Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 154 You will be in charge of the accounts from now on (first more)

The green is suddenly seen in the cold winter, and the villagers gather together. To say how much money is, the village Zhengyu, and take the account of Zhang Village.

"Brother Yi, Brother Yi, I'm here for my brother. I haven't seen him for many days and I miss it very much." After Li Yigang ordered Song De, Li Chengqi ran over.

"Quickly, lift things down." Li Chengqi stood beside Li Yi.

He took two large carriages, which were also covered with thatch cloth.

"Dage is a vegetable? Don't turn it off, it won't keep it frozen." Li Yi thought that Dage had sent Liulizhuang the greenhouse vegetables, and hurriedly persuaded him.

"It's not a vegetable, you have it in Zhuangzi, and I'll give you something." Li Chengqi said.

The things in the car were lifted, and a gust of wind blew, Li Yi smelled the smell of the sea, well, it was a stench.

"The shelled oysters, didn't you say that this is delicious, Brother Yi? The oysters are not valuable, but the freight is a lot." Li Chengqi said.

"How much did you buy Dage?" Li Yi clicked his lips, wanting to eat grilled oysters.

This day is suitable for the transportation of a large amount of seafood, as long as it is picked and shipped quickly, and before it breaks, it will go into a cold place and it will be frozen.

Li Chengqi opened his slap, five fingers came out, and three fingers were put away.

Li Yi asked: "Twenty thousand catties?"

"Two boats, a big boat for water transportation, two whole boats, there are too many things on the beach, and my subordinates told me that the fishermen are very happy."

Li Chengqi shook his hand and said the number.

Li Yi looked at him, carefully and hard, wanting to see how he mobilized the two large ships to transport oysters.

The Caoqu and Canal in Chang'an are flat boats. The big canal can carry grain. One boat can hold more than 5,000 stones, and one stone can be 120 kilograms.

In other words, where did you get the 1.2 million catties of shelled oysters? How many people were used?

"Tang Hui Yao" records how many things the big ship can hold, it's not a flat boat.

In the first lunar month of the tenth year of Zhenguan, the ship was on fire in Shanzhou. Burned two hundred and fifteen ships. One million shi was lost. Six hundred people died in the boat.

A non-overloaded ship with normal water transport, five thousand shi. In addition, there are more irregular ones.

Ships are calculated by weight, not volume, and the draft has nothing to do with the volume of the cargo.

How many shelled oysters can be weighed per pound? It depends on the size.

This can’t be calculated. Li Yi’s small oysters at that time weighed eight per pound, and the large oysters weighed four.

There are smaller and larger ones, of course the smaller ones have nothing but shells.

The Jin weighs more now.

"1.2 million catties, when will it be eaten?" Li Yi was surprised by the numbers.

"How many people are there in Chang'an, Brother Yi? How many catties can one person eat?" Li Chengqi asked with a smile.

Li Yi shook his head. I don't know. It's easy to deal with a permanent population. I read the household registration booklet and wrote it on it.

Floating population, as well as dark households hired by large households, how can they know where to go?

Li Chengqi said this time like I know better than you: "Brother Yi also said that the purpose of our shopping from the beach is to make life easier for the people on the beach.

If I buy less, how can it become popular in Chang'an? The price is slightly lower and more people eat.

When other merchants see the high demand, they will be tempted to buy in large quantities.

People on the beach always make troubles because they can't make ends meet. "

Now he talks about economics in a different way.

Li Yi cupped fist: "Dage doesn't forget his original intention."

"Exactly, that's why I sent it to Brother Yi. Brother Yi will take a look. Let's make a lot of money when we look back." Li Chengqi said another original intention.

"Wash the shell first." Li Yi also wanted to eat it, and the dry one obviously felt different from the shelled one.

With a hello from Li Yi, the farmers ran over to unload one sack after another of oysters, put them on a flatbed cart and push them into the house to wash them.

There is warm water in the house, so I won’t use cold water to brush it outside.

The first few Li Yi taught them to pry them with a knife, and someone nearby put a charcoal fire on them.

Li Yi began to adjust the juice and cut the garlic.

"You don't need to pound this garlic, it's juice. You have to cut it and chop it into fine pieces. Then the ginger juice triple oil is actually good.

But why can't you use soy sauce? If it doesn't sell well, just put some salt in the ginger juice, pour it on when roasting, and put garlic on it. "

Li Yi talked and operated.

One more thing: "If you feel that the flavor is not strong enough and you eat it by yourself, don't the oysters be cooked in oil in the summer? Put a little on that oyster sauce and sell it, unless you sell it at a high price separately, such as Heaven and Earth."

Li Chengqi stood by and waited, ready to eat, what to taste.

When the first one was cooked and Li Yi moved to the side to dry, a group of people came from Zhangjia Village, and the village chief Zhang Xiao started.

"Zhangcun is here just right, let's eat grilled oysters." Li Yi greeted warmly.

Zhang Xiao stepped forward to take a look, and then said to Li Yi: "Lord Li, the village has discussed it, and you will distribute the money you make in the greenhouse that gives you 10% profit."

"Uh!" Li Yi looked at Zhang Xiao puzzledly: "Why do you tell me to divide the money?"

"Too much, much more than selling toads in the summer. Although I haven't sold them yet, I know that the vegetables in the big shed can sell the money that I can't make in my life."

Zhang Xiao turned around and pointed to the Zhangjia Village.

Li Yi cooperated with Zhangjia Village to rent land, hired people from the village to take care of it, and then gave 10% of the profit.

When the village said no, Li Yiqiang gave it. Now the villagers are scared.

The tender cucumbers look like strings of Kaiyuan Tongbao.

Li Yi looked at the villagers who came with him and said to Zhang Xiao, "Isn't Zhang Cun holding the money left over after selling toads? Let's put them inside."

"No." Zhang Xiao shook his head and waved his hands: "Don't dare, I don't care about so much money, I don't know what to use for me."

"Yes, proprietor, don't embarrass the village, the village has been worried in recent days." The villager followed.

"How?" Li Yi muttered.

"Too much, too much, scary, Dongzhu Li will take care of you." Zhang Xiao heard this and asked again.

"Isn't afraid that I will be greedy for ink?" Li Yi didn't think it was difficult to manage the accounts, and he didn't have anyone to supervise him.

"Is the proprietor still interested in our money? Even if the proprietor holds the flowers, I am willing to wait." The villager said again.

Others agreed, insisting that Li Yi be responsible for the 10% off-season vegetable money.

Li Chengqi watched and listened, and persuaded: "Brother Yi, since the people in Zhangjia Village believe you, you might as well take care of it.

I told the village every few days that Zhang Cunzheng was able to learn it, and when he learned it well, he would transfer it to him. "

"Yes, yes, I learn." Zhang Xiao said.

"In that case, I will take care of it. Next year, I will build a two-story building for you. It will be designed according to the current yard. Come and eat oysters."

Li Yi decided to come down and greet everyone to taste.

One person took an oyster that was not too hot to dry, held it with his hand, and pulled it into his mouth with chopsticks, connected with ginger juice and garlic.

Li Chengqi ate it, and clicked his mouth: "There is a special taste, which is different from the dried one after soaking. How much does Yi brother think is appropriate for a pound?"

"Jin?" Li Yi repeated: "Is Dage going to be sold to other people? Other people will take out?"

"One hundred and two million catties, I can't sell it for my brother." Li Chengqi emphasized the weight.

"That can't be sold according to the catty. Each one is divided into three categories, the largest one is selected separately, the special category. Compared with all costs, the increase is three, four, and five times. The small increase is low, and the large increase is high."

Li Yi gave a wholesale price.

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