Queen Wang bit on the carrot piece, heard Li Yi say, chewed twice and swallowed her stomach, and asked, "How to find the root of everything?"

"Gewu." Li Yi replied with two words.

"Oh, Uncle refers to things and then knows it." Queen Wang understood.

"Right!" Li Yi nodded.

"What's all there?" Queen Wang was still curious.

"The sun and the moon alternate, and the stars change. Spring, summer, autumn and winter change in four seasons. The big rivers flow eastward, and the wind and water rise and clouds gather and scatter." Li Yi said in general terms.

"Can it be beneficial to people's policies?" Li Longji felt that the Sun Moon Star was too big, and wanted to know the small aspects.

"There are five grains on the ridges in the field, and the merchants and peddlers have a prosperous business. The boats and cars arrive for thousands of miles in a day, and the people will heal the country and the country will be promoted." Li Yi said.

"Then, Uncle has to choose a good candidate, and don't ask the bad guys to learn their skills." Queen Wang expressed the belief that Uncle has this ability.

Li Longji also believes that at least five grains Feng Li Yi has done it. Needless to say, doing business, heal people, genius doctors, and govern the country. You can understand by looking at the thousands of people in Zhuangzi.

The only thing left is the boat and cart running for a thousand miles a day, this...

I guess it will work, but I have to wait for Li Yi to spare the time to do it.

That way... the emergency report of Babaili will save trouble.

So he agreed: "Yes, it's important to choose people."

"Yes!" Li Yi followed.

"Can you find people from the Imperial College?" Queen Wang suggested.

Li Yi refused: "If you don't find the Imperial College, the forty-two people who are willing to bend and do things are first."

"Yes." Li Longji felt that the forty-two students who were waiting for the exam were in line, studying hard and working hard.

After their family came over, they sent someone to investigate, and they were innocent.

As for why I didn't pass the exam, the literary talent was not enough. If Yi brother wanted to teach literary talent, it would be easy.

"Do you have any more carrots? I want to take them back... I made them from heaven and earth." Queen Wang likes to eat carrots.

Li Yi didn't feel anything at this point. He always thought that raw carrots were delicious, but they had poor texture and taste when they were cooked, although he always ate them cooked.

"Yes, it's just that it's gone. If it's not washed with water, it can be left for a winter." Li Yi said that this was quite helpless. Why are you so hardworking?

Li Longji sat there, his eyes rolled, he knew that Yu Huaide was still there, then...

The first day of the twelfth lunar month.

Upon receiving the order, Pei Yaoqing went out and led the team to a house in Qinrenfang in the southwest of East City.

"The treasurer Yu can be here? Mingfu of this county is here." Ya Ya said.

Yu Huaide ran out wearing a skirt and saw Pei Yaoqing, impressed and impressed, he hurried to open the door in person.

"Ming Mansion actually came here, I feel like I am..."

"Go in and say, it's weirdly cool under the skirt." Pei Yaoqing knew about Yu Huaide's situation.

"Thank you Mingfu for your understanding." Yu Huaide showed a grateful expression.

As the group entered, Yu Huaide invited Pei Yaoqing to sit down, and he arranged his skirt and sat next to him.

Pei Yaoqing looked at the other party, wanting to laugh, and the other party returned with great ambitions. As a result, he bumped his head on Li Yizhuangzi and a big bag.

"But the Ming Palace came for the ice sculpture?" Yu Huaide said first.

"Ice Sculpture Little Shier, it is said that Shopkeeper Yu has carrots?" Pei Yaoqing went straight to the subject.

"Yes, there are some." Yu Huaide understood. If he could call out the word carrot, Li Yi must have said it.

"How many?" Pei Yaoqing asked again.

"Uh~~~" Yu Huaide hesitated.

"There is someone in the palace who wants it, five and one catty. Whoever you want to send, don't wait at Pingkangfang another day, and the official will go."

Pei Yaoqing tells the other party not to worry about giving away nothing, I will give you a place in town, isn't it just to get to know some people!

"No money." Yu Huaide shook his head, feeling the sun shining brightly in the whole room.

"When the palace robs you of your things? Five yuan and one catty." Pei Yaoqing insisted on giving money, it was not him who paid the money anyway.

"There is still less than three hundred catties, no, it is more than two hundred catties, so it will be counted as two hundred catties." Yu Huaide chose to earn less.

He turned his head and said to his opponent: "Go, wash all the remaining carrots and give..."

"Hold on." Pei Yaoqing hurriedly stopped, and said solemnly: "Do not wash, bring mud with you."

This is a deliberate explanation by the Huang Clan who spread the word, with more than one sentence.

So Pei Yaoqing took more than two hundred and sixty catties of unwashed carrots and left, counted two hundred catties and one thousand, and gave Yu Huaide five additional ice lanterns.

At noon that day, the queen was in the palace watching people cut carrots with a bamboo knife.

She pointed, and Li Longji was also there.

"Leave more than half an inch, cut twenty, and send it to the heavens and earth. It's called "Duan", the basin, no copper basin, pottery, put twenty heads in, add water, more, pour out..."

She looked like an expert. She had just learned it in the incubation room yesterday, and she also needed a lot of distilled nutrient solutions.

There is no special equipment for distilling humus in the palace, and it smells bad during the distillation.

"This is strange. Change the water bubble and soak for a few days. Green sprouts will grow. Then they will be buckled into the soil, and there will be radishes underneath."

Queen Wang has never encountered such an operation.

According to her thoughts, it grows out, cuts off and eats, and then buckles the top into the soil, grows and cuts again...

Cut some carrot seeds every day, one day at a time, and eat carrots every day at the end.

Li Long looked at the base station, thinking that Li Yi said that carrots are easier to preserve in winter than big carrots.

Then in winter, there is a lack of greens, carrots are very useful, the corners of the mouth are rotten, and the vision is blurred at night.

If this is for the soldiers to eat and fight the enemy at night, the enemy can't see clearly at night, it can take advantage.

Every vegetable that can be stored for a long time in the north is worth promoting and planting.

"My Datang is different from the past." Li Longji thought, suddenly came out a word, full of confidence.


The ice is still cutting.

Ice sculptures began to be produced, and many wealthy households who were unable to store ice in winter bought meat to deliver to the ice-cutters.

Ask those who work to help shovel more ice out, and then take it home and put it in the ice cellar.

Those who don’t have ice cellars hire people to dig and dig frozen soil.

The people who work have formed a one-stop service organization. Whoever wants to dig an ice cellar, dig it, and then pick the ice out and put it in.

If you make money, everyone will share it. The number of people is skilled and the work speed is fast. This winter is better.

Their shoes, warm leather pants, thick gloves, and tools were given by Yamen.

It happens to be used for private work, as long as it does not delay the affairs of the yamen.

Pei Yaoqing knew, ignored it, and acquiesced.

In the summer, there are many wealthy households, and the poor have good life, which is regarded as political achievement.

He was strolling next to the carved ice sculptures, which covered the shed made of the worst cloth.

Block the ice sculptures during the day to prevent dust from falling, and add a scene by the way.

In the cold weather, the literati and inkmen exhaled and studied what to paint and write.

Students who will take the exam next year and the village tribute are given priority. Isn’t there no way to contribute? Isn't it someone who complains that the rich have relationships?

The opportunity is here, write well, draw well, leave the identity information below, and choose a choice when the time comes.

If even this doesn't work, the contribution is useless.

"The most difficult thing is poetry." A student put his hand in front of his mouth and breathed for warmth, and said to a few friends.

"No, the most difficult thing is to draw. You can still draw a certain picture, so you should write the name first." Another person said.

The boat of friendship is about to turn over.

Pei Yaoqing couldn't stand it any longer, and stood there and said, "Whoever wrote the paintings and the poems, if you can write a policy theory on the ice sculpture, the priority should be given."

As he shook his head, these students are stupid. It's better to change to Yi brother. I guess they will draw and write when they come to one place, and then go to the next place.

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