The group of people stood in place without entering the Zhangjia Village.

Seeing sporadic cooking smoke rising, Yang Sixu was puzzled and asked, "Don't the people in Zhangjia Village eat together?"

Li Yi shook his head: "Eating together is troublesome. Some people eat more and some eat less. Who pays how much grain, oil and salt?"

Li Yi knew that eating a big pot of rice would not work, but the cooperative would be fine, so there was a public fund in Zhangjia Village.

In the summer, except for the money allocated for selling toads, the rest is in the fund.

It is used to build houses and roads for villagers' homes, as well as other live start-up funds like selling toads in the future.

"This is the reason." Yang Sixu nodded.

"Go to the greenhouse and have a look." Gao Lishi suggested.

There is a greenhouse in Liuli Village, and there are also greenhouses around the hot spring plantation in the palace.

Right now the palace has started to eat. His Majesty meant to ask him to come and see if the vegetables grown in Li Yi's greenhouse are better than elsewhere.

Let's go to the greenhouse area together. The greenhouse is made of silk and its light transmittance is inferior to glass and plastic cloth.

But light can still shine through, and plants grow slowly.

"Due to the lack of light, the synthesis of chlorophyll is not much, so the leeks are yellow when they are planted, and the leeks are planted in a darker place."

Li Yi introduced next to the leek field in the greenhouse.

"I know the garlic is yellow." Yang Sixu said he understands.

"In the days before and after cutting the leeks, top dressing is not allowed, and the leeks cannot be watered immediately after cutting, because the roots will rot." Li Yi talks about planting techniques.

Anyone who grows leeks knows this.

"The celery over there? The celery is good, you can keep breaking." Gao Lishi pointed to another piece and said.

"I usually eat celery, always knocking off the leaves. In winter, I believe people who eat celery will leave the leaves as pickles."

Li Yi came to the celery field and squatted down to see if there were any worms. If there is any disease, he will follow suit.

Walk from shed to shed.

The vegetables grown are cucumbers, this is the most. In winter, smelling the delicate fragrance of cucumbers gives people a great feeling.

Then came chrysanthemum, spinach, Chinese kale, Chinese cabbage, and dandelion.

Yes, there are dandelions. The roots of dandelions are medicinal materials, and the leaves can also be broken and eaten, like celery, and then they grow.

Day lily is not planted. The flower-eating part of the day lily is all dried, so I bought a lot of it in the village.

The other is mallow and eggplant, the growth cycle of each crop is different, some can be eaten, some have to wait.

"This is a carrot?" Gao Lishi squatted in the carrot field. The carrot sprouted in the water and moved over.

The leaves are still growing now, and the situation below is not clear unless you dig it out to see.

"Thanks to Yu Huaide, the shopkeeper Yu, who bought it from Tubo, the carrots to be planted can be planted on a large area after they are seeded."

Li Yi thought of Yu Huaide, who should have completely recovered from his illness.

"With the seeds, do I need to have a variety of them in the greenhouse in winter?" Gao Lishi was not familiar with it, and he wanted to learn.

"No need to grow in winter, carrots have a longer shelf life and are better preserved than radishes.

However, I will cover some carrot fields in Zhuangzi in winter. Chang'an is cold in winter. If carrots want to get seeds, they must survive the winter.

It should be sent to the warmth of the south for a large number of breeding. The seeds are sent to various places every year, planted in the same year, and eaten in the same year. "

Li Yi stretched out his hand and took out a carrot. There was still a small section underneath. Under observation, he stuffed it in and pressed the soil next to it with his hands.

Then he stretched his hand back, opened the box with the green pine that was picked from the trailer behind, took out the glass bottle, and pinched two alcohol cotton balls with tweezers.

Li Yi wiped his hands, a smell of wine permeated.

"Lord Li, you are..." Yang Sixu was puzzled.

"I am a doctor. I have to keep my hands in a relatively clean state at all times. If there is a patient suddenly, I will get something on my hand and deal with it, it will kill people."

Li Yi smelled his fingers and grinned. He had no alcohol gel, so he had to wipe alcohol cotton.

When no one supervises his doctor's code of conduct, he must strictly demand it himself.

After a few turns, everyone goes to the cafeteria.

The green vegetables that can be picked in the greenhouse appeared in the canteen, and the cucumbers were not fried, except for the soup, they were washed and made into garlic cucumbers.

Yang Sixu came to the cafeteria for the first time. He used to hear that there were good things for the farmers to eat.

I saw it today, Cucumber.

In the usual winter, only the royal family has it, and occasionally rewards it to the minister. Others don't care about how rich they are and can't buy it.

There is a greenhouse this year, but cucumbers from other places are still not put outside.

In the end, Li Yi's Zhuangzi took it out for everyone to eat and bite it down. How much should it cost?

"Your farmer is good." Yang Sixu considered the money he had eaten, and found that the farmer was just holding a little cucumber and just taste it.

"They are all people who are accustomed to being poor, and my proprietor is not doing well enough." Li Yi blamed himself.

Yang Sixu's face was immediately covered with black lines, are you not good enough?

"This year's experiment was very successful. Next year, I will build more greenhouses, and the vegetables will be opened for farmers to eat." Li Yi said softly.

Song De walked over to Li Yi at this time and said, "Proprietor, all the medicinal materials have been collected by people from the Imperial Medical Office. According to your instructions, the palace and the outside are divided into two pharmacies."

"Take them to dinner, we must entertain them well." Li Yi nodded.

"Dongzhu Li, why separate?" Gao Lishi said.

"The ones in the palace are prepared for the rich, and the ones bought outside are for those who can't afford the medicine." Li Yi replied.

Yang Sixuan understood: "You want to charge high prices to the wealthy."

"Right!" Li Yi nodded.

That's what he planned. Good medicine is naturally expensive, a hundred times more expensive.

People who have no money really come here and can only subsidize part of it, even free medical treatment and free medication.

Not to mention that at the moment, his hospital at that time also had money that he couldn't get back. He took the green channel to rescue him, and then the patient had no money.

Just like the woman who fell down by the Bashui Bridge, she was rescued by an injection of glucose. If it was another illness, she would be rescued without money.

Gao Lishi went to cook food. When everyone sat down and started to eat, he and Li Yi said, "Our family knows what you think, but you have thought that people from other places will come to you for medicine?"

Li Yi put down his chopsticks: "I will not buy the pharmacy medicines on Zhuangzi in the future, but other pharmacies will give them to me.

I still have more medical books. I want to learn it, but I have to pay a price.

I can't control it when it's far away, and every drugstore in Jingzhao Mansion will block anyone who doesn't give me medicinal materials. "

When he spoke, his tone was calm, but his attitude was firm.

Does it cost money to study medicine? How can there be such a good thing.

After learning, I can be optimistic about more patients, especially the wealthy, who make money and quickly replace them with medicines.

Gao Lishi had a meal and looked at Li Yi in amazement. He thought that this good thing for the people, Li Yi would give it away again, so he started charging?

"How many medical books are there?" Yang Sixu knew that this book summarized the predecessors and that Li Yi himself wrote a lot of materials in the Compendium of Materia Medica.

He thinks that one book is enough for Li Yiming to pass on through the ages.

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed with a sad look: "There are too many, when should I copy? Wow! I will work hard this year to try to copy 50 copies first, and copy the rest slowly year after year. Sure enough. Encourage people to study medicine, and thunderstorm!"

This time, I joined other eunuch ladies and Yang Sixu and Gao Lishi together: "..."

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