Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1715 Border Pass Changed To Ride Out (Third More)

The troops in front of the Heavenly Soldiers changed their usual teaching of slowly chewing and swallowing, and ate a lot. They stopped eating their staple food and ate vegetables.

The three dogs raised by Shi Yue were sensible and saw that something was wrong, so they hurriedly chewed and swallowed half of the meat and were about to set off.

The advance team of the Celestial Army has one person and four horses. They belong to the kind of unit that can fight and fight, but cannot run immediately.

After the soldiers had finished eating, someone picked up two dogs, and Shi Yue took one by himself.

The dog hugged by others doesn't struggle, Shi Yue, who was born as an orion, would be too embarrassed if he couldn't even train at this point.

The team set off and moved forward according to the direction they heard the situation, to see who it was and what did it do?

The person holding the other two dogs put half of the steamed bun in front of the dog’s mouth and urged the horse to say to the dog: "Hurry up and eat. I will throw you down when the fight begins."

The dog didn't dislike it, and opened his mouth to bite off a piece, eat it in his stomach, bite it, and lick it.

"I'll put it in." The person holding the dog understands. The dog dare not lower his mouth for fear of biting someone's hand.

He just stuffed the remaining Steamed bun in, and waited for his hand to take it out before the dog chewed.

Needless to say the hunting dog, Li Yi was a lot of people who had good dogs at that time.

As a child, the dog wouldn't dare to move, for fear of accidentally hurting the little master's hand, just break it, anyway, you are young, you can't hurt me.

The child slaps the dog in the face, and after the dog is beaten, he still has to accompany the little owner.

If you change to a cat, if the child dares to fan the cat's face, the cat will basically slap back, but it's pretty good if it doesn't show its paws.

The cats raised by the Royal Family of Tang Dynasty are more docile and there are ways.

All people fight, only run to one person's side, other people don't fight.

Even if a cat has no class nature, he knows who can protect himself. When the owner beckons, the cat appears behaved and has no choice but to be scared of being beaten.

A well-bred dog recognizes the owner. If others beat or kill it, they won’t compromise. If they can’t work hard, they will die. If they can run, they will find their owner as soon as possible.

If the owner is also beaten, then bite, bite one by one, and die.

Therefore, Li Jiazhuang raised dogs but not cats, and he did not care about playing with cats.

Cats are unfamiliar and poor families cannot raise cats. If the living conditions are not good, the cats will leave. You are poor. Others have meat to eat, but yours does not. Go.

But the dog doesn't, and the poor also stands up, endures being beaten.

I think your master is too pet, try to take a bite, the master will not fight, then you can kill the master next time, the status has changed!

Historically, Li Longji and Yang Guifei made a Persian cat that pet, but the cat just thought it was better here, and couldn't find a better place.

Now there are cats in the grassland, or cats, and they saw the cavalry brigade running away.

What wolf pack canines run far away, that is not the Realm they should touch.

With the telescope, Shi Yue's team finally found another team.

"The cruising scouts had a team of ten people, and found seven teams with different faces. There were at least 5,000 people on the other side. One scout had three riders. The main force should be one rider and two riders."

The five-hundred-man scout where Shi Yue was located was dispatched to bring back information.

They can't get in because the other scouts are too dense, so they just fight when they get in.

Don't be afraid of hitting, afraid of hitting grass and startling snakes.

The other party was obviously going to sneak attack, and found that the situation was not right, so he should turn around and hit his side.

"Commander Shi, the Turks are going to the Xi clan, the speed is too fast." Another team of scouts returned.

"The ten-member team went to report, and asked the Xi clan to prepare. Another ten rides back to report that something went wrong in the Turkic. No, report the truth, but tell us our considerations."

Shi Yue judged the situation in an instant. Turkic had to war with the outside world. The internal situation was either stable or contradictory.

Stability naturally requires expansion, instability, and power struggles, and internal problems need to be quelled through foreign wars.

As the battalion commander, Shi Yue thought of a lot in an instant, but was afraid to give any accurate information and could only report truthfully.

Bang Bang Bang, the two teams ran away, they threw everything to the team, and ran desperately by themselves, letting the horses lighten the burden as much as possible.

But the water and fine ingredients that the horse drinks are not at all. People are pretty okay, and horses have to pursue speed.

"Battalion commander, what should I do?" the leader next to him asked.

"What else can I do? Save the horsepower. Once they go to fight the Xi clan, we will sneak attack when they line up or charge. We have guns.

When they get to the Xi clan's place, when the Xi clan organizes a team to defend, let's look at the situation and go out. "

Shi Yue thought of a lot in an instant, he deliberately let these people go, and now hitting the opponent will collapse.

He didn't take much advantage, but the Xi clan was stable.

You have to make the Xi family afraid, and then your own team fights hard to prove that Datang's army can protect the Xi family.

Ten times the force he did not see, the range of the bow and arrow was too far from the range of the musket.

The musket is indeed inaccurate right away, but the bow and arrow are accurate? When who can't shoot arrows? Don't understand how much the arrow will be affected by the wind?

Shi Yue found out early, and he didn't find it, but the border army tried it out.

The stronger the wind, the stronger the musket, the smaller the distance, the stronger the bow and arrow wind, and God knows where it will blow.

Sniper is strenuous, can you always get a platoon gun?

If the enemy is dead, if one's own side does not die, it is victory.

There are also headwinds and headwinds, the enemy is heading downwind, and the own team is heading upwind. They still stop, aim and shoot, fire two rounds of muskets and run diagonally, the bow and arrow are not enough to shoot downwind.

Bian Jun learned it early, and he used a lot of bullets to practice.

"Check the bullets, don't have any problems when the time comes, Li Dongzhu repeats what he said several times in his heart, and I'm going to do it."

Shi Yue couldn't say whether he was afraid or excited or excited, anyway he was very excited.

Finally got into a fight with others, what's the matter with Turks?

"Understood!" "Understood!" "Clear!" "I see!" "Okay!" "Look at it." "No problem!" "Yes!"

A mess of responses sounded, and everyone checked the bullets, and there was no delay in riding horses, except for those holding dogs.

"Honestly, don't move, I'll look at the gun. When you need to work hard, you run quickly. You can send a letter."

A soldier with a dog talked to the dog, but the dog could not understand it, but he could feel his emotions.

The dog is lying in front of the person, and his two paws are placed behind the horse's neck to maintain balance.

It doesn't need people to continue to hold it, it understands it, it's tired from running, and it's not tired right away.

"Do you want to get rid of the scout?" The scout on his side ran back and asked Shi Yue, do you want to do it?

"Isn't that over? Keep your distance, don't let them see us, they scout one man and three riders, regular troops have two riders for more.

We ride all four, we have an advantage in foot strength, and we don't fight the enemy for nothing. "

Shi Yue shouted back. He knew that his scout's hands were itchy, and he could surround and kill the other's scout at any time, with a different vision.

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