Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1236 Look at the timing from afar (first more)

Regarding local administration, Li Yi looked at Datang officials and none of them were truly qualified.

Is Dujiangyan good? it is good!

Is Zhang Jiuling's road good? it is good!

It solved the big problems of the common people, especially Dujiangyan. According to the comparison of dynasties, the Three Gorges Project was much better than that of his time.

But the big aspects are solved, and the small details cannot be left behind.

To lead the people out of poverty and become rich, the county's first-level belongs to the bottom of Datang.

Villages and towns are first-level, usually by the local people themselves, by a large family, or assigned by the county.

The county’s first-level leaders should teach the town’s leaders what to do, and the town’s leaders then teach the village leaders how to do it.

Dujiangyan is well built and roads are well built, but many people feel that they are far away from themselves.

The most common thought is: What does it have to do with me?

However, it cannot be said that the people who have this idea are wrong, they are actually just thinking about what is in front of them.

In this case, the immediate problem must be solved.

Increase people's income and mobilize people's enthusiasm.

Looking at Zhangjia Village, Life was not good before, and there are still people who are worried about the grapes of Lijiazhuangzi.

Now that the grapes are placed there, the people in Zhangjia Village not only don't steal them, but they also help take care of them.

Because I have money, I don't care about the grapes.

Cao Yunbin was listening, his blood circulation speeded up, and he felt that he had found tissue.

"President Li, if I write to you, will you reply?" He asked uncertainly.

"I'm not just telling you now, as long as you don't say useless flattery in the letter, you just ask the question, and I promise to answer it."

Li Yi felt that even if every county magistrate in the entire Datang wrote to himself a letter asking how the local area develops, he would be able to give a development idea.

He knows the local minerals, climate, and topography.

There are species that are suitable for planting or breeding.

Regardless of tourism and finance, only the primary and secondary industries can be used.

If the road conditions on land and water are not good, the primary industry is the most important.

If the relative road conditions are good, it depends on the surrounding conditions. The things that everyone can make by themselves are not suitable for selling around and need to go farther.

"Dongzhu Li, the ones in Huazhou and Tongzhou are pretty good. I'm following the lesson in Weinan, and I'm going to let the people plant a lot of red dates.

Our red dates in Weinan are good, mainly sweet, and I have seen the jujube trees in people's homes, and there are many jujubes hanging. "

Cao Yunbin explained his ideas to Li Yi like Xianbao.

He has been thinking about it for a long time, and thinks that it is good to plant red dates, and the common people can plant them, even if there is no mountain, it is good to plant two big date trees in front of the door.

Li Yi listened with a smile, and then asked, "How do you grow jujube trees?"

"Jujube seeds can be planted, and there are roots." Cao Yunbin obviously did his homework.

"In fact, there are cuttings and grafting, so how many years can the fruit be grown?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

"Is there a few years?" Cao Yunbin was not sure.

"How many jujube trees do you want to plant in Weinan?" Li Yi continued.

"The mountainous people planed other trees to plant date trees, making Weinan a county of red dates."

Cao Yunbin clenched his fist to show that he had an idea.

Li Yi nodded: "Even if we have four years, we will bear fruit, but we will not have a productive period.

How much energy was spent in caring for the jujube trees in the past four years? How much is the labor?

What should I do if the people are short of money in their homes if they do not do anything to make money in the time wasted? "

"Huh? can grow it slowly, a part of it a year, and spend the rest of the time doing money-making work."

Cao Yunbin was stunned, and soon thought of a way.

"Where can I sell it? How much is a catty? The jujube trees are intensively planted and how to deal with bugs?" Li Yi still has questions.

"Sell...sell...Where did the things from Huazhou go? Sell it to you, Li Dongzhu." Cao Yunbin looked at Li Yi.

"I don't buy it. Does Henan know how many jujubes will be delivered to Chang'an this year? From Weinan to the northwest, north and northeast, dates grown in any place are more delicious than Weinan.

I want jujube, why not promote planting in those places? Or even send someone over to guide the planting? "

Li Yi pointed out that Xinjiang, Shaanxi, and a large area of ​​Shanxi, not counting Hebei Province. Henan Province alone provides a large amount of jujube.

Including his native Henan and Shandong at that time, Weinan is not suitable for the whole people to grow jujube, so it is fine to grow a little and eat it by yourself.

"That..." Cao Yunbin was hit hard, and he finally thought of a way.

"When the time comes, the people will delay other work and can't make any money. It's useless if you carry your head.

I decided to pat my forehead, pat my chest to ensure that, in front of me, I would never pat my butt and leave. "

Li Yi knew that Cao Yunbin had a good mind. He didn't think about making political achievements, but just wanted to do things for the people.

I just think the problem is too simple. Of course, the industries in Huazhou and the same state can be developed by collecting things from Lijiazhuang.

What if Lijiazhuangzi doesn't accept it? What's the use of collecting so many dates? Weinan is not suitable to develop into a hometown of jujube.

Generally, a variety of jujube trees are needed in places prone to drought to consolidate soil and prevent sand.

At the same time, the drier the jujube, the sweeter it is. Eating a few jujubes is like a piece of fructose that can sustain a day’s life, a critical moment.

In addition, the wood of jujube is good. At the same time, there are jujube trees in front of the door. It is cool in summer, and there are neighbors who occasionally eat jujube. The neighborhood is harmonious.

Weinan is adjacent to the Weihe River, with plains, mountains, and plateau landforms.

Weinan is now vigorously raising livestock and fish, and the cultivated area has formed a pattern of terraced terraces.

Li Yi has planned the entire twenty counties outside Chang'an, Jingzhao Mansion.

There are jujube trees in Weinan, but they do not require special government intervention.

If he really wants to develop, Li Yi can say that he planted five jujube trees in one family, not much.

The people will naturally plant them, and five trees are enough, so there is no need to worry about management.

Cao Yunbin lowered his head like a kid who made a mistake, and said dullly, "No more planting."

"Plant, don't plant, we also have a lot of persimmon trees in Weinan. We use persimmon trees to graft jujube trees, so the fruit hangs fast.

We are all astringent persimmons here, which is very laborious to deal with, mainly because the price is not high, and it is generally okay to make persimmons.

Red dates are more expensive than persimmons, why not teach the people to graft more skillfully?

There are also mountain mangroves grafted with hawthorn, bitter apricot grafted with home apricot.

Go ahead and start from the smallest aspect.

If every persimmon tree is grafted with a jujube tree, then the output of jujube will come up, let's make candied dates.

Now that the number of people raising bees in Datang has increased, the price of honey will drop accordingly. "

Li Yi said that candied dates are just an example, and jujubes are used to make candied dates. They are not sweet and can not be sold at a high price, so they are used to make candied dates.

Jujubes are delicious in their own right, so why should they use other things to set off?

The jujube is generally dried in the sun, and stored in a cool, ventilated place, otherwise it will continue to saccharify and eventually rot.

Cao Yunbin gave Li Yishen a salute and persevered.

He finally knew the gap, he was thinking about the scale of things, and he didn't consider who to sell to.

Li Yi didn't need to think about who he would sell to. He used the local persimmon trees to increase the number of dates. If there were more dates, the people could eat them by themselves.

It is even considered that jujubes are made into candied dates because of the promotion of soil bee breeding methods.

The bees divide their nests and their numbers increase, and the date honey is not bad.

The key point Li Yi did not criticize or accuse him, just asked a few questions.

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