Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 178 Profound Chinese Medicine Can Insert Teeth (Fifth)

Li Yi didn't plan to fire the gun directly, and the smelting technology was not enough.

He now has nitroglycerin, made by himself, to treat cardiovascular disease.

You can't change everything with the system, you can do it yourself to save life.

What's more, the root problem of Datang is not that its weapons are not good. Datang's soldiers are still very capable of fighting.

The Mo Dao Army that entered like a wall now exists.

"When I make that thing, it crackles, and the one that flies into the sky can still make a bang, exploding a splendid flower."

Li Yi introduced firecrackers and fireworks. He prepared to put salt and glauber's salt on the fireworks, which can change the color under high temperature.

Li Chengqi didn't know that what the person sitting in front of him did was a big killer, he was yearning for a beautiful spark.

"Brother Yi, if so, no need to burn bamboo?" He likes to play.

"Saltpeter, put it with other things, boom!" Li Yi introduced.

"Brother knows, but the spark is not big, and there is no crackling movement, it is better to sprinkle salt while burning the bamboo."

Li Chengqi pointed out another kind of firecrackers, he can play with salt, and he has money and status.

Of course, the production of firecrackers and fireworks also consumes a lot of materials.

"My one is easy to use, but it needs to be standardized to avoid injury or water leakage." Li Yi said another trouble.

For example, the second kick is placed sideways, or the first kick is held in the hand, and then thrown out to listen to the second kick.

All those who have had an accident are people who think it's okay.

"You do it, brother Yi, and wait to play for your brother." Li Chengqi didn't want to know about technology.

After eating, Li Chengqi went back to the ice rink to learn to skate in no hurry.

Li Yi went to the workshop to find someone to make firecrackers.

Saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur have always been found on Zhuangzi.

If the purity is not enough, it needs to be purified. Others make a paste to make firecrackers.

Manual paper rolls and knitting machines are needed. When filling the medicine, it is a bundle, and the medicine is poured directly up, then smoothed, and proceed to the next step.

The medicinal twist seeds are directly woven into the silk thread when they are made, and they can be inserted one by one.

It took half an hour for Li Yi to draw and talk about the process and the most important safety protection measures.

Move the firecracker workshop to the farthest position, without any buildings around.

Those who enter are not allowed to wear fur clothes, wear a hat on their heads, spray water on their oil coats, and use metal rods to touch them back and forth to dissipate static electricity.

First, find out the proper proportion of this batch, divide it and open it up, and adjust it once you use it.

Needless to say, the artisans know everything about fire, including cotton workshops, down workshops, wool workshops, wood workshops, paper mills and other places, and everyone strictly abides by them.

Who doesn't guard, warn the first time, forget Rivers and Lakes the second time, don't say goodbye.

So far, no one has been driven out.

The dealers take the initiative to recite the rules every day, and sometimes they wake up in a cold sweat when they dream of breaking the rules.

They all understood that once they left Zhuangzi, there was nothing left, even if the proprietor said that they would give some severance pay.

Those who master technology are more worried about whether they can live elsewhere.

"It's almost like that. If you don't understand the details, don't try it yourself and ask me. Then our goal is..."

Speaking of this, Li Yi stopped.

The craftsmen shouted together: "Safety first, safety first, safety first."

"Very good." Li Yi left with satisfaction.

He went to the hospital building and gave Zhu Xie Jinshan an intravenous drip of antibiotics. It was time.

"Fever?" Li Yi asked Zhu Xie Jinshan's son Zhu Xie Fu Guo.

"It was hot when I just finished eating, it was 38 degrees and seven, and now it has fallen to 38 degrees and two." Zhu Xie Fuguo was very clear about his father's affairs.

My father has given way, and he is ready to take care of the elderly in Chang'an.

It's good for him to live a long time for his father, not to mention who wants his father to die, it's not fighting for position, or his father is going to kill himself.

"Because the meals I provide are Steamed bun and rice, plus a lot of meat dishes, which provide a lot of calories.

In the process of treatment, it will not work if you don't add enough protein and fat. If you add it, you will accumulate calories.

The whole process must be balanced. The best thing is to eat lamb. I am worried that it will be too supplemented. "

Li Yi told the patient's family that his medication was also medicine, and that he was well-known for his post-operative care after Chinese medicine at that time.

Zhu Xie Fu Guo listened carefully, it is also a kind of study, this is a genius doctor.

Regardless of age, he is not very old, and he also leads the clan.

Li Yi received the injection and listened to Zhu Xie Jinshan's breathing.

Instructed: "Continue to maintain a good mood. The room is too dry. Spray a little water, and let your father walk around appropriately. Watermelon, cucumber, and cantaloupe can't stop."

"Can you leave the hospital in a few days?" Zhu Xie Fuguo learned new terms in the inpatient department.

"In a few days, your father is in good health, only pneumonia, minor illnesses." Li Yi's tone was emotional, encouraging the patient.

He believed that if he shook his head and sighed, he would come back at night to ensure that the temperature would reach thirty-nine degrees.

He understands the patient's mood, like Stoudemire who pulled his teeth before, he just said it's very simple.

As a result, after the anesthetic was given, the tooth was pulled out, and the place where the tooth was extracted grew better, and the place where the anesthetic was given was still swollen.

Stoudemire is very resentful, but what else can he do if he pulls it out.

That is a wisdom tooth, and it is not allowed to be implanted, which makes Li Yi more regretful.

He likes to inlay people's teeth, and for every free inlay, he thinks about making a lot of money.

The people in the dental implants’ office will be, but the inlays are expensive, and there is mercury, and if it leaks, it’s a medical accident.

He made teeth, porcelain, and own equipment for the villager and the old people in the 42 students' family. They were not burned in a kiln, and silver and gold were added to it.

In the past, his dental clinic at that time didn't buy porcelain equipment by himself. It was too expensive. Usually, after seeing patients, he took samples and processed them in a large porcelain tooth manufacturing factory.

It's very cheap, and the computer is on the model, and since it is modeled, it is made in batches.

His equipment is small and needs some manual adjustments, so he is willing to do it too.

After you become proficient, you can implant teeth for the wealthy of Datang. How can the teeth made by the Imperial Medical Office be better?

Ordinary people in the imperial medical office can't find them, they are all the dentists on the market.

Some also use ivory or other materials, hard bones.

It is said that there are still teeth of the dead, which Li Yi has never touched.

Thinking about inlays, Li Yi took a look at Zhu Xie Jinshan’s teeth.

There are two more tonic, which is worse than pulling. They are too crisp to be worn on. If the texture is not strong enough, it is possible to get nerves and have to get nerves.

"The pneumonia will heal in a few days. I will fix the tooth for you. If it feels good, someone from your place wants to have a dental implant in the future. You can bring it when you arrive in Chang'an, and I will give it a cheaper price."

Li Yi told Zhu Xie Fuguo that he decided to work hard to get the old man's teeth and advertise.

"More money?" Zhu Xie Fu Guo was stunned.

"What's said, how can you ask the doctor to not ask for money? Oh, your family doesn't want it, and other people give you discounts and concessions, that is..."

"I know, there will be discounts for takeaways from Heaven and Earth, and I have a card." Zhu Xie Fuguo expressed his understanding.

"Oh, that's the case. I'll wash your teeth tomorrow, big customer." Li Yi stretched out his hands and shook Zhu Xie Fuguo's right hand.

Then he left Zhu Xie Fuguo with a blank look.

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