Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 132-It's not difficult to grow buds without soil (fifth)

"Really buy it?" Yu Huaide couldn't help hearing the price of one catty and five yuan.

"Buy, as much as you want." Li Yi said firmly.

"I, I can sell you a thousand catties, and there is some left to give away." Yu Huaide said a thousand catties.

"Song De, don't count it up, put it back for shopkeeper Yu." Li Yi heard the numbers and it was exactly five thousand.

One rescue and one circumcision is worth a thousand catties of carrots.

Yu Huaide happily ordered people to send the money back and bring carrots.

"The shopkeeper Yu has done a lot of business." Li Yi said with a smile.

He considered that from the border of Tubo, only carrots would be shipped back so much.

The rich man in Wannian County, ranked second in Jingzhao Mansion, really has a lot of roots.

To ensure safety along the way, the joints have to be opened up.

No wonder I was so arrogant the first time I saw myself, people have crazy capital.

"It's barely enough to make ends meet, Dongzhu Li hasn't tasted it before, so why do you want that many at once?" Yu Huaide used his hand to lift the skirt and expressed his doubts.

"I have seen it in a medical book." Li Yi gave a reason.

"Is it medicine?" Yu Huaide's eyes lit up.

"All meals are medicines, but if I call it carrots, I call it carrots, and I say it is medicine. That's right.

Children are prone to rotten mouths, and usually eat more carrots, basically they will not be rotten.

There is also night blindness, which is called blindfolded eyes, which can be improved by eating carrots at night. "

What did Li Yi say? As for other aspects of carrots, they were not reflected for a while, so I didn't mention them.

Speaking of medicinal use, Li Yi said with a smile: "Treasurer Yu has helped me a lot by writing medical books. Since I haven't seen the real thing, carrots never write it down.

Now that the shopkeeper Yu brought it back, he can record it in the medical books, adding a taste of medicinal materials to the people of the world. "

Li Yi promoted Yu Huaide, and he also expected the other party to get more things from Tubo in the future.

Otherwise, why should you buy carrots for five yuan a pound? Qianjinshi horse bones.

Yu Huaide blushed, unexpectedly, wow, he could do good for the people of the world.

"President Li, treat me... very neat and can drink, I will make a compensatory drink."

Yu Huaide was happy. He did a big deal even after the money came back.

"Treasurer Yu doesn't need to be like this. Why did you and I offend you. I have good things in the future, and I remember this Zhuangzi." Li Yi shook his head lightly.

Carrots are here, a thousand catties, you can eat a lot of them in the greenhouse.

"No, no, no, we must apologize." Yu Huaide insisted.

Now that he can't enter Pingkangfang, he can't get in if he is sick, and he can't get in when he recovers. What should he do?

The two spoke kind words to each other, and Li Yi invited each other into the hospital to inquire about Tubo.

Yu Huaide was also willing to talk about the customs of the Western Regions. As he talked, it was almost noon when he sent the money away and returned from the carrot-carrying team.

Three carriages, carrying a thousand catties of carrots, are covered with thatch cloth for heat preservation.

Song De asked someone to say that it was a little more than a thousand catties, and the other box was not counted.

"Treasurer Yu, I'll make carrots for you." Li Yi wants to cook by himself.

He picked out a few carrots, cut the top section and kept it, and used a bamboo knife, fearing that the metal oxidation reaction would hurt that one head.

Cut into pieces, oil them, and put them in a casserole of yam lamb belly to continue boiling.

Cut into slices and fry them with fungus and eggs.

Cut into shreds, and mix with the soaked dried cucumber strips and the noodles with sesame sauce.

Just these three carrot dishes, put them in the cafeteria, and invite Yu Huaide to taste them.

"It's delicious, Li Dongzhu's cooking skills are no less than medical skills. This...carrot, cooked noodles, raw crispy, mixed with sesame sauce jelly, and has a different flavor."

Yu Huaide was boasting while eating, and by the way, he would slice and fry, shred and mix. As for stewing, he would.

Li Yi smiled and nodded, not modest at all, he was indeed better than the Datang cook.

The two talked happily. After dinner, Li Yi sent Yu Huaide out of Zhuangzi.

Turning around, he shouted: "Quickly, I will pick all the carrots, take out the rotten ones, and put aside the wilted ones."

He was anxious because the carrots were all washed and there was no mud on them.

Why do you need to wash it? It's not easy to preserve now.

"I have eaten carrots for the last two days, cut off the head, take a bamboo knife, don't break it, I want to plant it."

Li Yi instructed the dealers to be busy, this is a good thing to buy for five jin and one catty.

"Slice it and send it to the oven to dry. You can eat it after soaking. The cut pieces are soaked in water first. Don't rush over the oil..."

As Li Yi said, put the cut head in the pot. The water in the jar in the house was not so cold, so pour it in a little bit, not above the top of the carrot.

Then find someone to distill the humus, cool the distillate and add it to the pot.

Others followed suit. They had never grown radishes like this.

After being busy for more than two hours, all the carrots have been processed.

"Very well, the buds will sprout in two days. When there is one inch, they will be planted in the greenhouse. In addition, those with buds will be planted in the greenhouse now."

Li Yi is satisfied, what is needed next is waiting.

Wait for about a year, and if the nutrition is adequate, you can make it one month in advance.

What he wants is seeds, not to eat, and it will not take so long to eat.

On the other side, Yu Huaide went back and started sorting out his own carrots. When he gave them away, he would tell him that this is medicine, not ordinary.

At the same time, he also promoted that he had a good relationship with Li Yi and Li Dongzhu, and that Li Dongzhu had treated gonorrhea and had a meal together.

Speak to Pingkangfang, and also to Changan Ling.

The last day of November.

Li Longji brought Queen Wang over again, and asked Li Yi to check the child first.

"Brother Yi, I heard that you bought something called carrots for five yuan and one catty?"

Li Longji saw carrots while eating, and asked casually.

"What is in front of us is that there is one more crop. Like other radishes, it can retain seeds and cannot be eaten. If you eat them, you can't keep them, so radishes are more expensive than cabbage."

Li Yi introduced the growth cycle of radishes.

Li Longji thought about it, and said: "Chang'an is surrounded by no seed radish, but it's winter."

"Yes, it's hard to get through. Only places where it is not cold in winter. But I have a greenhouse and grow carrots. There will be many seeds next year.

In spring or summer, they are sold to everyone to grow seeds, and there are seeds to be cultivated in the south.

Sinong Temple does not know if he has learned to build greenhouses. There are a lot of green vegetables in winter, and people are not easy to get sick, especially diseases caused by vitamin deficiency. "

Li Yi mentioned Sinong Temple with a bad attitude.

In his opinion, there should have been officials from Sinong Temple who had come to ask him questions long ago, and he was willing to answer them too.

"Yes." Li Longji was sure that the signed and allocated funds were planted together with Liulizhuang and hot spring dishes, and they belonged to each other.

But he thought of a question: "Brother Yi, how did you grow without seeds?"

"Water seedlings, soilless seedlings, just wait for the buds to grow, and then you can plant them. In fact, if I don't bother to take something from the bottom of the carrot leaf, I can grow it into a complete carrot."

Li Yi said that he was confident enough. He had a petri dish, and he could get it as much as he wanted culture fluid.

Li Longji obviously felt that he was accustomed to Yi's ability, and now he heard it, still surprised: "Yi can still do this level?"

"Next year, I will teach students other courses besides mathematics and teach them how to find the root of everything. After a few years, there will be many talents."

Li Yi said with deep eyes.

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