Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1839 Plans and tactics are useless (second more)

In the wild grassland, the bright moon is in the sky.

A thousand-man post-Turkic cavalry moved forward while observing the traces on the grass by the moonlight.

The lead Te Gewu had a half-baked roasted wolf leg, hunted in the evening, hurriedly roasted it, and hurried on his way.

The grass is still that high, but most of it has turned yellow.

Occasionally, the sound of night owls can be heard sternly, or the animals in the grass may scratch the grass when they are running.

Te Gewu wanted to find someone, he had been searching for many days.

Knowing that Datang had binoculars, he ran away when he saw a lot of people in advance. As long as the team had more than two hundred people, Tang Bing would not dare to take action.

Judging from the traces, each team of Tang Bing has about a thousand people.

The traces I saw today are relatively new and seem messy. When I was too close to the own team, I ran in a hurry.

I can't let it go anymore, I have to catch up, find them, and take their heads back.

He was one man and three horsemen, everyone was a good player, and he couldn't beat the same number of Tang soldiers if he didn't believe him.

The moon is good tonight, and there are no dark clouds in the sky. Under these circumstances, can the telescope see so far?

Someone actually proposed to send infantry, the grass is high, can hide, make the telescope useless.

snort! Be cut! Sending infantrymen, even if they dodge the binoculars, can they beat the cavalry of Datang?

If you use infantry to fight cavalry, do you think you are a Datang army?

Huh? Why is the wind blowing so chilly and uneasy in my heart?

Te Gewu was eating and thinking, suddenly his mood became bad, and he became inexplicably irritable.

Just thinking about it, suddenly there was a spot of light in the sky, far away, there were four or five hundred steps, if it weren't for the many spots of light at night, it would be really invisible.

"Found Tang Bing, they are shooting rockets." The person in front shouted, looking very excited.

"Go around, don't chase, come with me." Te Gewu reacted in an instant, the enemy was about to set fire.

Fortunately, there is no advantage over there, go to the limelight by yourself.

Isn't it a fire attack? The own team brought something that started the fire and waited to see who burned it when they got the upper hand.

The brigade turned around, but as soon as it ran, there was another rain of fire over there.

Te Gewu turned his head abruptly, his eyes widened, and his gaze was horrified, surrounded by rockets, including the way he came, which was farther away.

In all directions, no, it's in a circle.

"Rush out to a place, next to it, not to be in the limelight or to the limelight."

Te Ge panicked, and the smoke began to float here.

"Over there, the fire is the smallest over there." Someone jumped on his horse to observe and found a weak spot.

"Okay, follow me... dismount, mow, hurry up."

Te Gewu was about to lead the team towards that place, and immediately changed his order.

You can’t go there, just round up three ques! Is it possible to leave a place if you switch to your own layout?

Everyone got off their horses and used their awkward knives to mow the grass frantically. Someone ran directly into the grass and mowed there, speeding up.

"Cut your own clothes, wet the water in the water bag, and gag your mouth." Te Gewu ordered again.

In a panic, the horse neighed and was pressed to the ground.

Around them, the sound of horse hooves became dense, and I couldn't tell how many horses there were.

Others shouted in post-Turkic language: "Surrender and do not kill, surrender and do not kill. We have a hundred thousand cavalry here, and you can't run."

Followed by the ‘background music’ appeared.

"Hong~~ Goose~~ Sky~ Sky~ Up~~~ Team~ Team~ Line~ Form~ Line~~ River~ Water~ Long~~ Autumn~Grass~Yellow..."

"Don't sing, we won't surrender. It's useless to play bewildered with me. Dare to come and fight with me one-on-one? Dare you?"

Te Gewu yelled in a loud voice, ignoring the smoke.

It's a pity that I can't suppress the singing, there are too many people singing, it seems like the besieged people prove how many people there are.

‘Boom! There was a loud noise suddenly in the singing.

The horses that were too smoked to stand were startled, they jumped up and rushed towards the small fire place, people could not stop it at all.

There is a horse leading, and the horse that is in good condition also rushes.

The person in that direction hides aside at the fastest speed, no one thinks about blocking, they will be knocked down and trampled to death, and it is useless to kill the horse.

In a short time, only two or three thousand horses were left restlessly agitated, and someone wanted to press them in the past.

‘Boom! ’Another sound.

The horses were taken aback again, and ran off along the path of their companions, leaving behind a group of post-Turkic people to continue mowing.

"None of you are warriors, you are not men, come, dare to come or not? I will kill with me without weapons!"

Te Gewu was mad when he saw his eyes were red, and he didn't know if he was smoked or angry.

Twenty minutes later, the fire on the upper side was gone, and the lower side and the surrounding ones were still burning, but they couldn't burn into the mowed circle.

More than one-third of the post-Turkic people were exposed and tired.

The remaining people were black and gray, and their eyes were blank.

The outside shouted again: "surrender and don't kill, surrender and don't kill!"

"If you surrender, you may still have a chance to go back, otherwise what are you doing desperately now?"

"We will lead the horse, how do you go?"

"Do you have water to drink? Don't you people who have been smoked?"

"Surrender! Surrender!"

Te Gewu's mouth was dry and cracked, and the part of his hair that was left behind by sparks that had blown from nowhere was also scorched.

He stood stupidly on the spot, his eyes dull.

The people following him looked at him, and others were rescuing their companions, peeing, and digging the wet soil under the grass roots.

"Let down the weapon, come out from the gap, put down the weapon, come out from the gap..."

"You want all the brothers who follow you to die here? You want to kill them..."

"There will be water when they come out, they can live, and there will be water when they come out..."

After a pause, the surrounding Datang soldiers shouted again.

"Ah~~~Ah~~~" Te Gewu roared to the sky.

His fists were clenched tightly, his nails digging into the flesh, blood ticking down to the ground.

"Fell, drop, lay down the weapon, go out, quickly take the brother out, go!"

Te Gewu shouted at Own's subordinates with tears in his eyes, endless sadness and endless pain.

"You have to surrender too, if you don't surrender, kill them..." shouted outside.

Te Gewu, who had just raised the knife to wipe his neck, stopped, and with a puff, the knife fell to the ground. As if he had lost his strength, he dragged his legs and stepped forward.

The other people helped each other carry, carry, and carry the fallen brother along.

As soon as they went out, someone from outside poured water on them, and they were rescued immediately when they were dizzy, and they were all used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Not only did Te Gewu lose his strength, Hun and Po seemed to be taken away.

He just stood there with his mouth slightly open, allowing others to pour water on his head.

"Alive, this one is alive."

"I'm fine."

"There is dust in his mouth, but fortunately he gagged before, and only entered after he fell."

"The smoke from the grass is less toxic. If it is replaced with coal, it will be completely finished!"

"Hurry up and take two more sips of water, cough, not afraid, it can be cured if your throat hurts."

The soldiers of Datang took care of the rescued post-Turkic people like their own comrades, but they were concerned.

"It's all alive, great!" Someone yelled happily after taking a count.

"Good! Good!" the others cheered.

‘Puff~! Te Gewu raised his hand and wiped the water off his face, so surprised.

He carefully distinguished the Tang Bing in front of him, and said to someone who looked like a general: "I want to know how I lost."

"Hurry up, send a report, send a telegram to the governor, and tell the governor that all enemies, one is not dead, have fallen." The person asked by Te Gewu happily ordered.

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