Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1840 Outstanding non-war crimes (third more)

"Tick, tick..." Yulin Feiqi's telegrapher came over with the telegraph and sent a message nearby.

Te Gewu took the water handed over by the person next to him and drank, drinking and watching.

He wanted to know how he lost. Datang's army seemed to fall from the sky. Aren't they all teams of thousands?

When the soldiers of Datang saw Te Gewu, they were sympathetic, and Te Gewu's response was not too problematic.

The place to find the wrong place was that Te Gewu’s team of thousands of scouts did not continue to send scouts.

When rejected, the people of Te Gewu will suffer casualties, and many people will die.

After the death of a person, he still cannot cause loss to one's own side.

Your own harvest will change, the horse will die, and the captives will not be as many as they are now.

Originally thought of a good tactic, at a critical moment, Yu Lin Feiqi made a suggestion, fire attack.

The man and the horse lie in the grass and set fire when the distance is about the same.

Anyway, the Turkic people can't catch up, who can chase after the fire, and the runners will continue to set the fire while running and letting go.

Originally planned to block in a small fire place, I don't know that this Turkic general is smart and does not rush.

And use people's irritability to cause the horse to be uneasy, and then put the explosive pack.

Oops! For the lives of Turkic people, I and others are simply broken.

In the past seven minutes or so, the person who sent the report raised his head: "Supervisor Zhang called back and ordered me to go back together, take a rest, and then replace other teams."

"Okay! Call back, we will take the prisoners on the road overnight, and they should not stay here for long. Tell the brothers in the two-tier encirclement outside that they are going home."

The general agreed, organized the team, tied ropes to the prisoners, tied his hands behind his back, and put them on the horseback.

Treat them as if they were still dizzy, and let them lie on the ground if they feel uncomfortable.

There is no need to think about whether they will fall off the horse. Everyone is the same person. You can't ride a horse without holding the rein. How do you pull the bow?

Te Gewu listened for a while, then thought about it, and asked, "Do you have a way to communicate with the Celestial Army from here?"

"Yeah!" The general nodded.

"You can communicate better with each other?" Te Gewu asked again.

"Yeah!" The general nodded.

"You bully us with binoculars and this thing!" Te Gewu said firmly, with a deep feeling of grief and anger on his face.

"Hmm!" The general agreed with the other party's statement.

"Non-war crime!" Te Gewu sighed up to the sky.

This is the same as using cavalry and bows to bully infantry. Oh, Datang's infantry is not counted, it is the same as bullying other people's infantry.

"How to fight this battle? How to fight this battle..." Te Gewu kept muttering.

Until he rode on the horse, he was not over yet. He was not tied up. Even if he had a god-like riding skill, he had to have a god horse to cooperate.

The horses don't care about others, they run out to drink water after being smoked, and follow other companions, it doesn't matter where they go.

Other teams gradually gathered, more than 46,000 people.

The Turkic people looked at them. For some reason, they were grateful. In order to deal with its own thousand people, did Datang send so many soldiers?

The scouts of the Datang army went out and ran back and forth. They didn't want to be attacked by others again.

The telegrapher of Feiqi Habayashi rode on the horse and sent a telegram to introduce the details of the battle.

In the Celestial Army, several people in Zhang Jiazhen were all tired, opened a few cans, drank to celebrate, white wine, special for Lijiazhuang, non-medical alcohol.

"This wine, drink it in a hurry after it is hot, and take a sip." Zhang Zhiyun looked like I was experienced.

"That's why you have to take a sip when it's cold." Zhang Jiazhen retorted.

"It's time to take a small sip, and a big sip. It's a full sip. You can't taste the taste of wine. The wine made during the winter wheat harvest last year has been more than a year now."

Guan Yujin understands the situation and introduces it.

Wang Han took a sip, frowned and held his breath. After ten seconds, he slowly spit out alcohol: "Good wine, full-bodied wheat wine."

"This is barley wine." Guan Yujin said innocently.

"Isn't it the wine made when the winter wheat is harvested?" Wang Han mentioned what Guan Yujin said.

"Yes, the wine made from aged barley when the winter wheat was harvested last year was not as wasteful as the new grain.

It's a pity that people who have little money at home buy grain and are still willing to buy old grain, because they are not productive. "

Guan Yujin said with emotion, sad for the people of Datang.

Aged grains are cheaper than new grains. When cooking rice, for the same weight of grains, the new grains will boil less than the old grains and have more water content.

It is cheap and can eat more, so people who are not wealthy at home have to choose Chen Liang.

"It is written in the newspaper that Dr. Li has brought back rich produce from overseas. If he wants to be here for a few years, the people will eat Xingu."

Wang Han likes to eat new food, which tastes good and tastes fragrant.

Guan Yujin eats canned food: "By then, we will grow corn in the prairie and watery places, grow potatoes in other places, and dig artificial water channels.

Grow out to feed horses and cows. If you can cultivate high-yield seeds, send the seeds elsewhere. "

"Feed the animals? Wouldn't it be better to transport the food to other places?" Wang Han pointed out the problem.

Zhang Zhiyun said: "The transportation loss is large. Raise the cattle and horses and drive them away. The people can easily farm. Some people can't pull the plow and can only dig a small hole to plant seeds. How can we increase production?"

"My family lent horses to the people around to farm." Wang Han remembered, yes, nothing wrong.

His family is so powerful, it is precisely because of this that they borrowed livestock to the people, just like Li's Zhuangzi, the people just feed it when they borrow it.

Whoever wants to move his home must ask the people whether they agree or not.

Said that they copied Wang Han's home and gave the horse to the people, but the people didn't do it and couldn't afford it.

The people only borrow horses when they need farmland and return them to Wang Han's house.

Unless it is replaced by a cow, the cow can be raised, and the cow does not need to be fed with concentrate or night grass.

The cows have seen winter in their eyes, so they can feed some good food to increase their fat before the beginning of spring.

However, the people are concerned about their conscience, and they are afraid of being pierced in the backbone by the people in other places.

"Look at the road." Zhang Jiazhen said, "When I saw how the road was built, there is a river here, and it’s not troublesome to take a boat on the river."

After he finished speaking, he changed the subject: "One thousand prisoners, three thousand good horses. Send our bad local horses back to Chang'an, with the prisoners."

"Since the grass of the current envoys is withered and yellow, we send people to the post-Turkic places to find the limelight and keep setting fire, forcing them to continue their migration and chaos their positions."

Guan Yujin had an idea, but he didn't have the idea of ​​protecting the environment and protecting animals in his mind.

The post-Turks themselves belong to the nomadic way of life, and they live by grass.

Man-made fires can disrupt their life rhythms. They are forced to change places when they shouldn’t be migrating, and both livestock and people feel uncomfortable.

"Tomorrow morning, Lijiazhuangzi will send a message. The prisoners of a thousand horses are not worth waking them."

Zhang Jiazhen wanted to wait and see, Li Yi always gave him unexpected surprises and asked him.

What he didn't know was that Li Yi had just been yelled to see the telegram he received.

"Okay, it's good to set a fire. The fire attack is beautiful. You have to set the fire. There is something in Zhuangzi that can match it. The smoke of that thing is interesting."

After reading a large telegram, Li Yi drank two sips of water, muttered and lay down again.

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