Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2022 knowing that the night and night is even more obvious (third more)

The three of them put on helmets and parachutes, stood on the aircraft and flew into the air.

The kneeling man looked up until the little black dot disappeared into the sky.

The other yacht was unloading, received an order, the unloading was aborted, and it was ready to set off.

The little girl brought her younger brother to the free clinic where Li Tianshu was originally established, and found the situation and dragged the younger brother onto the yacht.

There are others on the yacht. After hesitating for a while, they chose not to disembark.

They dumped baskets of crabs into the water, and used the horn on the yacht to call other boats to fish randomly. The crabs were all tied up.

"I think it's better to keep my balance when flying with me, I'm sending a message!"

The light of the little robot closest to Li Yi on the mountain flickered and made a humane voice.

"Li Lang, how much life will it cost?" Princess Yongmu was not happy at all.

"It should be said how much life is earned. Is this a question of saving a person?"

Li Yicai is not worried about wasting his life, this time he made a lot of money.

Just like at that time, overseas Chinese and Chinese people suddenly encountered major disasters and turmoil, and the country's warships arrived. How heavy is the sentence "the motherland will take you home"?

Now I flew over and landed on the Clipper of the Salt Gang when I arrived at the Yangtze River, and the surrounding people could see it all.

After a little inquiries, I knew that it was to treat a wounded person who was helping to send something to the army to the Yellow River. What do the people think?

Therefore, Li Yi was flying at an ultra-low altitude, one of which was windy, and the other for the people below to take a look.


"Your Majesty!" A group of people saw Li Longji coming over in the political affairs hall.

"Brother Yi went out, and I haven't seen it in the last few days. Zhu Qing is tired." Li Longji said straightforwardly.

"Where is Gangrou?" Zhang Jiuling was curious.

"There was a person who was transporting goods during the Yellow River War. On the way back to save his wife, his leg bone was broken by falling rocks. It has been more than a month, and his leg is swollen like a tank. He wants to come here to seek medical treatment by the Salt Clippers."

Li Longji said these things, and there is no need to say anything else.

Everyone knows that Li Yi has saved people, he wants to fly around!

"I'm waiting for such a big event, but I can't know it immediately, alas!" Song Jing sighed.

"In less than a quarter of an hour, the flying pigeon was released last night. As soon as he arrived at Zhuangzi, the call came and Brother Yi set off."

Li Longji looked at Song Jing and said, Didn’t I come over and talk to you!

How fast are you guys going? Is there something to tell you first, and you can know about it after you discuss it with Brother Yi?

Is the messaging system yours or Yidi? Do I have priority over Yi brother?

What's more, please report such matters to you first. Can you save them?

I have a broken bone and my leg is swollen so thick as a cylinder. How can you treat it?

"Healing legs is important." Lu Huaishen is also in the political affairs hall, helping with small affairs. People in their regiment always want to participate in government affairs.

"What's the matter with Huaishen?" Li Longji heard the meaning of Lu Huaishen's words.

"My Dalang has a big tooth that has fallen out, and there is a wisdom tooth behind. I was here yesterday, thinking that Xiaoyi would have that big tooth extracted and replaced with a wisdom tooth."

Lu Huaishen didn't conceal it, telling the truth.

One of his eldest son's big teeth had lost a piece, showing nerves, it hurts, so he asked for leave to find him and be an official elsewhere.

The face is already swollen, and I am drinking medicine and acupuncture treatment at the same time.

He knew that the bad tooth could be extracted under such circumstances, and the wisdom tooth moved forward, so Li Yilai had to operate it.

Most people cannot do this kind of tooth transfer, and the technology is too high.

"Call the nurse to help reduce the swelling. Even if you change your teeth, you can't change the swelling unless it affects life and death."

Li Longji expressed his understanding that he once had a toothache, but later he had his wisdom tooth, which was pulled out by Brother Yi.

Otherwise, as soon as something goes in for grinding in that place, there will be a small meat blocking the cover, and then it will swell.

It took a few days to get better, and it hurts again by accident.

I didn't use a needle to give anesthetics when I pulled it out. I took a medicine, sprayed a medicine, bitten a medicine, acupuncture-assisted anesthesia, and pulled it out.

"It is effective in reducing swelling, taking medicine and external application."

Lu Huaishen responded, and the topic changed.

Song Jing complained that he had to protect Xiao Yi, and he knew how he had lived before.

In the case of not involving major national events, he stood in the same line as Zhang Jiuling.

"Xiaoyi Yiyifang does have the ability." Bi Gou agreed and said along the crooked building.

He recently licked with his tongue, and there seemed to be tartar on the lower front teeth. He stabbed himself hard for fear of bleeding. Let Xiao Yi take a look. Do you want to wash it? Remember to wash it a while ago.


"The wind is a bit strong, and the speed is good. At a speed of more than 150 kilometers per hour, in less than six hours, we arrived in Yuzhou and we flew straight.

According to the current situation, their boat speed should be that we arrive first, and they arrive later.

But it’s okay. Go to the place and ask, the boats of the Shudi Salt Gang will be seen by other ships on the Yangtze River. "

Wearing a helmet, Li Yi talked with Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan through the intercom.

The wind was very uncomfortable, and it was not okay to wear special clothes, like Ultraman.

Or the dinosaur express Kesai he watched when he was a child, and he wore similar clothes. First-level preparation...

"Li Lang, we can only arrive at night, and the people can't see it!"

Princess Yongmu estimated the distance and speed and thought it would be of little help to propaganda.

"Publicity depends on investment, and sometimes it's better at night.

For example, sending Xun'er home, how do you play during the day?

Xun'er, his father, belongs to the pass, his mother makes me admire.

At that time, Yu Lin Fei got up and drew his sword and shouted ‘I’m on’, that was the real feather for the country. "

Li Yi gave an evaluation of past events, and Yulin Feiqi did not disappoint him.

"Will it expose your methods when discussing the Dao and teaching the Fa?"

Xiaolan understood that Li Yi wanted to take other measures.

"It's too late to pass, how can it spread thousands of miles in half a month?

Just practice it, it's interesting.

It's just a part, and it's far from the whole content. "

Li Yi said that he was working hard. This is not an airplane. The airplane has an automatic navigation system.

In fact, the pilots of passenger planes are very good. Under normal circumstances, they are only responsible for take-off and landing.

Other times the plane flies on its own, and they have nothing to do.

This is what Li Yi said on the Internet at that time, and it sounds so reasonable.

But when something goes wrong, the average person can't do it, and manual operation is required. There are so many meters that ordinary people can't understand at all.

The key to take-off and landing is actually not starting with driving and braking. It is easy to pull up when taking off, and when landing...

"Li Lang, what's the situation of that person?" Princess Yong Mu cared about the injured person.

"There are broken bones, manual reduction cannot be completed, surgery is needed to eliminate inflammation first.

It does not involve the life situation, otherwise it will be replaced with the skull, even if it is swollen, it will have to be dealt with.

Let's go to the place to see the situation. There are good medicines that can eliminate the swelling in a short period of time, combined with physical means. "

Li Yi didn't worry about this, as long as people saw it alive, everything else was easy to say, depending on the price.

Most people have bruises and bruises when they bump into their body, and they have to be kept for a long time.

But there are methods that can return to normal in three days, get blood congestion, and give injections at the same time.

Swelling is the generation of effusion in the area, and medication is used to drain the effusion, and then physical extraction is performed.

This speed is fast, and the damage to the body is also great.

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