Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1658 God's pupils are surpassing the world (first more)

"Dalun said that when the glass and spices are delivered, I will use them to enter Tianzhu, and I can drive the various ministries to fight in order to lure them.

The eminent monk also said, like a pair of eyes watching in the sky, insight into the world, that is Li Yi's virtual pupil.

Da Lun seemed to be much older when he talked to me, and even whispered to himself if there is a Li Yi in Tubo, no, half of Li Yi..."

Faced with Princess Jincheng, the ruler belt Zhudan couldn't hide the secret in his heart. What he saw and heard all told and listened to Princess Jincheng.

Princess Jincheng is happy, Kilisu is old, the better he is, the younger his own father is.

She looked up at the ceiling, really had a pair of eyes, and they were full of warmth and yearning.

She read it right, there are eyes on the shed, painted on, but those eyes are flying eyes.

"In this way, the expenses of our Tubo westward move have been resolved?"

Princess Jincheng suddenly remembered the embarrassment with her personal maid two days ago, and also released the pigeon.

At the moment when he was worried that Tubo would find an excuse to control Datang asking for money and thought that there was no solution, Li Yi had already pushed ahead.

What a terrible person, he doesn't complain that Kili is getting old, his opponent is too strong.

This situation should have started when Li Yi alone gave 500,000 yuan to Shu land a few years ago, right?

Tubo Dalun Kilisu was already very good, and he didn't suffer much in the confrontation with Datang, so he took the opportunity to stabilize Tubo's interior.

After Xiao Langjun's mother ascended to heaven in front of him, it can be said that Kili Xu supported Zanpu's position.

I once felt scared in the face of Kilisu and felt powerless, and his calculation ability was very comparable.

No one knows that Dalun is counted by others, and that person started to settle down a few years ago.

The two sides played against each other in the air, and Da Lun wanted to abandon his son several times to fight for the first place, but the other side was Heavenly Horse, oppressing every step of the way. Da Lun did not say that he could fight back, nor did he parry.

"Are you looking at me?" Princess Jincheng thought, muttering in her eyes looking at the sky.

"Nunu, I'm a little cold." Princess Zhu Dan Shun Jincheng looked at the ruler, and she couldn't help but shiver.

As the saying goes, a woman is weak in nature, but she is strong if she is a mother; a child is weak, but she is strong if she loses her mother.

The mother of Shidai Zhudan achieved the first point. She helped Shidai Zhudan conquer the situation, but it was a pity that she was overworked and went without waiting for the Chidai Zhudan to grow up.

The ruler belt Zhudan was also quick and sensible after losing his mother, relying on Kilisu to continue to stabilize Tubo.

Internal conflicts cannot prevail in military strength and must be alleviated through external wars.

Just when he thought he had found a good way, the wars were defeated again and again.

Then the internal conflicts seemed to ease, and he stayed in Nunu's palace, no one dared to covet his own position.

It's all because of the man named Li Yi, why did he manage to Tubo?

"Drinking soup, this day, if you say it changes, it will change. I heard that Tianzhu is warm." Princess Jincheng scooped soup for the ruler belt Zhudan.

She was right, the mountain was blocked, and the warm and humid air could not pass.

Tubo rarely has particularly warm days. Crossing the mountain road to Tianzhu on the other side, the temperature is high.

At the moment, the overall weather on the earth is getting warmer. At least Tubo can grow wheat and some paddy fields in some places.

When changing to Li can also plant it, but it is a technology advantage and has nothing to do with the weather.

It seemed that in order to cooperate with Princess Jincheng, she had just finished speaking for half an hour, and the sky was completely dark, and the drizzle began to float.


"Has anyone been stung by a bee these days?"

At about nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Li Yi stood in front of a pink-purple alfalfa field and asked Chang Sun Xin.

There are bees flying around, and occasionally bees falling on the clothes, pat the clothes and fly away.

"Yes, I'm looking for someone who keeps bees. Usually, you don't catch bees with your hands when they are outside. The bees don't sting people. The closer they are to the hive, the more aggressive the bees are."

Long Sun Xin obviously worked hard to learn about bees from others.

"When the flowering period is over, your bees will drive flowers?" Li Yi asked another question.

Long Sun Xin listened to Li Yi: "The bees we raise are three to seven points. I am three to seven."

He doesn't worry about whether to rush the flowers or not. Li Yi is right to listen to everything.

"It just happens to be used this winter." Li Yi calculated and found a place for the bees.

"Rigid and soft, the bees will freeze to death in winter, and they won't get out together."

Wang Wei reminded that his family lives further north, and there are bees.

According to the newspaper, beekeepers do not want to drive flowers and feed sugar water frequently. In the following spring, there are many bees and it is easier to divide nests.

Even when the bees cut the nectar and cannot sell it, they will make up part of it in the winter.

It is mainly aimed at people who raise a lot of bumblebees and find a balance between effort and harvest.

"In the magnifying shed, the imperial village above is planting flowers in a large shed this winter, and the cherry blossoms in the shed are in bloom, which can be used by many bees to collect nectar."

Li Yi gave an answer. The bees will continue to be active when the greenhouse is warm.

As long as the quantity is reasonable, the step of artificial dipping powder is also omitted.

"I also tried it in my greenhouse. There are many greenhouses and a lot of silk and silk are used. This year I fear that the price of seasonal vegetables will decrease and the cost will increase."

Chang Sun Xin changed the topic and talked about market economy issues.

"How do Haoran and Mojie feel?" Li Yi turned his head and asked Wang Wei and Meng Haoran.

The two looked at each other, thought hard, and didn't say anything for a while.

They definitely don't think that Li Yi can't find a way, so he specifically asks himself and is clearly taking the exam.

"Go and see the bees." Li Yi looked up at the sun, then observed the terrain, choosing a direction to go.

"Do you know where the beehive is placed?" Chang Sun Xin was surprised again.

If I hadn't gotten the beekeeper and asked myself to stand in the current place to judge the position, I would never know it.

"It rained heavily yesterday, and the sun is shining today, and the weather is good. Look at the hardworking bees flying around." Li Yi praised the bees.

"Yes, what does it mean?" Chang Sun Xin is still puzzled, am I not sure about this?

"It means that the rain was better yesterday, and the beehive was not soaked in water. There are a few big trees in front of the whole area, and the terrain is high."

After Li Yi finished speaking, he quickened his pace. The artificially planted alfalfa has intervals and shallow furrows for easy watering and harvesting.

Ditches are shallower than vegetable fields, and vegetable fields should always be watered, especially cucumbers and eggplants.

The paddy field for growing rice is another kind. It takes blisters all day long. The fields are not deep in a grid. High dams are built around them, and the dams open in layers to release water in low places.

Some people will make a bamboo tube and bury it in order not to damage the large water inlet.

Raising crabs can’t work, you need to add something extra.

When they reached the place, there was a large beehive, and a couple in their thirties were busy washing and drying the thatch cloth.

Chang Sun Xin frowned when she saw it: "How can I start washing?"

Without waiting for the beekeeper to speak, Li Yi said: "Get up in the morning and busy adjusting the direction and position of the hives stacked yesterday. The bees have priority in collecting honey."

"Oh!" Chang Sun Xin smiled at the couple, meaning to misunderstand, don't care.

The two looked at Li Yi gratefully, and the man said shyly: "This little man knows how to keep bees at home, right?"

His wife tugged at his clothes, winking vigorously to show him other people's clothes, embroidered with the word "Yu Fei", and there was also a court lady eunuch.

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