Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1713 Want to make meat skewers for painting (first more)

The maid next to her helped feed the water, and then continued to vomit.

The vomiting in the stomach is clean, and the small intestine will come out.

After vomiting, the person looked much more relaxed, and smiled to Li Yi: "Eat too much at night, it's a waste of food."

"It's okay, it's not bad." Li Yi expressed his understanding. He had obviously eaten, and Li Chengqi brought him to a banquet.

It would be weird if you can still eat it. The capacity of the stomach is limited.

"Sneez! Sneezes!" The person sneezed for ten seconds after vomiting.

"Dao Xuan has a cold?" Li Chengqi asked with concern, turning his head to look at Li Yi.

"Stomach acid irritates the upper jaw of the mouth, and the nasal mucosa is uncomfortable. It will be better after a while. Drinking a mouthful of hot water makes it uncomfortable to eat anything now."

Li Yi didn't have this reaction, his stomach was empty and his stomach acid was low.

But he still went to look at the vomit in the swill bucket to confirm that sometimes the small intestine was irritated and histamine reaction occurred.

At this time, it is allergic. If you sneeze, you will get red spots and then swell. The more you scratch it, the more itchy, and the more serious it is asthma.

There is also stomach acid irritating the esophagus and throat, which can also cause allergies.

Anyway, vomiting may cause asthma, and consequently.

After drinking two mouthfuls of warm water into his stomach, the man burped: "It's okay, just drink beer."

"Is it for medicinal purposes?" This person obviously knew the identity of Li Yi's genius doctor.

"When used as an anesthetic, I can't feel it after drinking too much." Li Yi said with a smile.

This person was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled: "Doctor Li is really funny, the color pictures in the newspaper, those colors are good to look at."

"It's quite laborious, it needs to be printed, and the cost of color pictures and color characters is high." Li Yi explained how to print.

His printing workshop can't automatically color inkjet with computer. If you want to print a picture, you need to paint first, then engrave.

"Value! I have a collection of every newspaper, oh, not the Tubo envoy." The man followed and said a joke.

In order to pit Li Yi, the Tubo envoys got himself in.

The old newspapers are old to the people of Jingzhao Mansion and new to the entire Tang Dynasty. The content in them is precious.

Li Yi picked up a bunch of cooked chicken heads and sprayed vinegar vigorously, each of them divided into one.

By the way, I asked Li Chengqi: "Did brother eat it?"

"No, come here to find you, hoping to eat with you." Li Chengqi placed his hand, took the chicken head, and grabbed it.

To bake is to marinate first, and when it is cooked, add heat and seasonings when baking.

Roasting is raw, it must be cut, or it won't be cooked for a long time.

If you want to roast the raw chicken head, you have to simmer it slowly over a low heat, which takes up more space.

Unless it costs twenty yuan a piece, four skewers are grilled for eighty yuan, otherwise the barbecue seller will lose money.

The people who were brought by Li Chengqi learned to grasp and eat slowly. The chicken had less meat and more bones, so the bones had to be removed constantly.

After eating a few times and sipping a beer, he watched Li Yi busy grilling big skewers again: "Doctor Li, bring two."

"Eat the chicken head first, eat carefully, don't waste it." Li Yi refused.

"Is this stingy? Why don't I draw a picture for you." The man squeezed to Li Yi.

"You just vomited and nothing was appropriate to eat. The gastrointestinal tract can't be recovered. Eating chicken head slowly, with more saliva, gives the gastrointestinal tract a time of relief."

Li Yi doesn't want to paint, doesn't he know how to paint?

This person was stunned again, and then sighed with emotion: "I have misunderstood Dr. Li, and Dr. Li is really kind."

After a chicken head is eaten, half a glass of beer is eaten, and the pure brewing beer has a not small degree, which is stronger than ordinary wine.

"I'll make a picture, and I'll wait for it with pen and ink." The man wiped his hands with a towel.

The palace lady hurriedly asked the eunuchs to bring a table. It wasn't that they couldn't lift it, they were women, and men should do the hard work.

The man dipped the ink, picked up the draft beer glass, gurgled, poured the rest of the wine into his belly, and started painting.

Li Yi stood by and watched, grilling skewers by the way, ready to shout good words against his will, or compose a poem to praise others temporarily.

Watching...Li Yi's hand grilling the skewers stopped, letting the skewers be simmered there.

After another moment, the bamboo sticks of Chuan'er burned, and he was awakened: "Wu Dai is the wind? Wu Daozi?"

"Brother Yi can see that it is Daoxuan?" Li Chengqi smiled beside him.

"Yes! Daoxuan is Wu Daozi, why didn't I remember it just now?"

Li Yi suddenly realized that Li Chengqi mentioned Wu Daozi's name.

"Brother, you call Wu Daozi, and when I go back, I will find someone to tell your majesty that your majesty has something to say, but you must have an edict and you can't draw it."

Li Yi felt satisfied. Wu Daozi was better than his own painting. Although he was able to imitate Wu Dai as a style, Li Kui didn't work well with Li Gui.

Li Yi knew why Wu Daozi was with his elder brother. In history, Wu Daozi had an official name named Ning Wangyou.

Like walking in the Queen’s Palace of the little girl, it belongs to an extra official.

But right now, the elder brother is still King Song, and he hasn't changed because of the success of the third brother's mother's posthumous name Zhaocheng, and he is not King Ning at the same time.

King Ning is a higher status, and he was appointed by the founding of the country.

Li Longji sat firmly on the throne, so he was willing to give up King Ning to his eldest brother.

Like the general Tiance who was appointed by Li Yi when he went to sea, this man in the Tang Dynasty belonged to Li Shimin.

Now there is no need to give King Ning, what about King Song? Still controlling the Datang Chaotianxia Fund, so many things at the seaside are all under Li Chengqi's control.

"Yes! You can talk to your third brother, otherwise your majesty will be angry and go to your officer."

Li Chengqi joins in the fun, if you are willing to pretend, I will accompany you.

"Speaking of which, Aunt Gongsun, Ji Zhen, Ruoxu, and Bogao are all there?" Li Yi said four more people.

When he saw Wu Daozi, he remembered that they were Aunt Gongsun, He Zhizhang, Zhang Ruoxu, and Zhang Xu.

In fact, Wang Zhihuan was there, but Wang Zhihuan was too mad, he was even mader than himself.

Does the medical book count as an article? Come, memorize all the medical books.

I didn't dare to be uninhibited, and honestly helped the people of Datang live a good life.

Now I am almost dying of worry, for many years, the development is too slow, and a five-year plan is gone.

"Yes, Brother Yi would like to meet?" Li Chengqi didn't think that anyone Li Yi wanted to meet would not be able to meet unless the other party was gone.

"No need for the time being, too busy, I don't know what to say when I meet. Let it happen!"

Li Yi actually feels a little... nostalgic for these individuals in Datang? recall? Curiosity?

In fact, he doesn't care, Wang Wei and Meng Haoran are looking for the door by themselves, how tired Meng Haoran is running! In order to be an official, do not abandon the official junior.

The Wu Daozi in front of him, learned calligraphy from others, and became an official. The distance was far away. Later, he couldn't do it anymore, so he resigned and ran to Luoyang.

He Zhizhang came up in the imperial examination, and got off to a high start.

Zhang Ruoxu has a good literary talent, but he is not good at politics and has never been an official.

Zhang Xu was more honest. He was in an official family since he was a child, so he was willing to be any official, and then ran to Chang'an little by little.

These people are very interesting, but Li Yi's heart is not so excited.

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