Majesty is your third brother? That eldest brother is Wang Song?

The old man is the Supreme Emperor, and the Concubine Doulu.

Yulin Feiqi and the people in Zhuangzi were busy cooking together, and the people were eating sweets.

The people brought hawthorn in the things brought by the people. The villagers set up a pot to boil rock candy, spread the slabs, washed the hawthorn, and then put on the candies Calabash.

A large group of children stood by and watched, waiting for the sugar Calabash to be ready to eat.

To other people, children will be afraid and alienated.

To Li Yi, the children are treated as their own.

They all have longevity tablets in their homes, and they will remember to offer incense to His Majesty and Li Dongzhu every day.

Use mosquito-repellent incense in the summer. It's cold and grassy. You don't want any taste, just smoke.

If there is no fragrance, just before eating, put the prepared dishes on the table, and then take them to eat.

Normally, offerings are given to the dead and gods, but not to the living.

The people don't care about the many, anyway, there is no incense, just show it.

If you feel that the food is not good, just kowtow.

The children "meet" with Dongzhu Li every day, and when Dongzhu Li came, they didn't feel any strangeness.

Especially Li Yi is quite good-looking, pleasing to the eye.

Princess Yongmu looks better, whether it is a boy or a girl, they are willing to look at Princess Yongmu more.

"Sister Big Sister, you are so beautiful." A ten-year-old boy approached Princess Yongmu and looked up.

"Thank you, you call me Wen Tian Big sis." Princess Yongmu said with a smile.

"Sister Big Sister, can I marry you as a daughter-in-law when I grow up?" The boy was bold.

"Big sis already has a sweetheart." Princess Yongmu still smiled and shook her head.

"Should I beat him?" The boy was very persistent.

"There." Princess Yongmu pointed to Li Yi's place.

"Wow, Dongzhu Li? Why is the beautiful Big Sister sister not mine." The boy is depressed, don't look down on him, he knows how to be depressed.

"Where's the one next to Big Sister?" The boy stepped back, and he fell in love with Taohong One.

In fact, those palace ladies, he felt pretty good.

It is impossible for Gao Lishi to arrange for Lijiazhuangzi for the ugly maids.

"Then you have to be admitted to Jinshi, first class, top three. When you pass, Big sis asks Li Lang to find you one like this, okay?"

Princess Yongmu originally wanted to say that you must first have a Wentianlanxiang Pavilion, but later felt that money is not good for children, then fame.

"Okay, I will work hard." The boy is serious, anyway, he thinks he has a chance.

"Then you go and wait for the sugar Calabash to be made, and become smart after eating it, okay?" Princess Yongmu pointed to the place where the sugar Calabash was made.

"Yes, I want to eat candy Calabash." The boy instantly threw Taohong No.1 out of the sky, and ran over quickly, fearing that he wouldn't be able to eat it later.

When the child ran away, the people around couldn't help laughing.

Li Yi looked up here, and continued to say to Cao Yunbin: "The people are not ignorant in some interactions. Sometimes they will make progress, sometimes they are willing to take a small advantage.

However, once the official authority has the prestige, the people are more willing to listen to the official word.

The vast majority of people will have conformity, which lies in guiding, in correcting, in deterrence, and in virtue.

You regard the people as the Diaomin, and the people are the Diaomin. If you take the people like a relative, the people will naturally treat you as a relative. "

Li Yi is talking about how to treat the common people. People are different from each other. It is impossible to expect everyone to be the same.

But in the entire Jingzhao Mansion, there are no lazy people.

The key lies in propaganda, propaganda in the newspaper.

When a lazy person and neighbors around him start to make money, he will have a kind of pressure.

In many cases, people are lazy and cannot find a way out, and the people around are so life-like.

Give him a little encouragement, a little motivation, a guide, and a recognition, and they will change.

Especially in the current situation of one village after another, the village is doing great.

If the village is scolding you, you can't fight back; if the village is hitting you, you can't fight back.

Therefore, the people of Jingzhao Mansion were brainwashed and they were all willing to fight.

"Li Dongzhu, I know what you said, what can I do?"

Cao Yunbin is distressed, you have all arranged, I am useless here.

"Since you can't think of a new way, why don't you write to me? Are you considering your face or status?

When you can find more professional people for the common people, you should find them.

Rather than worrying about not being able to figure out a way, professional things are done by professional people, and what you need is coordination. "

Li Yi tells the source. Since your technology is not good, you should be the chief executive, right?

Some of his officials at that time were not afraid of looking for someone who could.

The county magistrate must be good at farming? Must know how to increase production?

No, as long as the county magistrate can find someone who knows farming technology, please come and teach the people.

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