Gao Lishi always comes to make soy sauce and is more familiar with Li Yi. After being surprised, he quickly recovered.

Yang Sixu met for the first time, and now he is so confused. What kind of person is the young proprietor in front of him?

I'm cruel enough to make others afraid.

But this boy feels gentle to own, oh, his name is gentle, but he is not so pretentious.

It makes people feel comfortable in casual, and considers others everywhere.

What happened just now? He said how can his eyes be so clear when people are full of doors, and when they dig their ancestors' graves?

In order to make others scared, I write fierceness on my face.

When it comes to the boy, it means that the killing is just as peaceful.

"Our family took it down." Yang Sixu became more sincere to Li Yi. There was no way, afraid, this young man was really ruthless.

"Thank you!" Li Yi didn't expect Li Longji to be so cruel.

Everyone continued to stroll around the residential area, and then saw the grandfather and grandmother, yes, they shouldn't be called the old man and the old woman, they are not kind.

The old man put a cuff on his arm and said: Inspection.

"Dongzhu Li, this is..." Yang Sixu didn't understand what the old man and old lady would inspect.

"It's too cold. At first, the old man did the work of stickman. Now that my fingers are not flexible enough, I let them walk out. The winter sun is also the sun, so I can replenish calcium in the sun, drink the fish soup boiled with bones and oysters, and then eat it. Sea cabbage, bask in the sun."

Li Yi explained the reason. The weather was cold, and the old man was bored to work in the house and had little work efficiency.

In case of illness, he still has to treat it.

In that case, come out, with a nutritious meal, let's take diet.

Gao Lishi asked, "What do they do?"

"See who does the job well, give pointers; see who is sneaking and skidding, and warn; see who has problems in the house, and tell the dealer."

Li Yi talked about the work arrangements of the grandfather and grandmother.

There is also a sense of presence in the sun. After a lifetime of work, there will always be some experience.

What they do will make them feel satisfied and feel that they are being demanded by society.

Everyone gets old that day, and it's getting old slowly.

If a person finds that his existence is meaningless one day, this person...

Some people can always find a way on their own, so they are very happy when they are 80 or 90 years old.

Some people couldn't find a way. They were 60 or 70 years old when the sound of the ambulance rang.

Li Yi helps others find, don't be pessimistic, you can do it, your experience is admirable, your existence is too important.

Yang Sixu actually understood. He understood Li Yi's thoughts, but he didn't understand Li Yi.

In layman's terms, he wanted to ask Li Yi: Why are you so extreme? Bodhisattva's heart is black and cruel, but Bodhisattva's heart.

You obviously have to report Yazi, there is basically no overnight revenge, and the report is over. But when the person who disrespect you fell down, he kneeled to rescue.

You are willing to take out countless technologies that benefit the people for free, but soy sauce is always so expensive.

You Zhuangzi gives people a kind of great kindness, and you don't take credit for making ideas for Chang'an when there are countless lives.

You are full of talents, design gardens for the students, provide curving water, free drinks and food, but you still don't participate in the discussion.

What do you want to do?

Yang Sixu thought, his head hurt.

"This road connects to Zhangjia Village. There is really no time this year. You can't build roads on frozen soil, otherwise the roadbed will be over in the beginning of spring.

It is possible to plow the frozen soil, but the people in Zhangjia Village are very busy, oh, everyone is busy, I am short of manpower.

What you are looking at over there is a greenhouse that I let people from Zhangjia Village. I want to rent it. They have to let me use it for nothing.

I am embarrassed to give them 10% profit. Cucumbers and greens are coming out one after another. It is almost the New Year, and they can sell for a good price. "

Li Yi said to Gao Lishi when Yang Sixu was struggling.

When talking about this, Li Yi's expression and tone changed. It was no longer so plain, but excited.

It seems that only when it brings benefits to Zhang's village can his heart fluctuate.

This is a group of little dolls running over from Zhangjia Village.

They stopped more than 20 meters away, not knowing what they were muttering, a little girl ran over.

"Big Brother, the proprietor, they said you would give me candies when I came, didn't they?" the little girl said loudly.

He whispered again: "I know they lied to me, but I just want to come and look at you. I ate the grapes you gave us in autumn. It's sweet."

Li Yi smiled, picked up the little girl, and looked back at Cui Liu.

Cui Liu flipped through his own bag, took out from it a wafer that was so big, and handed it to Li Yi.

Li Yi asked the little girl to hold the pole of the corrugated sugar and tear off the raw edge paper on the outside to reveal the glutinous rice paper inside.

Pick it again and put the glutinous rice paper into the little girl's mouth.

Said: "Lick this candy, it's also very sweet."

The little girl moved her mouth quickly to eat the glutinous rice paper, already very satisfied.

But still obediently sticking out his tongue and licking the bobantang, he immediately showed a happy expression, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and the little tongue that was sticking out was licking his lips.

"So they didn't lie to me, the proprietor Big Brother really has sugar."

"Yes, but this candy can only be eaten by you, others cannot touch it, you tell them whoever dares to touch it, the proprietor Big Brother will take care of it."

Li Yi said to the little girl with a serious face.

"Yeah! I will tell them." The little girl was equally serious.

Li Yi put down the child, and the little girl ran back with a big wavy candy, shouting as he ran: "The proprietor Big Brother said this is mine and no one else can touch it."

"Li Yi, you..." Yang Sixu pointed at Li Yi, really didn't know what to say.

"I have always had candy, but occasionally I met Zhuangzi's child to amuse him.

Today, so many children in Zhangjia Village coaxed a female doll, and I let them know how painful it is to be beaten.

If you want sugar, just ask me for it. Wouldn't I give it? Why should I lie to a little girl when I don't give it? "

Li Yi said with a smile, but for those children, I feel sad tonight.

"Will something happen?" Yang Sixue began to worry about the group of bear kids.

"No, Zhuangzi has a special tutorial for hitting children. Everyone in Zhangjia Village will learn it." Wang Xing gave the answer from the side.

Tao Hong proved: "You beat the doll so hard, nothing happened the next day, and the child is still so happy."

"Can it be so?" Yang Sixu didn't believe it very much.

"Yes." Li Yi was sure, he taught.

People who study medicine can still do this. If you don’t believe me, try to stab you with dozens of knives.

Yang Sixu: "..."

He is such a fierce person, a little scared, is a person with high medical skills so darkhearted? Actually teach people how to beat a child.

Some of the children who had just coaxed the little girl over were crying before they were beaten.

Such a big piece of candy, the little girl licked it sweetly by herself, just didn't give it to others to taste it. For the little guys, this is such a sad thing, and the heart is broken.

"Tomorrow, remember to give a bunch of rock candy Calabash to the children in Zhangjia Village. It must be said that I sent it specially. They won't hate me if they eat it."

Li Yi said to the court ladies and eunuchs.

When he was in school, there was pediatrics in the curriculum, and the first one in pediatrics was child psychology.

The exam is focused because children don’t know how to express, so it was called dumb in ancient times.

Just don't even think about asking if you want to ask, expect the child to tell us directly and useful information, that is simply nonsense.

However, you still have to talk to your child during diagnosis. At this time, child psychology is used to judge the child's condition.

As for babies who can't even speak, they must observe their expressions.

In the guided action under the subjective stimulus, the baby's face will give feedback.

Now Li Yi knows that the beaten child will hate him, and he will quickly deliver something delicious tomorrow.

There is nothing that Calabash can’t solve. If there is... then...

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