Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 160 But Keep the Bottom Line in the World (Second)

Through Li Yi's actions, Yao Chong knew that Li Yi was worried that something happened to the horses in his home.

So take the pulse and feel the neck beating.

Yao Chong knew that even if it was a sudden disaster in his own home, Li Yi could rescue himself when he fell down at this moment.

In terms of medical skills, there is no need to say more, the disease of intestinal carbuncle must die, and it can be cured easily.

Didn't you see the Queen and Queen relaxing there? She was afraid of anything and she was pregnant.

I thought that the old man didn't know. Before he stopped the old man from establishing a prince, the old man inquired about the situation.

Xu is the least worried about being around Li Yi, genius doctor, heaven-defying.

But medical ethics is not something that all doctors have. Now I am photographed and I feel pretty good.

"Lao Zhang, don't think too much about it. The problems discovered in the morning are less than six hours old. Unless you eat too much, you can last for a day or two."

Li Yi continued to console, but let go of his hand, and his pulse began to calm down.

It shows that the old man's mood is not very ups and downs, and his heartbeat just ran away.

Li Yi sat back and had a cup of soup to drink. He didn't plan to eat too much at night.

"When Dongzhu Li said that, the old man put aside most of his heart, and heard that Dongzhu Li wanted to find official positions in some counties in the capital? The old man is still familiar..."

"My Uncle doesn't want it anymore." Queen Wang interrupted Yao Chong, still clumping her cheeks.

"Yes, I don't want to." Li Longji echoed.

He found out that Zhuangzi had too many things, and Brother Yi was trying to straighten it out, and he was really too busy.

Li Yi picked up a braised fish maw and placed it on Yao Chong's plate: "Lao Zhang is staying here tonight. There is a place. If you feel unwell, ask the temporary nurse."

"Lord Li, do you want to put me in the inpatient building?" Yao Chong reacted.

"No one else is looking after him at any time." Li Yi thought that way, and threw it over. If something happens, someone will know and call himself.

"No, the old man is not sick, don't go." Yao Chong refused, who wants to be hospitalized.

Li Chengqi gave Yao Chong a piece of fish head meat: "You old man really doesn't know the truth. My brother Yi is worried, but you don't listen."

Yao Chong stared at Li Chengqi: You can do it, Song Wang, I remember you in fact, can't it be done in the yard I lived in before, all have heating.

Li Longji still can't stand it anymore: "Brother Yi, look at this old man again. I guess he is worried about getting sick in that building."

"Impossible. There is no infectious disease. How can I know? The inpatient building is the nearest to my yard. I slept in my clothes tonight."

Li Yi made a decision as he spoke. He was most afraid of someone dying on Zhuangzi due to illness.

Isn't it just sleeping in clothes? It used to be a routine operation when I was a resident.

"I live, I live there." Yao Chong didn't want to spend more time talking.

Li Yi thought about it, and said to Yao Chong: "Lao Zhang, the horse is usually drunk, horse breeders should know."

"Really?" Yao Chong asked.

"At least I know, but now this time..."

Li Yi remembered, Datang, Datang people can be cursed if they are sick, and it is obviously not too realistic to expect the horse to understand the situation after eating.

"Check the chopped grass and bring it to me. Let me see. I try not to make guilty inferences, although dozens of horses are suspected of having problems at the same time."

Li Yi was still comforting, because he felt that the guarantee was artificial, deliberate, and poisoned.

The key is to mix the grass with the broken horses in the scraps, no one can see it.

Don't say that the current Datang, put it on your side, can you find at a glance that the grass in this scrap is drunk horse grass?

The difference is that once I found out that the horse was in a wrong condition, I promised to check it immediately, and I would find it out as soon as I checked it, and then various treatments.

With the medical technology at that time, it is not easy for a horse to die if it is serious.

"This tofu seems to be different." Ma was not Yao Chong's. He ran over to ask. Li Yi gave the method, and even said it was okay, he didn't worry anymore.

How to eat tofu, two kinds of taste.

"Lao Zhang, let me tell you, this, it's brine tofu..."

Li Chengqi is now learning and using it now. Wow, wow, tell Yao Chong what soy products are.

Hearing Yao Chong stunned.

Li Chengqi was hooked and in a good mood. By the way, he used his own knowledge to crush Yao Chong.

Yao Chong was not stupid, he felt the deep malice from King Song, it was bad.

You Song Wang was not like this at the beginning. Since staying with Li Yi for a long time, you...

Yao Chong thought, looking at Li Yi again, suddenly short of breath.

Li Yi's face was innocent, especially those eyes.

It doesn’t look like a bad person to be seen,

"Uncle what are you thinking? I look at your eyes like stars."

Queen Wang picked up hericium and fungus to eat, watching Li Yi stay there, her eyes deep, staring at her, and asking.

"Oh, sister-in-law, I am wondering whether to attack Tubo and Turks through things like drunken horse grass.

Move some harmful grass seeds away, or if there are crops infesting insects, specialize in raising this kind of insects.

Aimed at yak, sheep, and human basic survival.

The effect is remarkable, but the killing is too much. "

Li Yi frowned as he spoke.

He considered drunken horse grass to target horses, and the other things are the same.

But he couldn't make up his mind.

Li Longji looked at Li Yi and said, "Di Brother Yi doesn't want to kill too much?"

"Yes, killing is not the purpose, the purpose is to turn the enemy into one's own. It's all because of so many deaths, and it will be difficult to manage in the future."

Li Yi always believes that people must have a bottom line, otherwise they will go farther and farther.

Moreover, people from Tubo and Turks adapt to the local environment, and people from other places want to emigrate. The first thing that cannot be solved is altitude sickness.

The Silk Road sounds beautiful, but in fact it is a road paved with corpses.

Driven by money, countless people stayed on the road.

"Brother Yi, are you afraid of being condemned? Zhou Yu didn't live long after the fire burned Chibi?" Li Longji asked.

The official history is that Zhou Yu burned Chibi, and then Zhou Yu died after a short period of time. Some people think that he killed too much.

Like Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"No, I just think there are other better ways to solve the problem. Plants and insects that restrain each other are a kind of biological warfare, which harms others and ourselves.

The bow is strong and the arrow is long. Shoot the man first, shoot the horse, catch the thief first, catch the king.

Killing is also limited, and nations have their own borders. Gou can control the invasion of the mausoleum, how can he kill more. "

Li Yishun copied one by hand and said naturally.

"Good poetry, this should be the case on the battlefield." Yao Chong was the first to call six six six.

Li Yi glanced at him: "On the battlefield, the main purpose is to kill and injure the enemy's vital power, and then the enemy can be divided and encircled to disintegrate the enemy's will to fight."

Yao Chong was stunned, and just about to go back, it suddenly occurred to him that Yulin Feiqi was trained by this.

People understand war, not from a general perspective. Whether to fight or not is the kind of fighting with the team in person.

"Dongzhu Li, you mean someone wants to harm the old man, so they used drunk horse grass?" Yao Chong asked. He looked at Li Longji, who meant to fight with your Majesty?

Knowing that Yulin Feiqi needs a good horse, he secretly tricked him.

Li Longji didn't say a word, but his eyes narrowed.

Looking at Li Yi again, he smiled again.

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