Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1714 Border Pass is very leisurely and interesting (second more)

It takes a long time to draw a picture. Wu Daozi only draws the approximate postures of a few people without filling in the colors.

Datang paints such paintings and uses colorful ink.

Wu Daozi raised his sleeves and wiped his sweat. It was considered half-finished, and the rest was easy to solve. He had apprentices, and he usually asked them to paint.

"No, that's it." Li Yi said, he didn't want the color.

The colored ones are worthless, this painting belongs to Wu Daozi's unfinished work.

He warmly greeted Wu Daozi to eat skewers and drink. He rushed over so far and vomited to accompany him to drink.

Wu Daozi is also very satisfied, feeling that he has performed supernormally. This beer is good, and I will drink beer for painting in the future, and I will not drink wine.

Mosquitoes are flying around, but they can't affect everyone's fun.

"The stability of the Tang Dynasty depends on Dr. Li's good advice."

Wu Daozi sincerely praised Li Yi, at least he can use more pigments and cheaper paper.

"If you don't have anything to do with Li, it is your majesty's blessing to the Tang Dynasty. The officials pooled their ideas, the soldiers gave their lives to guard the side, and the people worked hard.

The prosperity of Jingzhao Mansion is not the work of one person; the blessing of the people is the virtue of the people who cover the people. The tall trees are in the shade, but the trees are not forests; the reeds are leafy, and the individual plants are not swaying.

The Tang Dynasty is a country, the world has hundreds of industries, thousands of paths follow, and all people are of one mind, and only then can there be Megatron and all directions. "

Li Yi speaks the truth, very grateful to Li Longji, Li Chengqi, and the prime ministers.

These people sometimes cooperate with themselves like fools, and at the same time witness the rise of Datang, and many power struggles have been put down.

Otherwise, I can only usurp the throne, and it will be his mother who drags his legs back and simply jumps out.

"Doctor Li, you have contributed the most, I know, Your Majesty..." Wu Daozi still boasted.

"Thank you, drink this cup full." Li Yi interrupted in time, let alone your Majesty, what did your Majesty say behind the scenes? drink wine!

"Okay!" Wu Daozi groaned and drank half a cup of wine, then hiccuped, only to find that it was not full.

Now he can drink. After he vomits, he drinks a lot and his body adjusts automatically.

Today he feels in good condition and can drink a lot.

Li Yi was normal. He thought about Wu Daozi's appearance, and said, "Let's sing, everyone take out the instruments."

He has no choice but to drink more, the best way is to sing, get excited, and increase his physical activity when singing.

He ate and drank with his people at the time. He was already drunk, but after eating, he went to sing again. When he sang, the wine was not enough.

"Well, sing Hongyan, I heard that Doctor Li made this song to kill the will of the enemy soldiers?"

Wu Daozi relaxes, and Li Yi always feels very easy-going, without a sense of oppression.

Of course, he didn't see how Li Yi was when he was angry with Zaifu, and Zaifu was very nervous after eating.

The maids and eunuchs ran to get musical instruments, tools that must be prepared.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan also joined in the fun, one playing the violin and the other playing the xun.

Li Chengqi didn't have a bass drum, so he got a tambourine. Try the sound and make do.

Li Yi took a harmonica, accented harmonica, there is no F-sharp and B-flat in Hongyan, so there is no need for a chromatic harmonica.

The harmonica itself differs by an octave between the two rows. If you play an octave chord with nine holes, plug your tongue and add accompaniment in the middle, the effect is best.

Fortunately, Li Yi has a large lung capacity, and he does not play octaves all the way.

So Wu Daozi sang out of tune with his throat: "Hong~~Goose~~Sky~Sky~Up~~……"


"Hong~~ Goose~~ Sky~ Sky~ Up~~~ Team~ Team~ Line~ Cheng~~ OK~~ River~~ Water~~ Long~~ Autumn~Grass..."

Hedong Road, the Celestial Army, cruising forward three or five miles, the soldiers are singing softly in the night.

They have musical instruments, but they don’t dare to use them. They are all military stuff. Is it hard to blow Dao name horns? Or heavy drumming?

They don't have alcohol to drink, let alone grilled skewers, for fear of drinking and causing smoke from the campfire.

But they have individual self-heating rations, which are heated by pouring in water. The cost is a bit higher. There is no aluminum foil, and other things are used as interlayers.

Pour water on the hot things on the outer layer and wait a moment for the delicious and warm dishes to be ready.

It's much simpler than Li Yi's back then, of course, it can't be compared with that time, there were drones to give away if there was no food at that time.

There are several kinds of rations for the soldiers of the Heavenly Soldier Army. The soldiers' favorites are braised quail eggs with braised pork and pork with pickled vegetables.

Is there any staple food in it? Bring your own staple food. Can you bring individual rations. Can't you bring some fried rice, fried noodles, and dead noodles?

The food is delicious, the main food is water bubbles, and the food is delicious enough. There is soup in the food, and it is no problem to dip in the soup.

"Here, you can eat two pieces of jerky. I'll make it for you."

The battalion leader Shiyue in charge this time gave the dogs the jerky that had been soaked in water for ten minutes. There was too much salt on the outside of the jerky to soak out.

He is a hunter himself, and he always keeps hunting dogs in his family.

Ordinary beasts can deal with it, such as wild boar, which can deal with the most powerful.

It's not enough to replace it with a tiger. His hounds saw the tiger barking so hard that they didn't dare to rush.

He has always envied the hunter who can keep mountain dogs, the other dog, knowing that he is bound to die, also bites up, so he rushes to die.

The soldiers have no aspirations, so they fall into the camp; the dog has the will to die, and the dog is the guard dog.

Shi Yue envied those who had mountain dogs, and he didn't dislike his own dogs, so he could just do it if he didn't go to the tiger! There is no problem with wild boar or something.

The own team meets black bears and tigers, do they need dogs to rush? After a gunshot, they all become prey.

Quickly deal with it, and you can exchange money when you send it back. You can ask someone to help bring home the extra money.

If I take turns, I also help other brothers.

The three big dogs he brought have always been very obedient. Under normal circumstances, they didn't bark. When the rabbit rushed up and grabbed it back, the owner touched his head. It seemed that everything was worth it.

When you encounter a pack of wolves, run quickly, but there are too many wolves. The three wolves have a relatively small chance of winning together, not to mention there are other wolves.

I ran back to find the owner. The owner and others killed the wolf.

Now there are jerky and some salt and fragrant.

Most animals like to eat salt, and dogs also like to eat it, but eating too much affects the sense of smell, and at the same time drink more water.

"This is not Mei Cai Kou Po, it's lees, a little bit of wine lees, and the rest are chunks of pork belly, Li Dongzhu is really willing."

A soldier heated a good dish, but found that the ingredients were different, and there was nothing written on the package.

"Your meat is broken. See if the color is wrong, I'll try it!" A person next to him leaned forward.

"No, I like to eat bad meat, you eat your own."

This person is not stupid, so you can taste what? What will I eat after you taste it? Would you let me taste your braised pork? I'll just take a bite.

‘Oh oh oh’ ‘oh oh oh’ ‘Wow, woow! ’

When everyone was joking, Shi Yue's three dogs spit out the contents of their mouths and whispered in one direction.

"Prepare, listen carefully." Shi Yue knew that he had discovered the situation.

The own dog finds that wolves do not bark like this, unless it is a special case.

Someone put one end of the bamboo tube into the soil, with the ear on the hole on the top: "Bandal commander, cavalry, many."

"The Turks are out, quickly finish eating, and set off." Shi Yue didn't forget to eat, how can he fight when he is hungry?

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