Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 191 Supporting one side for the same protection (second more)

"Yes, always, there are many people, I will go out to eat first, and I will find you Li Dongzhu later."

Yao Chong, who came in, saw the Supreme Emperor and Concubine Doulu, threw a word, turned and left.

"What's the matter with this person?" Li Dan saw Yao Chong rushing to the evening, thinking it was a political matter in the DPRK.

Li Chengqi said: "It's okay. He doesn't care if there are too many people in the house when something happens, so he can say it as soon as possible."

"That's good." Li Dan relieved.

He thought it was something difficult to decide in the political affairs hall, so he came to ask the political affairs, so don't delay.

Yes, Li Dan thinks so.

When Queen Wang and Li Longji arrived at Baifudian, they promised Li Yi in their words.

Especially the Queen, who said that the three prime ministers held the royal salary, and when they asked Li Yi in the past, they didn't give a penny.

When the dinner was over, Li Yi found that Lao Zhang hadn't come, and when he inquired, he went to sleep in that small yard.

But this time, I brought a deer, dead, and frozen very hard after bleeding.

"Venison, just one? We will make Fangzhuangzi Canteen tomorrow." Li Yi said to Song De who reported.

"How to do it?" Song De had eaten venison before, just once, roasting it.

"Fried cumin, braised in brown sauce, and prepared some clear stew, enlarged jujube and wolfberry, and put a few ginseng silk seeds."

Li Yi chose three things, which are pure wild animals, but they are not protected.

If there are tigers, the yamen will offer a reward.

Li Yi went to the hospital building to see Zhu Xie Jinshan. Zhu Xie Jinshan was drinking with his son Zhu Xie Fuguo at a mutton pot.

The pneumonia is cured. I stopped the injection yesterday, observe for one day, and can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

The surviving Zhu Xie Jinshan seemed to be in a good mood, his complexion was much better than when he first came, but there was more flesh on his face.

When Li Yi came, the two stood up and thanked them.

"Tomorrow can go, I will give you some soap, toilet water, glycerin, dried oysters, dried sea cabbage.

Take it back and enjoy it for yourself, sell it to the surrounding area by the way, and change the item, next time you come, exchange it with me. "

Li Yi didn't forget to take the opportunity to do business and send a batch first to give others the capital.

Zhu Xie Fuguo showed reluctance and was about to leave. He had seen many things during his time in Zhuangzi, and wanted to live forever.

But there are still tribesmen, and we must go back to lead the tribe.

"I heard that Dongzhu Li doesn't like gems and other things, what should I trade for?" Zhu Xie Jinshan had already asked his son to give Li Yi more things in the future.

The grace of life-saving is terrific, although it is arranged by your majesty, but if Li Yi said it can't be cured?

In the future, if you get sick again, you have to count on a genius doctor.

Li Yin said, "Luxury products are useless to me. You trade raisins and dried melons with other Turks and Tubos. I like them."

"Do you want horses?" Zhu Xie Fuguo wanted to repay Li Yi well.

"It's best to keep your horses and exchange them for other people's horses. Good horses and bad horses are needed. Good horses are used for riding, bad horse-drawn carts, and they can be bred with donkeys."

Li Yi considered that the Shatuo clan's current relationship with Datang was good, and he was not ready to pump the Shatuo's blood.

Speaking of horses, Li Yi thought of other things: "Collect the wool, don't feel the felt, bring the wool over and I will knit a sweater."

"What else?" Zhu Xie Fuguo nodded and said that he took it down.

"Cantaloupe... cantaloupe seeds have brought me some. I tried to plant them. Without the special climate and environment, the cantaloupe is not sweet when planted elsewhere."

Li Yi started with the idea of ​​putting the cantaloupe in a large shed, and putting it in in summer, to see if he could adjust it, and try to increase the sugar content as much as possible.

Of course, we must plant the off-season, even if the winter is not sweet, the value of cantaloupe is as high.

Zhu Xie Fuguo said: "It has been used for planting. It is not as light as grapes, but melons are as light as water elsewhere."

"Exactly." Li Yi admitted, Mo said that at the moment, how high his technology was at that time, cantaloupe is still not good elsewhere.

"You have Cistanche deserticola, and Shennong's Materia Medica has records, do you know?" Li Yi asked about the medicine.

The Cistanche from the Shatuo people is not as soft as the Anbei Duhu Fu, but it is always a medicinal material that the Tang Dynasty needs.

"Yes, there are in the desert, but it's not easy to get, and you can only encounter it with luck." Zhu Xie Fuguo said that he knew it, and he could get it.

"I have a method to plant. Any crop that can grow Cistanche can be planted. I will write it down today when I go back and give it to you tomorrow morning."

Li Yi prepares to let the Shatuo clan graft Cistanche.

He is unfamiliar with the Anbei Protectorate, and he doesn't know anyone, so I'll talk about it later when I look for opportunities.

Zhu Xie Fuguo had eaten Cistanche, knowing the benefits, he could still grow it when he heard it, and when he believed it, he repeatedly agreed.

Li Yi left and was sent out.

Go back to the own yard and start writing the process. Hard Dayun and Ruan Dayun have similar methods, and Ruan Dayun needs to be more refined.

Li Chengqi didn't fiddle with light bulbs on Zhuangzi today. He stood outside his father's yard and looked at him. When the light went out, he turned back to his own place.

Bring up a pen and write about the situation of today's football game, what can be improved, or the excess can be removed.

In the future, what to do with ticket sales, opening of the market, expansion of the auditorium, heavy snowfall...

There are many things.

Li Chengqi knew that as long as he asked Brother Yi, all the difficulties would be solved, but he didn't want to, he was not a waste.

"I'll talk about the benefits for you. None of you are willing to pay. After this time the advertisement has helped to make money, I want to talk to me again. I want to sell the advertisement position."

Li Chengqi wrote, thought, and talked to himself, the more he thought about it, the happier he could not help but laugh.


Outside, the dealers pushed the dining trolley to deliver meals to the guards of Li Chengqi who were guarding the periphery.

Except for a dozen of them, they entered the yard together, and the others were on duty in several places in Zhuangzi.

Including Li Dan's manpower.

Yao Chong's people entered the yard with Yao Chong.

People who have been to Li Chengqi will take turns to eat in the canteen, and then go back to live in the houses of the former farmers and students.

As soon as Li Dan came over, Li Chengqi's guards were worried about the safety of the Emperor, and kept all positions of those who cooperated with Li Dan tightly.

Prepare to eat army rations when you eat.

The dealers felt distressed when they didn't come to eat.

The dealers will feel at ease when there is a Dongxian brother coming over.

So after the incident that Li Dan came last time, the dealers took the initiative to deliver them this time without much communication, so they put down the food and left.

"Finally I can eat something warm." Li Chengqi's guard breathed a sigh of relief.

The dry food they brought and the water in the water sac were incomparable to the food in the cafeteria.

"It's more than warm, rich in meat, and powerful to eat." The other guard served his own dishes and took a sip of soup in the cold wind.

"Now that the emperor comes, we can't move, it's better than your majesty, at least your majesty will come over, and your majesty's people will be able to go to the cafeteria in rotation."

Some people complain, who wants to eat cold things outside to watch the night?

"Hush, you can't say it, just in case the dealer listens to it, a hundred heads are not enough to cut." The person who spoke before quickly warned.

"They are still hanging lanterns, they want to take the whole Zhuangzi in? The big red silk lantern with wax burning inside, how much is it for a night."

"The silk made will be usable next year, and the red paper will be crisp."

"I wonder if the lantern is hung and won't be picked down. After the Chinese New Year, it will still be lit at night."

"Pick a lot of lanterns on weekdays."

"It's bright, it looks good, look at the dealers, the people who go to work and change shifts at night, walk under the lantern, and each one has a different heart."

"Yes, Li Dongzhu takes care of the banker the most. He is so rich and he does everything by himself. Candles are expensive elsewhere, and there is not much money available in the banker."

"Who is the secret whistle, eat quickly, ready to change."

The guards were eating and chatting, and under the warm light of the lantern, they didn't feel so cold anymore.

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