Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 1998 Sea Silla in Winter (first more)

Before dawn, a light rain fell sparsely.

The people get up early, eat quickly, and get to work.

Xun Xin was not accompanied by Li Yi, he was busy directing craftsmen into groups.

Lijiazhuangzi recruited 2,039 new households, all of whom were artisan families.

According to household calculations, a household may not have only one craftsman.

After the test, everyone was qualified, including the craftsman’s family, and there was no problem.

Every house must have a certified craftsman, the craftsmanship is high and low, the off-line qualified, the worst carpenter can also make a thousand-skilled bait bed.

With this foundation, learn things quickly in the future.

Lijiazhuang didn't have the time to slowly cultivate people who couldn't even pull out the tenon and tenon joints, except for the children of artisans.

Li Yi drank a glass of water before waking up in the morning. His body functions normally and he does not eat thinner for breakfast.

Yesterday, there was leftover beef, just to make braised beef. Princess Yongmu loves it, and Li Yi eats it with him. The staple food is rice.

As a result, except for children who can eat tofu nao and spicy soup, Li Longji and others have the same food as Li Yi.

Li Yi took the initiative and sat down with them. He promised to have something to do today and he couldn't hide him.

"Brother Yi, Longze and Quang Ping said last night whether the Bohai Sea can be navigable in winter?"

Sure enough, Li Longji had something to ask about Bohai.

In the past, it was not easy for a ship to go there. It was too far to be able to fight in battle, let alone fishing.

"Yes, I don't know if a good natural port borrows ice in winter, but the place to the south is guaranteed to be free of ice."

Li Yi waved to a little robot, and the little robot slid over.

Li Yi adjusted it and projected it against the wall, and the map appeared.

He pointed to the location of Zarubino Port, which was closer to Yanji and closer to Vladivostok.

Large vessels are suitable for mooring in Vladivostok. Datang’s current vessels are sufficient for Zarubino.

"Look, it's all mountains. The straight-line distance is more than one hundred and ninety miles. Walking the mountain road can't be that simple."

A line appeared on the map, connecting the location of Bohai Kingdom to Zarubino.

I want to transport things in winter and bypass the island of Silla.

"It's not easy for our team to climb over the mountains?" Su Ting stood up and looked at the map on the wall.

Zhang Jiuling said: "Tell Da Zuorong and the others that our boat is parked there. They are transporting, and there are no other tribes on the way.

The tribes by the sea make dried fish, which will be sent to their royal city, just as they can go.

What do they need in winter? What else can it provide? "

Zhang Jiuling is not afraid that the road is not easy to follow. He only considers the exchange of goods for other people's problems.

"This..." Li Yi frowned, what can be exchanged in winter in the northeast?

It's okay if it doesn't snow, it snows heavily, everything is covered, dig? It's not snow anymore, the longer the time, the firmer the freezing.

"It is estimated that the pine cone is still there. It can be beaten down, but the ones that fell on the ground are covered by snow and can't be found.

The rest are living creatures, pheasant, rabbit, roe deer, mink, weasel, wild boar, black blind, Siberian tiger...

A local pheasant called Soaring Dragon is actually called hazel grouse. It tastes good, and it actually has them in Hebei Province, and there are still many of them now.

If you eat barbecue and lack charcoal, let the place in Bohai be braised and transported back by ship...

Forget it, Datang has a lot of wood that can burn charcoal, such as in the north of Luoyang, where roads are to be built, where trees are cut and rooted.

It happens to be used to make furniture, coffins, charcoal, and hard firewood, so there is no need to ship out worthless things. "

Li Yi really couldn't find any good things. Autumn is okay, but winter is nothing.

It takes a lot of effort to collect medicinal materials, such as Lingzhi Mushrooms.

Ulagrass does not need to go to Bohai Sea. Newly occupied places, namely Inner Mongolia and Mongolia, have Ulagrass.

"The old man just remembered that when he was a Zaifu, he didn't have these things." Yao Chong suddenly sighed.

Listening to Li Yi's explanation, everyone who looked at the projected map by the way had different expressions, but they were all surprised and memories.

"The whole world, only we have it?" Liu You asked to reconsider Li Yi and confirm again.

"It's guaranteed, there is no easy way for others."

Bi Gou said, he reacted and got used to it, and Xiao Yi gave the map.

As long as you ask Xiaoyi where the situation is, Xiaoyi will tell you immediately.

You ask him about coal mines, iron mines, gold mines, copper mines, and as long as you can ask them, he will respond to you.

"The Tubo and the Turks did not lose injustice. Their knowledge of their own place is far less than that of Gang and Rong."

Zhang Jiuling rectified the names of the Tubo and the Post-Turkic. Who can hold it up to this point?

Needless to say, the weapons made by Rigid and Soft, normal weapons, and Rigid and Rover provide information support, and it is difficult to fight and lose.

"As I said long ago, the one who gets the little change gets the world." Li Dan said at the table next to the first place.

"Go in winter, and stop by Silla and Waguk to see what they have to exchange. The navy will go out in rotation for training."

Li Yi turned the subject off, he didn't need others to talk about it, he got the assurance that he would win the world.

But not everyone can get it. People outside don’t expect it, and there is no chance of losing it.

When I came to the era of Datang, no matter where I was, I had to find a way to return to the land of Datang.

"Brother Yi, Xinluo..." Li Chengqi was drinking there early in the morning, sitting at the same table with Li Dan.

"First solve Bohai, Silla is easy to handle. There are people from Silla in Bohai, and Da Zuorong seems to be the one.

When it is done, train the people in Silla and send them back to Silla.

If Silla does not want to fight, we will slowly turn Silla into ours through other means.

If they use their swords, then..."

Li Yi continued to adjust the small robot while speaking, and the projection became a map of Silla.

The little robot has a shining light: "I will mark out the places suitable for the ship to stop in Silla, build a port, or build a canal."

The port appears on the map, and the line of the canal is also marked in red.

This is not the canal that Bangzi built, but the canal in the country next to Li Yi's time. If it was not repaired, the territory was divided.

Just like Thailand does not repair the Kra Canal, most of the people living on the other side believe in Allah.

After repairing the canal, what if those people want to fight for independence?

Of course there are external pressures, such as Singapore. They are counting on the Straits of Malacca to live, and the repair of the Kra Canal will have nothing to do with them.

If the Tang Dynasty occupied Silla, no, it was wrong, because Silla took the initiative to be enlightened, and there would not be a situation where the territory was divided by multiple canals.

"Okay, let's eat, go and charge!"

Li Yi finished answering the question and said to the little robot.

The little robot turned off the projection: "I'm staying next to you. I just charge it in the morning and consume a little bit."

"Do you still put on the oil?" Li Yi cared. This is for the life of the robot. The robots bought with money are all meticulous.

"No, the proprietor, let's eat! Someone telegrams or walkie-talkie transmits the news, I will tell you again."

The little robot's head turned left and right, as if shaking his head, the lights in his eyes flickered a few times.

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