The man looked at him, still smiling: "How many bees are there in Xiaolang's house?"

"Walk with us in a while and go to the cruiser. I will show this Dage's eyes and be a doctor if he has a disease. If I am short-sighted, I will give him a mirror."

Li Yi could see that the other's eyes were bad, didn't he see the woman's nervousness, and the man's nothing.

"Thank you Li Dongzhu, thank you Li Dongzhu." The woman thanked him again and again.

"Huh? Li Dongzhu? Li Yi?" The man reacted and walked two steps closer to look, but didn't recognize him.

"When did you see things in the distance?" Li Yi asked, observing the man's eyes.

"When I was a child, my parents were blinded early, and later encountered floods..." the man said and stopped.

"How are your eyes? Do you have children?" Li Yi looked at the woman.

"I have good eyes. I have two children. The eldest daughter is 11 years old and the younger son is 5 years old. In fact, there are five children in total." The woman didn't feel much sadness.

"What about the child?" Li Yi turned his head and asked Sun Xin.

"In the school, I find someone to work, and if someone has a child, I can't ask the child to follow along. In order to maintain a good name, I have to pretend to be."

Long Sun Xin said seriously that he cares about his current reputation.

"Okay, savvy! Help with work, with gentle movements, and don't go too far. It's easy to misunderstand the bees."

As Li Yi talked, he walked to a beehive and gently pulled out the frame to observe: "The wall of the nest is thicker. See how much there is. Replace the spleen when cutting honey."

"Proprietor Li, I'm about to say that these are beehives bought from other places, and I will deal with them first when they are divided into nests."

This time the man didn't ask how many bees there are in Li Yi's house. He knew that Li Yi didn't know it.

Lijiazhuang is so big, how could the proprietor Li specifically keep track of how many bees there are?

"Okay, find the inspector of Changsun, he will arrange it." Li Yi slowly inserted it back in, licking his fingers.

Others helped to scrub the tarpaulin, and let it dry to see if one side was dry, then change the other side.

"Let’s live there and raise it in a greenhouse in winter. Go and get honey for everyone to taste. This is our own honey."

Long Sun Xin gave an assurance that he can't help, he won't.

He knows how to take care of people and make them happy.

Among his duties is Shangyi Fengyu, responsible for the emperor's clothes, tables and chairs, tea cups and other utensils.

The woman went to get it immediately, and there was nothing else in the honey.

In Li Yi's time, any food had a shelf life, including salt, and honey usually lasted 24 months.

If you see a shelf life of 18 months, it means that the purity is too low.

The honey-sealed honey will be no problem for ten or eight years.

The people in the team don't lack honey to eat, they still taste it, their own.

There are differences in the taste of honey brewed from different flowers, and it is hard to say which one is the best.

"It rained yesterday, were you two tired?" Chang Sun Xin remembered something.

"Someone is helping. The local people are watching the land and bees of Changsun's inspector." The woman held Changsun Xin again.

The actual situation is also as she said. Yesterday the locals saw the morning glow as beautiful and ran over to put up the hives and cover the tarpaulins.

"Did you write it down? Leave some beeswax when you cut the honey and send it over."

Chang Sun Xin used what he used to serve the emperor.

"Remember, I have dealt with it before, and more when I change my spleen." The man replied with a smile.

Beeswax is not used to light candles after purification. It is used as medicine and food. Now honey is not allowed to make incense.

"Let's go together." After everyone had tasted and the work was done, Li Yi greeted him, and there was no need to stay guarded.

The couple followed each other in the line and went to the next place.

A court lady nearby handed over water and compressed biscuits and told them to eat while walking.

It depends on the situation. In the morning, the beehive was set up, and the thatch cloth was washed and dried. At this moment, it was obvious that he had not eaten.

"Girl, your heart is so careful." The woman boasted.

Tao Hong smiled slightly, said nothing, the careless palace lady...

"I know these are called compressed biscuits, which are better than brown bread." The man took a bite, fragrant.

The compressed biscuits he eats are different from those in the military. The court ladies and eunuchs make them separately and carry them at any time.

"Originally there were buns. I saw someone sweeping the street early in the morning on the road. Yesterday the rain washed the things on the road and we gave them food."

Jin Ju whispered beside her, helping the man watch the road by the way, her eyes were not easy to take care of.

Li Yi walked, talking about beekeeping.

"Those who use beekeeping as a way to survive need to drive flowers, pick up the hives where the flowers bloom, and cut honey for money while walking, and they also need to bring a set of tools to make hives.

They even hope to exchange copper coins, which are convenient to carry, but many places receive a lot of honey and can only accept silk and silk.

They work harder to bring silk from one place to another. In some places, the silk is very large and the quality is good, so they can change more privately. "

"Yes, right, right, Dongzhu Li is right, my family used to keep bees before, but my eyes are getting more and more useless. I wanted to find a safe place, so I ran to Jingzhao Mansion."

The man is excited, and he knows how hard he has been before.

"Gun and soft, I understand, the silk and silk of Jingzhao Mansion have been reduced, because of taxation, Yonghe can be avoided.

Other places are unavoidable, but still have to be handed in.

Therefore, there are fewer silkworms in Jingzhao Mansion, and other places add up, and the price can't be higher. "

Wang Wei spoke first and answered the previous question.

Meng Haoran followed: "Good road conditions can reduce logistics costs, which shows the benefits of road construction."

"Mojie, Haoran, you are really careful, and Datang has two officials like you, which is a blessing to the people." Li Yi casually praised.

The faces of Meng Haoran and Wang Wei blushed slightly, and you are reminding them, and can't answer again. Are you going to change places for us?

Changsun Xin heard that, there was no wave on his face, and he was accustomed to it. If Li Yi had no such skills, would he dare to calculate with the Zaifu?

"Li Yi, there are a lot of beans planted in the front. It rained heavily yesterday, and I was afraid that bean worms would fall and drown." Chang Sun Xin pointed to the location of the soybeans.

"Natural selection is competitive, and the fittest survive. The bean worms that survive are good enough, at least able to catch the back of the leaves."

Li Yi was not worried about the decline in the number of bean worms, but instead grew stronger.

Just like the elimination in nature, it is nothing more than a special breeding of bean worms, with a large base, and to a certain extent, more opportunities for evolution.

When they reached the place, a group of people walked along the bean fields, looking for the ladybugs, and when they found them, they threw them into the straw cages and took them back to feed the chickens.

The bugs that weren't bean worms were caught, and I saw the bean worms that were knocked down by the rain yesterday and picked them up to feed the chickens together.

Li Yi took a digital camera to take photos and recorded images, and then took soil and saved them separately, ready to go back to test and record them into the computer.

After the rain, the ground is wet, even if it is not good soil, it will still stick to the soles of shoes, and Li Yi will not go in.

The bug catcher rolled up his trouser legs and walked barefoot.

There is a pressure well next to it, and small troughs and ditches are repaired with cement, otherwise a big pit will appear at the outlet of the well.

"Look, Li Yi, as long as there is enough fertilizer, the soybeans will not grow badly. The fertilizer sent by Lijiazhuangzi adjusts the dosage according to the instructions for use, and it's a big deal."

Chang Sun Xin said after squatting next to a bean seedling and observing.

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