"Xu was accidentally put in." Li Yi didn't think he needed to help others solve the case.

Li Longji didn't need to think at all, knowing that someone must have done something bad.

Wait and see, see who committed suicide or was killed.

"The poem that Yi Di just copied is not bad." Li Longji was unwilling to be affected by his happy atmosphere.

If the horse is gone, you can find a way to find it again. As long as Li Yi is there, it will be much safer.

"It's not bad." Yao Chong followed.

Li Yi curled his lips secretly, the author of this poem wrote a lot of frontier poems, and then resigned and ran away during the most critical Anshi Rebellion.

At that time, local leaders joined the army, such as the minister of organization, the director of education, and the director of culture.

I felt that something was corrupt, and then I threw away the official posts that could soothe people's hearts.

And Zhang Xun, who was also in the Anshi Rebellion, was a literary minister who had passed Jinshi in the imperial examination.

In Suiyang, he led more than 7,000 troops to face nearly 200,000 rebels, and fought a defensive and defending battle known as loyalty and legend... the battle of Suiyang.

In the end, the soldiers ran out of food and they were arrested and killed, but they bought enough time for Datang to mobilize troops.

I won’t copy your poems next time. Thinking of it makes me angry.

Li Yi secretly slandered Du Fu, who was only three years old this year.

If you want to copy, just copy Li Bai. Li Bai is fourteen years old this year, right?

Li Yi thought, suddenly laughed.

"Why is Brother Yi laughing?" Li Chengqi was talking about the poem just now, when he heard the laughter, he asked.

Naturally, Li Yi can't talk about Du Fu and Li Bai. One of them is so big, and the other is famous for finding ways at home.

So he said: "I thought of a way to benefit the people."

"Can it benefit the people again?" Li Longji was interested.

"Soy yellow rolls." Li Yi said.

"What?" Yao Chong asked.

"Medicine." Li Yi replied, "But it's also a dish. It's in the cafeteria. I forgot to pass it out."

Li Yi said that he got up to pick up some bean sprouts and fried dried tofu shreds. He came back: "Bean sprouts, it happens that there is coal burning in Chang'an now, and the house is warm. Let's make bean sprouts together."

"Cooking?" Queen Wang had eaten bean sprouts, but didn't know how to grow them.

"A lot of soybeans are used to squeeze oil. Using mung beans and adzuki beans, a small bean can grow such a long bean sprouts. Isn't it a good deal?"

From the simplest point of view, Li Yi, a hundred or so bean sprouts can fit a plate.

"Yes." Li Chengqi also came to eat frequently, knowing that it was bean sprouts, which tasted good.

"If you can't eat vegetables in winter, people are prone to get sick. It happens to use bean sprouts to supplement some of the things the body needs." Li Yi said to cure the disease.

"It's really easy to use?" Yao Chong only knows how to eat, and his family has never grown bean sprouts, used as medicine, and still uses black soybeans.

"Every family can do it. After taking this vitamin supplement... it's not easy to get a bad mouth." Li Yi wiped the sweat and said.

Ji Zhongshengzhi suddenly thought of bean sprouts.

Beans are eaten as a staple food, and some people make jelly with mung beans.

"Uncle write down the prescription and see if it is difficult." Queen Wang decided.

Li Yixiao Li Bai's incident is past.

That night, Yao Chong was arranged to enter the inpatient building.

In the middle of the night, people came in looking for Li Longji, handed Li Longji a piece of paper and left.

Li Longji used a lighter to light the biogas lamp in the house and watched, and shook his head: "Run, hum! It's not impolite to come and go, and my smuggling should speed up."

The note on the paper is the drunk horse grass given by the Tubo.

Therefore, if there are many wealthy people in the city of Chang'an who raise horses, look for the Tubo and Turkic people who have lived in Chang'an for a long time.

If you put a good horse in the horse garden to look after it, there are naturally ‘assured’ Tubos among those who feed it.

The story of the Three Thousand Yulin Feiqi has been spread long ago, and it is said that the combat effectiveness is strong.


"Your Majesty, do you want the whole city to hunt Tubo people?" Queen Wang woke up and moved forward to read the content.

"Don't search." Li Longji thought and shook his head.

Some Tubo and Turkic people in Chang'an have regarded themselves as the people of Tang Dynasty.

If it is due to a few meticulous work and the whole city search, it will naturally disturb people's hearts.

Queen Wang pointed to the following: "Yu Huaide wants to unite with other merchants traveling to and from Tubo to get soap and toilet water from Uncle to exchange things?"

"Yes, if it succeeds, the profits will be huge, commercial tax, commercial tax." Li Longji knew that the profit of smuggling was enough to use tea.

Switch to soap and toilet water, and of course the Tubo side will flock to it.

"But do you want to stop?" Queen Wang also felt sorry for the money. Her family used official smuggling, and the private sector also smuggled them, competing for profit.

"Ask brother Yi tomorrow morning." Li Longji hesitated and turned the question to Li Yi naturally.

Ask Li Yi for internal affairs, and ask Li Yi for foreign affairs. Anyway, don't spend money, don't ask for nothing.

So the next morning, when Queen Wang drank milk, ate cakes, and omelettes with sugar, Li Longji asked Li Yi, who was eating shaomai and lamb soup, "Is Yi brother and Yu Huaide going to Tibet for border trade?"

"Ah, I see that the imperial court is still quiet. It just so happens that the shopkeeper is familiar with it, and I share half of the money with them." Li Yisi made no secret.

I was afraid of smuggling, telling Dage and the third brother that the court rushed to move.

"But the court can't get a lot of money, and the business and taxation is very troublesome, and the benefits involved are too great."

Li Longji made it clear that smuggling is inherently wrong, and still earning so much money, can your Majesty be comfortable?

"Three brothers said this? Easy. If your majesty wants money, he can send Yulin Feiqi to protect him, a team of one hundred to two hundred people.

Going out in rotation, there are bandits and bandits on the road, and they will solve the problem, and the caravan will take out 50% to pay the protection fee.

At that time, I will divide the remaining half with the caravan. I am not too small, and I believe the merchants will readily agree. "

Li Yi handily gave a solution. During the time of his voyages, European countries all had private plundering permits.

If you pay a portion of the money, you are allowed to go outside to rob ships of other countries.

The National Navy also followed suit, and the Spanish Invincible Fleet was overturned by a large group of British pirates.

"I heard that they want to give others a little money along the way, such as various states and capitals. If you ask your majesty to order, you will save more money."

Li Longji knew how greedy the officials below were, and he wanted to cut off the officials' income.

Li Yi waved his hand: "No, it's a long way. I don't dare to confront the court on the face of it. If you secretly use your hands and feet, it will break the business."

Li Yi knows best about bribery, can it be done without giving money to others? If you know the people above, you dare not give money to the people below to do things, just wait, there will be constant troubles.

"However, it is possible to officially order that the local government shall not deduct the funds of greedy and Mexican exchanges, and then the caravan should return it.

If one day your Majesty wants to clean up people, he will naturally have an excuse, and he will be able to copy a lot of money with one check.

At the same time, there are orders and the officials are profitable, and they will certainly look after the caravans. "

Li Yi followed and said, very calm, as if talking about an ordinary thing.

Yao Chong, who came to eat together, bit his mouth on the bun and stopped moving. He saw Li Yishi's eyes with a trace of fear.

This boy, when he said that he had no household plan, didn't he make any waves?

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