Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1997 Helping Solicit Corruption (third more)

"Okay?" Delcha was tempted, and aside from anything else, he felt that the stew he was eating now was the same stew before, so it couldn't compare to what he had eaten in his mouth now?

If you switch to Lijiazhuangzi, you will tell him after a bite, because there are chopped green onion, ginger, and aniseed in it, all of which are dried.

There is no cinnamon, the aniseed, that is, star anise, put it in a small gauze bag, take it out once after stewing, and continue to use it next time.

The original taste is delicious, it depends on what it is.

Cucumber is, it is better to just bite and eat with pepper powder and cucumber.

If you don’t add seasoning to the fish or salt, you can eat one meal, it can be said to be fresh, how many people can bear it?

Yu Lin Feiqi can, that kind of ability is not the ability in Life, but survival.

In the state of survival, many people can.

In other words, I don’t know that something has a different taste, so it’s okay. From snacks to big ones, it’s okay.

"Can you tell me if you don't see it? There are more than 2,000 people from our six tribes.

When they finish eating, if you want to go to Datang, you can ask some people from Li Endong, and they will send a telegram back.

When Li Dongzhu received the telegram, he said yes, then he would do it. Others couldn't stop it, let alone dared to stop it. "

At this moment, Brailo considers himself as a member of Datang, and helps to pull people.

Zhen Guo, or Bohai Kingdom, is composed of many ethnic groups.

His rise was due to the fact that Wu Zetian sent people to attack, but he lost, so that Da Zuorong had the prestige.

Then the Turks also fought, and Datang had no choice in history.

Just like Li Yi's time, many countries are afraid of beautiful countries where racism breeds.

The people of Li Yi's country are not afraid of war, and other countries are afraid of the force of the country when they see the beautiful scenery shot every day.

The people of Li Yi country knew that they couldn't play in the past, but the defense was okay.

Because of the war on the Yalu River, my country won a strategic war at the cost of life.

After that, in the next country, I helped the opponent fight and still won.

Even though that country turned his head and thought he was powerful and provoked Li Yi's country, but Li Yi's country had to deal with it.

It is this kind of airport war that makes the people of Li Yi's country not afraid of war.

We know that you are great, but we are not afraid. We can win at a price. Our military strength has been improving.

We can't beat you in the past. Come here, as long as you are within the range of Oums missiles and rockets, what are you guys?

If you have all eleven or twelve aircraft carriers here, how many missiles can your battle group hold?

Do you know what a super-saturated blow is? Can you stop a thousand missiles or extended-range rockets, 10,000 can stop, and 100,000 can you stop?

This is how Bohai’s confidence is. I have won, and now I am seeking peace.

But the situation is different. The Tubo and the post-Turks are abolished, and you are left with Bohai. Do you think you can still win?

The tribes have no country in their hearts, and Bohai itself is a group of tribes together, clinging to the great Zuorong who survived the Wu Zetian era.

Delcha is not an idiot to be the leader, he thought, Da Zuorong probably won't do it anymore.

And this year's winter is difficult, snow, I don't know how many more games will be next.

As he thought about it, he was silent, drinking and eating.

I added some vegetables in the middle, and everyone continued to eat. It hasn't been so lively for a long time.

After eating until the evening, Da Zuorong faintly said that when he slept here, other people including Da Wuyi had the same idea.

To put it bluntly, I drank too much and didn't want to move.


Princess Yongmu didn't want to move either, she was brought back by Li Yi and went into the hot spring in a bathing suit.

Drink some wine, sit next to Li Yi, leaning his head on Li Yi's shoulder: "Li Lang, my stomach is uncomfortable."

"It's going to be good soon, you drank two or two wines on an empty stomach, the year before last, stomach acid.

You usually eat regularly. Tonight is late and you have to find the beef skewers right away. The cows in the village cannot be killed.

There are a lot of people in Luoyang, and there are people who die every day, not to mention the cows. It takes time for them to take them back, put them on skewers, and then roast them. "

Li Yi embraced Princess Yongmu's waist, trying to make own voice calm, and Princess Yongmu took medicine.

She was flying in the sky without a helmet, the wind was uncomfortable, and her nose and mouth were itchy.

She ate Huoxiang Zhengqi with ethanol as a supplement.

There is no such medicine in history. Li Yi came, and Li Jiazhuang began to make pills, including pills.

This medicine was over-the-counter when Li Yi said at the time, but it is a special thing. You must provide all the key personal information if you want to buy it.

"Li Lang, my stomach is uncomfortable." Princess Yongmu said again.

Li Yigang wanted to emphasize that he would eat something later, and suddenly reacted.

He put his hand on Princess Yongmu's belly and asked softly, "Is it better?"

"Yeah!" Princess Yongmu relied more comfortably.

She tilted her head back, blinked her big eyes, and opened her mouth slightly.

Li Yi bowed his head, opened his mouth, moved closer, and then moved closer.

"Xiao Yi, your people from Zhuangzi sent a message back saying that another tribe is going to Datang, you..." The voice suddenly sounded and disappeared.

"Li Lang, Song Jing should also join the group." Princess Yong Mu looked for the source of the voice, and she knew who it was.

"Little robots, within 500 meters of a circle behind, don't let people come close if the sky doesn't fall down."

Li Yi knows the source of the sound, across a pool that illuminates the wall.

He has a loud voice, what about Song Jing? Li Longji couldn't do it.

Li Yi bowed his head after speaking, and then there was Xiaolan, just...

The skewers are delivered, not suitable for eating chili at night.

On the other side, Song Jing moved away quietly. Like Bi Gou, he was not afraid of Li Yi being angry, but worried that Princess Yongmu would be angry.

"Li Lang, have another tribe joined in?" Princess Yong Mu scared Song Jing and started talking about business.

Song Jing's words were very timely, expressing happiness, and telling Li Yi the good news was kind.

"It explains three issues, one is the regime's force binding force. The second is the propaganda power, and the third is the economic development power.

With the army, with channels for propaganda, and with the means for the people to make money, such a country is stable.

Those in the upper ranks must not slack off, otherwise the grassroots will become corrupt, especially law enforcement personnel and departments. "

Li Yi understood Song Jing's mood. The more people there were, the happier the Zaifu.

The stricter the upper level, the more honest the lower level.

For example, his country at that time began to clean up people from law enforcement agencies. Some people thought they were JINGCHA and they were awesome. Finding a reason to summon was actually revenge.

Then they file a lawsuit, and then some local authorities have to appeal.

As a result, the above statement was withdrawn, no appeals were made, and the previous law enforcement officers were dealt with.

why? Because the department that does not appeal is afraid of being investigated! They are not clean.

They hate it. If I don’t deal with the troubles under you, once the troubles are big and the central government comes down, I will be dealt with.

I have embezzled and accepted a lot of bribes. Now the state is investigating and I am hiding. The police under you avenged private vengeance and was sentenced by the court. You still have to appeal. The media chased me down.

So, if you lose your car, I’ll take action first, stop making trouble, I’m afraid.

I will clean up you first, and hope that this will stop there and the media will stop talking about it.

Li Yi understands that this is propaganda and control. The people have a steelyard in their hearts, and no one is a fool.

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