Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1406 Sales Tax Seeking Degree (third more)

When Bi Gou talked about Li Yi, the people around him suddenly felt a little sad.

Including Song Jing, even though he always wanted to find some minor problems with Li Yi, he still wanted Li Yi to stay with Zhuangzi.

The person is gone, only a box containing many letters is left.

"This year's Spring Festival is very lively." Li Longji said that he served hot sauce for everyone, but Su Ting didn't.

"I knew I didn't eat so many spicy hot pots." Su Ting was greedy, and he got a lot of pot bottoms from Lijiazhuangzi.

Then eat for several days, in order not to waste.

First, the family ate hot pot, but they didn’t eat it, but it was a pity to throw it away and eat it next meal.

At the next meal, some of the dishes are missing, so I can add more dishes.

After finishing the dish, I found that the taste is weak, so add spicy ingredients.

After the addition, it was found that it was left again, so I continued to eat.

After eating like this for several days, I kept eating for gastrointestinal problems, and then reluctantly discarded the hot pot.

"Firecrackers were sent to soldiers at the border, not only from Guo Zhiyun, but also from other places."

Bi Gou was distressed. The court paid for the purchase, and the cost price and labor cost were included.

The cost of materials is cheap, and Lijiazhuang’s labor costs are high.

He can't collect taxes yet. Once taxes are collected, the price includes the tax money.

Just like Li Yi's shops at that time issued value-added tax invoices, you don't need to invoice a single price, you will get extra money if you want an invoice.

Those who can be used for tax deduction will naturally take the tax point of the invoice and go back to check the account.

Although in accordance with the law, as long as the price is given, the value-added tax invoice must be included.

In actual operation, everyone automatically avoids it.

I can't control it at all, especially in small shops.

In Fushun where Li Yi used to be, next to the one in Shenyang, a new leader came up to burn three fires.

What are you doing? Check, check all purchase invoices for purchases and sales.

A stall selling toothpicks was fined 5,000 yuan for not being able to provide invoices for the purchase channels of toothpicks.

Then the whole area next to Shenyang, Gaowan, all the shops are closed and closed for business, I am afraid you will come to check.

For three days in a row, the new leader's fire disappeared and he knelt down. Isn't it okay if you don't check it?

Later, the leader was told to explain the problem at a prescribed time and place, and he had other problems.

Bi Gou didn't know what happened to Li Yi at that time, and he was at a loss for Li Jiazhuang's confusing operation.

"Your Majesty, if all businessmen need to pay taxes and add extra tax money, they all follow the Li Family Zhuangzi, what should they do?"

Bi Gushou is afraid that others are smart.

Li Longji was surprised: "Isn't Lijiazhuang's other transactions normal to pay taxes? People don't produce so many firecrackers, you have to buy them.

Place an extra order and add extra money. Is there a problem? Shouldn’t special policies be adopted for the products custom-purchased by the imperial court that are not circulated by society? "

Li Longji is not the Li Longji he used to be, he knows a lot.

Don't fool me, I stay with Brother Yi all day and learn more than you.

"The minister is talking about other merchants, imperial procurement, about costs and taxes." Bi Zuo defended.

"Purchasing at a cost price, how can you talk about taxes? Oh, I know what you want to say. The merchants sell goods and are in a state of loss. If you pay taxes again, it will not be conducive to the continued operation of the merchants.

This is, I will talk about it later. When taxation is implemented in most areas, there will be tax rebates and subsidies.

Trial collection of taxes on a small scale, unable to take care of the overall situation, and people in other places cannot provide tax certificates. "

Li Longji still understands, Yi brother once said, what you can figure out, Yi brother has already written it out.

Bi Gou is depressed. When a professional minister, he doesn't have his Majesty's professionalism, so he can't fool you!

"The minister is clear, the minister is actually... actually thinking of Xiaoyi." What can Bi Gou say?

"Don't think about him, think more about the Ministry of Households." After Li Longji said that he bowed his head to eat, what do you think about Xiaoyi? There is nothing wrong with your teeth.


"In the future, when you exchange with people overseas, it will be trade, and tax will be deducted first."

Li Yixin, who looked at the sea outside through the glass, also thought of the issue of taxes in a vivid manner.

He doesn't go to the deck, it's windy and cold.

Only then did he know how difficult it was for the navy of the previous country, the speed of more than 30 nautical miles, that is, the speed of nearly 60 kilometers per hour.

The navy stood on the deck to blow air and conduct patrols.

Summer is okay. In winter, where the latitude is high, the temperature is about ten degrees, and then it blows, and the humidity is heavy.

How uncomfortable it is to blow for an hour, and it is not an hour to stand guard.

The speed of the yacht is faster, so Li Yi won't go out.

When talking, Li Yi used dried fruits to pinch hazelnuts for Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan and the big disciple.

The hazelnuts that the water leaks through the sieve basically have kernels in every hazelnut, and they are relatively large.

The only kind of hazelnut on the yacht, it is impossible to take the small hazelnuts and the kernelless hazelnuts.

"Master, how do we collect taxes elsewhere? They are not from Datang." The little girl imagined herself as a person on the island.

She thinks that your tax collection has nothing to do with me. Why should I pay you tax?

"This involves export tax and import tax, and the local people outside will not bear Datang's tax.

Because they didn't bring things to Datang to sell by themselves, they didn't even recognize the law of lying down.

But we Datang merchants have to pay taxes and export taxes. To get others to identify with you, you need an operating process. "

Li Yi explained to the big disciple that the little girl is young and smart.

He gave an example, for example, when he went to a place, he exchanged silk for something.

Negotiating the exchange ratio, a tax of 30% will be charged, and ten feet of silk will be given to the other party with seven feet.

Of course the other party is not happy, but am I?

At this time, give the other party a receipt stating that there is not only a tax rebate but also a subsidy.

The other three feet are tax-free, and there is an additional one-foot subsidy.

But I can't give it now. I have to wait for the application to be sent back. After I come back, I will give an extra four feet of silk at one time.

Even a subsidy of two feet or three feet is fine.

The premise is that the person in this place writes the application form, it doesn't matter if they can't write it, help write it, and the other party presses the fingerprint.

As a result, a one-off transaction has become a long-term trade, and the other party always looks forward to the result of the application.

After the first success, the other party will look forward to the next time.

"In the whole process, forcing the other party to approve Datang's laws is called imperceptibly.

People belonging to outside areas compromised Datang only for the first time and countless times.

For each trade, waiting anxiously for the convenience of the next time, so as to get subsidies.

When the tax rebates and subsidies in the trade are accepted, other Datang laws can be used next time to make the other party obey. "

Li Yi didn't avoid any taboos, so he taught own disciples to play tricks.

Qingdai blinked her eyes vigorously, as if she had met own Master for the first time, too bad! Master is such a person?

"What is it? I heard from my teacher that there are false reports and discounts on prices. In consumer psychology, for different audiences, the expectation period and waiting period are also different.

Including the scarcity of commodities and the reasonable operation of luxury goods price appreciation and devaluation, when luxury goods are lowered again and again in order to sell the quantity, sales and profits both drop. "

Li Yi continued to impart knowledge, anyway, in the entire Datang, no one could put this technique so bluntly.

Like colored glaze and pepper, Yi Shang has not studied systematically, but can operate.

In Li Yi's eyes, they are all elementary and unqualified.

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