Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 192: I'm not crying even after being shown (third more)

On the twenty-first of the twelfth lunar month, as the day of the skating competition is approaching, a group of people are training on the ice.

Few children came, and the skaters were no longer the original rich and wealthy.

They practice hard on their own, and even find a male servant at home or hire a helper to practice, relying on them to compete.

Before dawn, Li Chengqi got up and inspected the guards in various locations, and then went to the workshop for a stroll.

When the sky was over, Li Dan and Doulu Concubine were served to wash.

Li Yi started the inspection project during the day. Li Dan still accompanied his own wife and looked around curiously.

"Where's Li Yi? I'm looking for Li Yi." Yao Chong finished packing two quarters late, and ran to Li Yi's large yard. Seeing Li Chengqi sitting in the door with a chair, he asked.

"Check for the imperial concubine, what do you want to do?" Li Chengqi didn't plan to move away, nor stood up.

"When will it be all right?" Yao Chong looked anxious.

"It's better for Yao Xiang to eat first. If the gastrointestinal tract is not good, drink porridge. If the gastrointestinal tract is good, drink milk. Brother Yi said that milk is more nutritious than porridge, but milk can stimulate some people's stomachs."

Li Chengqi didn't plan to eat, he wanted to keep guarding.

Yao Chong looked around, showing a smug smile: "King Song, do you know what is the right way to employ people?"

"Calculate others?" Li Chengqi looked at Yao Chong and gave a mocking answer.

Yao Chong took a deep breath and then recovered.

"Song Wang, the skill of a hundred workers should be the power of a hundred workers, Li Yi is alone, maybe there are a few strange and ingenious thoughts, of course, how much can one person do?"

Yao Chong said, taking something out of the pocket of his sleeve.

Li Chengqi yawned: "Do the same thing to facilitate the people once, how can Yao Xiang's Confucianism not tolerate the slightest Mohism?"

"I came here to let Li Yi know that there are countless capable people in the world, and Mr. Mo is proud of his little skills."

Yao Chong took out another thing. The one before it was a cardboard box half a piece of soap. This time it was a lighter.

He squatted down and put the paper box on the ground, opened the lid, and took out a roll of fluffy paper from it. He used a scythe to start the fire.

Then he opened the lid of the lighter with a ding sound.

'Bang' Li Chengqi jumped up from the chair and jumped forward, kicking the paper box away.

Angrily said: "Yao Xiang, do you dare to assassinate?"

Yao Chong was taken aback, looked at the alcohol lighter in his hand, and then looked at the cardboard box that was kicked far away: "King Song, are you trapping an old man?"

"What do you want? Is it after lighting...Boom!" Li Chengqi stared at Yao Chong and asked.

"The king of Song is really smart, and he actually recruited hundreds of people to think about new things. Someone used saltpeter, sulphur, sawdust, and honey to make things that could see sparks and explode mud.

Only sparks can be seen in the carton box of the talents. It is lit at night and you can see the real fire tree and silver flower. The rich and the wealthy are sure to buy it.

The one that can be exploded can open mud and rocks. If the quantity is large, it should be used for marching and fighting. How does it compare to Li Yi? "

Yao Chong introduced what he brought, and said the formula by the way.

Li Chengqi looked at Yao Chong carefully and stared at him. After more than ten breaths, he pulled Yao Chong, picked up the cardboard box that was kicked, and walked forward.

Go to the second small square in Zhuangzi and put Yao Chong's paper box on the ground.

"Yao Xiang stepped back, God knows if this will boom, I'll do it." Li Chengqi signaled Yao Chong to go back and go back.

Yao Chong withdrew slowly, and put his hands in his sleeves to look.

Li Chengqi digs out his pockets. There are several pockets in his clothes.

He took out his own lighter, squatted down, and took a pose that would jump out at any time, stretched his hand over, set fire to it, and ran.

Tinder burns fast, so swish in.

Then the paper box ‘poof~~~’ spewed out a puff of smoke and sparks, and it was gone, less than a breath.

Yao Chong took out a paper box again: "Wang Song ordered this."

Li Chengqi looked at the size of the paper box, nodded, put it farther out, lit it, and ran.

"Bang~" This time there was a lot of noise, and the smoke was still so thick.

"If this thing is bigger, it can startle horses and blow up people." Yao Chong lifted his chin slightly and signaled Li Chengqi to quickly boast.

Li Chengqi looked at Yao Chong again, optimistic about it for a few breaths, and said, "It's a good person who can make this thing, but you can recruit Zhuangzi to learn from my brother Yi."

"Study? Li Yi learned from others, right?" Yao Chong expressed disdain.

"Oh!" Li Chengqi shook his head, took out his pocket, and took out something about an inch thick and one long.

There was a burlap cover on this thing, he took it off, and then tore the paper in a place below.

Tear open, revealing a section of thread.

He looked at the left and right, carefully put the thing upright on the ground, and shook it, making sure it wouldn't fall.

Only then took a deep breath, squatted down, lit the lighter, and moved closer to the line a little bit.

As soon as it was lit, he jumped out, covering his ears and shutting up.

Yao Chong didn't understand, he was stunned, and said that the one you ordered was Daxiang? Point from below?

‘Boom~~’ With a loud bang, the things placed on the ground whizzed to the sky, Yao Chong had a flower in front of his eyes and raised his head.

With another sound, Yao Chong's body shivered and his ears buzzed.

After a while, the confetti from the sky fell, and Yao Chong was still in a state of confusion.

"Yao Xiang, Yao Xiang, wake up and return to your soul." Li Chengqi walked over and greeted Yao Chong with a smile.

"This...this...what is it?" Yao Chong opened his mouth vigorously, pressed his ears, and asked with lingering fear.

"The second kick made by my brother Yi will also be sold. How does Yao Xiang compare to the things you brought?" Li Chengqi smiled.

At this time, a group of children ran over, and the first Yao Chong's sounded just now. The children heard it and thought someone was starting to play with cannonball.

When I went to the place, I saw the confetti scattered on the ground and saw that it was Li Chengqi. The children turned around and ran away.

Yao Chong's expression changed, pursing his mouth for a while, frowning for a while.

"This, this thing is too dangerous, it should be handed over to the court." Yao Chong suffocated a sentence.

Li Chengqi took out his pocket and brought out the same thing again. Yao Chong was excited: "King Song, you, do you want to harm the minister?"

"It's not like Yao Xiang, give it, take it for fun." Li Chengqi handed it to Yao Chong.

Yao Chong hid back: "Don't, be careful of exploding. The thing I took was exploded when they made it, and hit it with a heavy object. You fell to the ground..."

"It turns out that I didn't pay attention to production safety. Just like that, I still want Brother Yi to give the court, which workshop should I bomb?" Li Chengqi chuckled.

The children ran over again, holding the setbacks and brooms, carefully sweeping the confetti on the small square.

Yao Chong didn't speak, but watched there.

After the children have almost swept, the children took out their pockets and took out the cannons, bang! Snapped! Fell.

"What is it?" Yao Chong asked naturally.

"Brother Yi is afraid that the child will be hurt by playing with the things I ordered, so I specially make something that doesn't hurt people. It's called smashing guns." Li Chengqi introduced patiently.

"There are still political affairs in the DPRK, the old man is one step ahead." Yao Chong turned around to greet people to go back.

He was here to show off, and couldn't help but someone made something awesome.

In the end, he was flaunted by King Song before he was right, and his ears were still ringing.

"Yao Xiang doesn't have breakfast? If there is any political issue that is difficult to decide, it is better to ask my brother Yi." Li Chengqi continued to attack.

You can't do things, but you still can't handle political affairs.

"Eat." Yao Chong hesitated and decided not to leave hungry.

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