Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 177 Chang'an Standardization Integration (Fourth)

Pei Yaoqing and Fan Ai also came out of the same family. They stayed overnight for fear of accidents.

By the way, take a look at how the tourism model is developed, and organize it in the county in the future.

The tourists greeted the two people one after another, and they will continue to play today, especially learning skating and participating in competitions to win prizes.

Yesterday, I smelled the smell of toilet water. It was really comfortable.

"Mingfu, the village where you brought me to wait, good, really good, last night I..." This person said what he heard and saw.

Someone next to him echoed: "The village even prepared ginseng soothing soup, which is a waste."

"In fact, live in the village and feel at ease." Another person said.

Pei Yaoqing smiled and nodded, and said to her heart that the village prepared ginseng soothing soup for you because she was worried that the child would have to trouble Dongzhu Li in the middle of the night due to convulsions.

Without this soup, you will be fine, but you have to call Li Yi when you suddenly become ill.

As for ginseng soothing soup, ginseng is not a good ginseng. The two pharmacies, the worst of the poor pharmacies, will make soup for you.

Do you think you will throw it? It is estimated that today there will be dishes like chicken, duck, and goose stewed in Anshen soup in the Zhuangzi canteen.

Immediately he saw a villager put a pottery pot on the tourist car to drive the horse to Zhuangzi.

Don't look at it, the content in the pot is definitely soothing soup, Li Yi gave it, and then take it back to make food.

Tourists eat breakfast in the village, Pei Yaoqing and Fan Ai go to the cafeteria.

When he got there, Li Yi waited at the door: "Brother Pei, Fan Shao's mansion, was it safe last night?"

"Well, I don't want to get up in the morning. I wish I could sleep until midday." Pei Yaoqing moved his arms twice and said.

Fan Ai is the most direct: "Where is the soup? Where is the ginseng soothing soup?"

"Take it to boil the spine of the lamb, it's snowing, it's cold, and it's for Zhuangzi's children to eat, just because they love to chew bones."

Sure enough, Li Yi told the two people's guesses and made it into a dish.

The three of them went in and each chose breakfast.

Returning to a table, Pei Yaoqing asked: "Di Yi also knows that Chang'an Ling is not only in charge of Chang'an City, but also surrounding villages.

If you follow the method of Zhangjiacun, where is there to consider clearly? I want to copy it for my brother.

Especially the price, if it is not for the rich and the rich, can you tell people to have different prices for fun? "

Li Yi looked at Pei Yaoqing, kept watching, smiling.

Pei Yaoqing was guilty of being seen, and when he was about to speak, Li Yi nodded.

"Brother Pei is worried about some outsiders. It is not easy to live in Chang'an and it is difficult to borrow an overnight stay.

So I want to unite the surrounding villages, manage them in a unified way, and have a model.

It is no longer the way outsiders find a place to live on their own as in the past. Some people spend more money, knowing that others have less money, and naturally feel uncomfortable. "

Li Yi stated Pei Yaoqing's purpose.

Pei Yaoqing didn't blush, and said calmly: "Exactly, maybe Brother Yi could teach me?"

"It is necessary to set up a tourism supervision department to regulate the tourism industry, give each village an assessment, and then issue a brand."

Li Yi is going to teach Pei Yaoqing how to make scenic spots, a few stars.

For example, in Zhangjiacun, when the new building is completed next year, other services will keep up, and it will naturally be five stars.

"Specific." Pei Yaoqing didn't feel that there was anything wrong with asking this.

"After eating, I copied a copy to Brother Pei. I took the opportunity to organize the villages around Chang'an and improve the life environment of the local people."

Li Yi knows what to do, and uses tourism to ask other villages to do a good job of sanitation.

Some undesirable life habits need to be changed, and at the same time, you need to learn when dealing with others.

As a result, fewer people will be sick.

Of course, their toilets can't use raw paper, and they can't build their own paper workshops.

Then you have to think of ways to improve on the toilet fund, at least it must be a one-off, you can't wash it and use it again, or even...

Thinking about it, Li Yi shook his head vigorously, quickly threw out the bad thoughts, and had a meal.

After eating, he went to see Zhu Xie Jinshan, the inpatient department was alone.

The farmer was a little uncomfortable, so Li Yi showed it, and poured a bowl of Chinese medicine into it.

Then give the doctor's advice, adjust the diet and rest and it's over.

The pharmacy is here, Li Yicai refuses to prescribe Western medicine casually, wasting his life.

Perhaps because he had never used antibiotics, Zhu Xie Jinshan's condition quickly reversed after three injections of penicillin.

I woke up in the morning and took my temperature. It was less than 38 degrees. After I took ambroxol hydrochloride, I became fluent in my cough and spitting.

Zhu Xie Jinshan is in good condition, drinking goat's milk, eating egg cakes, and chewing cucumbers and pickles. He is full of praise for Li Yi.

Today, he did not pretend to be dependent on others. Through his improvement, he already knew Datang's attitude towards the Shatuo tribe.

This is simply the only magical doctor to treat himself.

Yesterday, during the daytime, my son visited a place allowed to see on Zhuangzi, and returned to talk about what he had seen and heard.

I can't believe it, this is a Zhuangzi.

Not only does the dealers have a good life, they also take care of more than 3,000 people from outside, and they also take care of the Zhangjia Village.

There are several large workshops, the ceramics are burned by themselves, the paper is also made by themselves, and there are countless good things.

Especially inquiring about all kinds of good tools for farming are all made by the proprietor.

If you plunder this boy back...

It is estimated that Datang will raise troops and conscript, no matter how many people die, they will be snatched back.

If you kill...

Zhu Xie Jinshan couldn't help but shivered, and couldn't think about the genocide.

Li Yi didn't know what the other party was thinking about, took a look, kept it up, and went back to the yard to write a travel management plan to Pei Yaoqing.

When the time was right, more than a dozen pieces of paper were handed to Pei Yaoqing.

Pei Yaoqing no longer waited for lunch, and left with Fan Ai, went back to study what Li Yi wrote, and then considered how to do it well.

At noon, Li Chengqi rushed over and brought a lot of watermelon rinds that had been chopped and mixed with Glauber's salt.

"Brother Yi, there are not many sand jars, so I can't fit them. I will bring them to you." Li Chengqi said, pointing to the baskets of things.

"Look for Song De and ask him to arrange someone to pick him up." Li Yi instructed Brown Rock.

"Thank you Dage." Li Yi was happy. Watermelon frost can be made a lot. With other things, he can make lozenges in summer.

"Brother Yi, my football field is completed. I will get four of the Chang'an football team. I will practice according to the rules you said. The banners for advertising for free have been made."

Li Chengqi introduced the progress of Datang's large-scale entertainment activities, and now there is a lack of competition.

"The rice flower and warm soup in the first game can't be charged. Ask people to make bamboo tubes, put the soup in the bamboo tube, and then use the paper bag to pack the rice flower."

Li Yi is also concerned about football games, playing football can exercise many body parts.

The original Cuju promotion was not good, and it was always impossible to organize decent competitions.

Only on holidays will it be officially held.

It is usually a recreational activity of the rich at home, and has nothing to do with ordinary people.

If a football match is played, ordinary people will talk about it and play with it.

Li Chengqi didn't want to make money for the first game. He said, "Everything is up to Brother Yi."

The two talked and went into the cafeteria.

"Brother Yi, as you have seen the New Year, are you still celebrating the New Year in Zhuangzi this year?" Li Chengqi thought of a question.

He wanted to spend the New Year with Li Yi, feeling lively, but he brought his family with him and his identity was exposed.

"New Year's Day is coming again. Last year, I was busy with Zhuangzi's affairs. I didn't have much money. This year... Does Dage want to play firecrackers?"

Li Yi thought of something, fireworks and firecrackers, making it out at night while still having some time?

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