Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2023 Funerals have not been handed over the set of characters (first more)

In the early winter, the Yangtze River did not see the slightest chill, and there were still boats on the river.

In the afternoon, a small clipper with a length of more than 20 meters sailed down the river quickly.

There are many characters "salt" on the sails. Someone stood at the bow and shouted: "Salt in Shudi helps save lives, and the ship ahead gives way..."

Others played horns and drums.

When the downstream ships heard the sound, they evaded one after another. People said that saving a life must be a life-saving, and no one dared to make a joke about it.

Besides, if the speed of the ship is not in a hurry, how can it be so fast? I accidentally hit the reef and shore.

The wind direction changed slightly, and the sailors adjusted the sails at the same time and continued to fill up.

The boat jumped one by one in the waves, faster than Li Bai wrote about a thousand miles of Jiangling in a day.

Thousands of miles of Jiangling can be paid back in one day, and go down the river. If you are not afraid of accidents, let it go!

At this moment, there was a man and a woman on the boat, pale and seasick.

They stopped vomiting anymore, and vomited all they could.

"Jiro, if you can't stand the pain, just pinch me and use your strength, don't grab the wood and hurt your hands."

With a firm expression on her face, the woman asked the man to catch her.

"No, it doesn't hurt, stay alive... stay alive and wherever you are... OK, leave me... tone, Li Dong, Lord... he, he can save him."

The man was breathing hard. He had a fever. In fact, he had a fever before, but now it is more serious.

"Drink water, boil warm water, don't let your body lose heat, it's written in the newspaper."

A person came by and took a water bag to fill the man with water.

The boat was undulating, so he walked very steadily.

He was a platooner. After learning about the situation, he platooned a few people on the boat and was responsible for watching the river.

The conditions when they were releasing were much worse than they are now, and the boat could slow down, or even dock, and the platoon would not work.

How do you stop the rafts when they are released?

When stopping is actually when you hit the shore, the person first adjusts the direction of the long row, ran to the front before hitting the shore, and jumped to the shore in advance.

If you accidentally jump into the water, the corpse found is also fragmentary.

They see the river most accurately, knowing the situation below through the texture of the water surface, and those who don't know have already gone down.

The sails are those who sail all year round and operate with the boats of the salt gang.

The people of the salt gang are responsible for communication, the town's premises, and what other problems the salt gang deals with.

A small boat is good, but the couple are newcomers. They can swim and have nothing to do with sailing.

The man drank water with a little salt in it, and continued to vomit after drinking, and then drank again after vomiting.

The sky was getting darker, and the boat picked up the lanterns and slowed down.

Boat after boat was overtaken by small boats, and the man fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was completely dark, and he was sweating, but his temperature did not drop.

"Where is it?" he asked weakly.

"Seeing that we are going to Yuzhou, soon, the pigeon will fly over, there will be a boat to pick us up, and there will be a powerful doctor on board."

The woman kept guarding, only drank some water, now drowsy, but still excited.

"If I'm...not past, you...take...with the kids, change..."

The man's eyes turned black for a while, and he said hard.

"It's written in the newspaper, don't give up, gritted your teeth will come alive."

The woman shook her head, tears shaking in her eyes.

"Before I... always hit you, it was... I... I..."


"Look at the sky, there are words."

"Flying words in the sky, God has appeared."

Noisy sounds came suddenly, including the people on the boat yelling.

The entire sky above the river surface is illuminated, and there are many small light spots that make up the text.

"Quickly, shake the torch, beat the drum vigorously, Lord Li is here!" The salt gang on the boat yelled.

From the sky: Bashui Li Yi came to meet Wan Zhaoyuan in Shu, shaking the light and banging the drum.

The boat shook quickly, the drums were intensive.

The words in the sky change: I see it, others pay attention to the ship.

Those watching the excitement quickly adjust their own boat and don't crash into the boat or the shore.

The stars following the group of words in the sky gathered, the light was shining, the howling sound sounded, and the three people flew to the boat under the lights.

When the aircraft arrives on the deck, it doesn't care how the ship moves, swaying and landing.

The little stars in the sky landed one after another, one by one, all small multi-rotor drones.

The three jumped down, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan opened Li Yi's backpack, took out white coats and put them on Li Yi.

"Where are the people?" Li Yi asked the dumbfounded group of people.

Over there, Xiaolan and Princess Yongmu helped each other get clothes and sets of clothes.

"Behind!" The salt gang reacted and pointed to the position of the cabin.

Li Yi ran over, and Wan Zhaoyuan unexpectedly jumped up with the help of his wife. He was almost dead just now.

When others shouted, the two started to go up, just in time to see the stars in the sky changing.

For a moment, Wan Zhaoyuan felt that he was healed, without fever or pain.

When Li Yi saw people, he immediately knew which one was injured, obviously.

He stepped forward: "Sit down and lean against your wife."

Wan Zhaoyuan's wife directly picked up her husband to adjust her position, and she squatted behind.

With a move of Li Yi's hand, an electronic thermometer appeared, sweeping it, forty-two degrees.

"It's okay, I can't die." With reassuring words, a lot of things appeared out of thin air.

Several medicines were sucked into the needle tube, Wan Zhaoyuan's clothes were torn apart, and the veins were jerked.

Analgesic, electrolyte supplement, antihistamine, cooling, cardiotonic, antibiotics, all in one shot.

Turning his head, Li Yi changed a needle and several kinds of medicine, and looked at Wan Zhaoyuan's daughter-in-law, his arm was exposed.

Without a word, the woman untied her clothes and pulled out an arm.

Li Yishou patted his arm, and the blood vessels appeared obviously and pierced down for a while.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan took things down from the device, and continued to tear Wan Zhaoyuan's clothes, making gestures to stick the thread up.

Haven't eaten pork, have you never seen a pig run? The two of them can operate simply.

"Come to someone to help carry it." Li Yi took out the bottle again and gave the woman an intravenous injection first.

The medicine used is different, and Wan Zhaoyuan's medicine can support him now.

The woman is not so seriously ill. She needs to add water and electrolytes. She just pushed 200ml.

There are special medicines in it, which Li Yi had long ago.

The rabbits used for military purposes can keep people in a normal state of mind for 72 hours and do not need to sleep.

And the side effects were small, but it was not promoted later.

Its name is...Nighthawk.

Someone leaned forward to help carry the bottle, with a smile on his face.

Before that, he was still full of distress, and at such a high price, people were still about to die, and he felt so disappointed.

It's like going to Li Dongzhu to fly in person to show off the magical tricks.

Looking at the person who just hung up just now, he can still swing his head left and right at this moment.

It is estimated that black and white impermanence has just come, and as a result...Where do you hide and cry? Why? Hit by Li Dongzhu!

"Lee... Proprietor! The boat drew to the shore."

The captain knelt beside Li Yi and whispered, Li Yi is kneeling, kneeling to save the talent.

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