Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 155: No Pages, Mount Tai Heavy (Second)

Li Chengqi listened to the price given by Li Yi, but after thinking about it, he didn't understand.

"Brother Yi, how can the price difference be so high?" He picked up another grilled oyster.

"Small ones can grow, and the price is different. Others who want to buy from the seaside are naturally willing to follow the market in Chang'an.

Li Yi continued to put the newly opened oysters on it and grilled them.

Li Chengqi nodded: "Good, don't fish or kill chickens to get eggs."

"It's time for Dage to operate kelp, sea cabbage, and oyster farming. In Hangzhou, the south of the Yangtze River, Qi Min Yao has something to say: the seaside mountains in Wudu are full of laver."

Li Yi felt that it was a pity to eat the small oysters.

Li Chengqi decided to go back and take a good look at Qi Min Yaoshu.

"Is it asking people to pick more seaweed?" He has eaten seaweed, which is better than kelp.

"Brother Yi, the laver is Hangzhou native tribute?" Li Chengqi asked, recalling the texture and taste of laver.

Li Yi kept moving his hands, but his eyes didn't look at the oysters, as if he was distracted.

After twenty or so breaths, he said: "Yuhang County, Hangzhou, Naishang County, native tribute white braided silk, red silk, rattan paper, papaya, tangerine, honey ginger, dried ginger, ginseng, hyssop. There is no seaweed."

Li Chengqi listened to what was inside, and there really wasn't any.

Immediately, he was abruptly shocked, turned his head and widened his eyes to look at the Yi brother own, thinking about it all.

The popular translation is: Damn, what am I asking? I ask a place of Tugong? Brother Yi could actually know, what did he remember?

He asked slightly about the school entrance: "Does Yi brother know how many counties are there in the local area?"

"Eight, Qiantang, Yanguan, Yuhang, Fuyang, Yuqian, Lin'an, Xincheng, Tangshan." This time Li Yi answered quickly.

It was slow just now because he was checking the information, and it was easier to lock it to the location of the information.

"Brother!" All Li Chengqi's words turned into a sigh.

What kind of knowledge and strong knowledge this is, it scares me to death!

No matter what Dage thinks, Li Yi said, "Since there are many wild seaweed, artificial breeding is easier. Later I will write about the techniques for breeding kelp, seaweed, sea cabbage, oysters and scallops."

Li Yi is going to start aquaculture, and it will take several years to produce top-quality products, which is no better than raising chickens.

"Yes, when we sell these oysters and sea cabbage, we will sell some more vegetables, and when the money is available, we will go to select the land and recruit people to raise them."

Li Chengqi didn't ask Li Yi to pay the money. When he said it was okay, Li Yi came up with an idea and took part in it.

Now that they have sold a lot of money one after another, the elements are included.

All the people from Zhangjiacun were cautiously tasting the grilled oysters, not daring to speak.

They heard that 1.2 million catties of oysters wanted to increase the price by three, four or five times.

How much does this thing in the sea cost? How many per catty?

The village was not paid for growing vegetables in the greenhouse, and the village was afraid to manage the account. The business discussed by the proprietor was really frightening.

After each person had a few more meals, Li Yi stopped: "I will take care of the 10% of the profit gained in the village. If it is necessary to spend, I will wait and listen to you and wait until the village agrees."

"No need, Li Dongzhu, the money is for you, you can use it as you like, we trust you."

A villager simply disregarded the village right next to him and directly expressed his belief.

The money for selling toads is not. The whole village is staring at it. What the village wants to do needs to be discussed with the clan elders.

Switching to Li Yi's head, he didn't even ask.

Zhang Xiao doesn't matter, he doesn't want to compare with Li Yi, at least he can't ask the villagers to use the hydraulic threshing machine for free.

Even in winter, where Bashui deicing is located, some people thresh the husks and grind them, and they still go to the riverside for treatment.

"Master Li, this account book will be handed over to you." Zhang Xiao took out a blank account book with only a cover and no paper inside.

Li Yi tidied his clothes and took them with both hands: "Yiding should do his best to live up to your trust."

The light and fluttering ledger, at this moment, when Li Yi received it, it seemed as heavy as a thousand catties.

The villagers smiled happily. They wanted to do this a long time ago, and handed the money to Director Li Dong. The village’s good day is coming!

Li Chengqi was watching, feeling deeply.

Even if Brother Yi is an ordinary person, only relying on this trust to pass to the palace, he will definitely need to lead a county errand, at least the master book, no fame, and no knowledge.

In front of the cover of this account book, Wanmin Watch seemed insignificant.

This is the village's allegiance to one person.

There is no paperwork, let alone a deed in handprints.

"Proprietor, let's go now." The villagers relieved and greeted them and left.

Li Yi handed the cover to Cui Liu, who ran into the study to help place it.

As a court lady, she also knows the weight of this thing. If it is a village in a county, someone can get this thing, and if she holds it, she can impeach the county magistrate.

It is with this qualification that state officials can treat each other with courtesy.

Otherwise, people can rise up at any time and lead a village's rebellion.

"Dage, remember that oysters can't be eaten raw, except in the extreme north, from the northern bay of Hebei Province. You have to show me the oyster before you can eat it raw."

Li Yi remembered an important thing. These oysters were not produced in cold waters and contained parasites.

There should be cold water, but the probability is low, just check it and you can eat it.

"I know, huh? The third brother is here." Li Chengqi saw the emergence of a three-car convoy.

Four-wheeled vehicle with steering shaft.

Li Yi built an ambulance by himself, but Li Longji found that it was better than a two-wheeled vehicle and could still be stable without a horse.

Ask people to make them, make many cars, and buy them for the five kings, fathers, other nobles, out of the palace, and the prime minister.

Rich people are allowed to make their own, and it is convenient to buy goods.

Otherwise, the force on the front of the two-wheeled vehicle will be on the livestock.

When unloading animals, the front of the cowl must be supported with braces.

When moving, the livestock bears a forward force and at the same time an additional downward pressure. It is very tired, and the speed is not as fast as four rounds.

In the past, not having four wheels was a steering problem. There is a steering shaft, which is no problem.

Li Yi also saw it, and quickly grilled oysters.

"Uncle, how good are your vegetables?" Queen Wang got out of the car, her abdomen was already bulging, but she was wearing wide clothes.

If Li Yi doesn't pay attention, he can't tell at all.

"It's okay. Don't eat too much of the cucumber over there. If you feel hot, you can eat rock candy Calabash, drink hot fruit juice, and green tea."

Li Yi knew that he needed to check it, so let's talk about the key points first.

"Hmm!" Wang Huang was relieved after all, beside the genius doctor, he didn't worry about his body.

"The third brother might not know, right? Zhang's village sent him to Yi Yi just now..."

Li Chengqi began to tell Li Longji what happened before.

"Yes, Uncle is a believer." Queen Wang stretched out her hand as she said, Li Yi didn't move, his head was rubbed.

Li Longji was also quite emotional: "There is only a neighboring village, but the people of the neighboring village can be entrusted with the wealth of the people in the neighboring village. Yi brother, if you are an official, how should money matters to the people?"

Li Yi used chopsticks to pick out some of the minced garlic from several oysters, and handed one to the queen.

Meditate for a while and said: "People's livelihood is hard, you should seek wealth; people's livelihood is not easy, don't be greedy."

"If an underground official gives you money, what should it be?" Li Longji asked about bribery again.

Li Yi was a little embarrassed because he paid bribes, but the purpose of bribery was not to obtain private wealth, he just wanted to maintain a good relationship.

The money spent is earned by himself ‘hard’, and he’s not an official.

After completing the psychological construction, Li Yi dayi said awe-inspiringly: "A little bit is my name; a little bit is the grease of the people. A bit wide, the people are given more than one cent; I take one pen, and I am not worth a penny.

Who thinks that communication is so bad that shame is really hurt; what is the source of ill-gotten wealth? "

When he said it, he gave the original author a thumbs-up, and he wrote so well, calling you six six six six.

Let me copy it, thank you!

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