Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 153-A Joint Trade War (Fifth)

Li Yi doesn't need to look at it to know that these leathers are the best, and they are reserved for himself.

"Thank you, shopkeeper Yu, hurry in and have a hot soup." Li Yi invited.

The others who came with Yu Huaide were naturally in charge of Song De.

Said it was drinking soup, but it was actually eating together.

Li Yi talked to Gao Lishi and Yang Sixu, and took his own plate to another place.

Yu Huaide is not suitable for contact with the eunuch in the palace.

The two sat down, Yu Huaide looked at the vegetables he had just been in a daze, and looked up at Li Yi.

"Dongzhu Li, have you really planted this? Is that shed made of silk?" What Yu Huaide saw was not vegetables, but business opportunities.

"Does Yu Dongzhu want to plant next year? This year is actually fine. Some fast-growing vegetables can be planted before the end of spring. In January and February, the price is good."

Li Yi looked at Yu Huaide expectantly, hoping that the other party would agree.

The successful cultivation in the greenhouse, the experience can be promoted, and there are more people who plant it, which can be regarded as promoting social development and benefiting the people.

Yu Huaide was excited: "I, you, Dongzhu Li, you, do you say you are willing to teach and teach me to grow vegetables in a shed in winter?"

"Discuss each other." Li Yi was humble.

"But, but the food in your shed makes money."

Yu Huaide couldn't figure it out. If he had this method, he would definitely keep it secret and would not tell anyone.

"Who is going to get a bottle of floral water?" Li Yikan asked the farmers who were sitting there eating a few meters away.

"I'll go." As soon as Li Yi's voice fell, he stood up alone, turned and ran.

Toilet water is available everywhere. In homes and workshops, farmers use floral water as an air freshener, Li Yirang's.

The others were a step late and sat down annoyedly.

Yu Huaide looked at the vegetables in front of him, especially the cucumbers, froze, and waited.

While fetching things, Li Yi said to Yu Huaide, “I have used soap for washing hands many times, and I haven’t sold it.”

"Yes, a good thing. Whether it's rubbing oil or dust, you can wash it off with soap, and even the scum on your hands can be brushed off."

Yu Huaide always used it when he was hospitalized, and he also used soap, but he didn't dare to covet it.

"Treasurer Yu thinks that soap is sold to Tubo, but someone would like to buy it?" Li Yi asked.

"Buy, Tubo is more reluctant to take a bath than ours. It takes a long time to wash, especially the hair, which is rubbed with firewood ash."

Yu Huaide sat up straight, and he knew what Li Yi was going to do.

Li Yi pondered for a moment, and said: "I wanted to ask shopkeeper Yu to go to Tubo alone to sell soap, but I was worried that shopkeeper Yu would not be able to hold it during the transportation."

Yu Huaide's face changed, and he shivered: "No, I have to find someone to form a large team together, and bring soap in it."

He recalled the past of taking the Tubo route. It's difficult!

There are road bandits, bandits, and government offices.

The government is the best thing to do. Give money and bribes for a long time.

Bandits also benefit, but bandits sometimes suddenly turn their faces and deny people, or bandits change the leader, which is a troublesome thing.

The most feared is the road bandits, who do not have a fixed position, they will snatch and kill when they come up, and will not give you a chance to talk.

If you bring the soap to the past, you don’t need to sell it for the second time. The first time you are sold out, you will probably be sold by someone who also goes that same line.

Fortunately, I ran away, came back, and went there for the second time, absolutely unable to live there.

"I only hand over with you, shopkeeper Yu. I don't recognize other people when they come. I would rather break the road than change people." Li Yi assured Yu Huaide.

"Thank you, I'm going to find someone to unite, the price... how is it calculated?" Yu Huaide asked the actual question.

"Fifty-five cents, you take the soap and replace it with local goods, and sell it back to me for half of the money, or give me half of the goods.

I send a few people with the team, they can die, provided that you are all dead.

If they die, you live...

I don’t listen to the explanation, I only look at the results, don’t tell me what happened suddenly, why it’s too late and so on. "

Li Yi made it clear that the person sent is to supervise you, and it is your business if you die.

As for the consequences of your own death, think for yourself.

Yu Huaide nodded vigorously: "I recruit guards and recruit more masters who live in Chang'an. Every time I go out, I tell the master Li about the situation in the master's home.

If I die and they live, I believe Dongzhu Li will know how to do it. "

Yu Huaide is even more ruthless. Let's supervise each other one after another.

When talking, the person who went to get the toilet water came back.

Li Yi took it and called Yu Huaidewen.

"This kind of toilet water has a strong smell on the body of the Tubo people. After taking a bath with soap, I wipe a little toilet water and it is very fragrant.

This toilet water can also be used when bathing in a wooden barrel, and the body will be scented after soaking.

After Yu Dong's family organizes a good manpower, they will sell it to the people in Tubo together. Except for me, there is no second in the world. "

Li Yi said that he was going to smuggle.

That is to say, we are ready to play a trade war. The cost of soap and toilet water is low, and the export price is high, and the trade surplus is maintained.

Whoever masters the technology and who controls the demand will have the initiative in trade.

Yu Huaide sucked his nose vigorously, feeling happy and comfortable.

"What is Li Dong's main change?" Yu Huaide decided that the business was done, and united with others to form a huge team.

"Livestock, jerky, sheepskin, wool, no jewelry, there should be white stacks there, just cotton, cotton can be exchanged. If you can bring good horses back alive, I will give you an extra 10%."

Li Yi talked about the specific exchange of materials. Jewelry is useless to him. It is mineral, so it needs to be able to eat and wear.

Only basic civilian resources can shake the foundation of the other party.

As for cotton, he is willing to pay a higher price, and planting cotton cannot grow anything else.

Yu Huaide couldn't think of Li Yi's plan. He wrote down Li Yi's words before eating.

After eating, Li Yi sent Yu Huaide to Zhuangzi and said, "When I was looking for a joint person, I told them that I would teach them how to grow in a greenhouse."

"I'll do it when I go back." Yu Huaide nodded vigorously, and then left with two large baskets of more than 100 kilograms of various vegetables.

He wants to invite some people to dinner at night, so he uses these vegetables, especially cucumbers.

Li Yi turned his head and sent Yang Sixuan and Gao Lishi away, brought a lighter and toilet water, and gave Wang Xing ten by the way, and he thought about how to deal with it.

"Come on, one by one, just play around, don't burn things."

Everyone was sent away, including those from the Imperial Medical Office. Li Yi threw Taohong an alcohol lighter to them.

Tao Hong and the others are really willing to listen to Dingding's movement, and then watch the flames come out before extinguishing them.

Li Yi thought for a while and found Song De: "Where is the Six Lizhuang? Send me some lighters for Dage. We will sell alcohol in the future."

"In the west of Chang'an City, there used to be a wasteland. Later, someone built a Zhuangzi. It was not called Liulizhuang at that time, and few people know it now."

Song De knows part of the situation and got it from the people who buy soy sauce.

"Send two hundred, I will write a letter and ask Dage to help give it away. Use a single use of alcohol when it's gone, I'll fill it up here."

Li Yi went back to the yard to write a letter.

Some food is not good, and he will get sick if he eats it, so he plans to make wine, but he doesn't drink it anyway, and sells alcohol by distilling it.

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