Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2067 can't enjoy the villagers' wealth (first)

"Oh!" The person Fang Tao was calling Lao Guang sighed, and the young man who had brought him to him also spoke to other young people at the same time.

"If there are more hunters, there will be more hounds, and the beasts will stay away. Then, what is the use of having a base camp?

In a good place, a lot of manpower and material resources were wasted and invested in vain.

Moreover, once a person is greedy for stability and enjoyment, without vigilance, it is easy to die in the mountains. "

Fang Tao was right next to him and said: "A hunter goes into the mountains to hunt and fight is similar to a battle. Put a bed for you. You are asleep. I really can't react to situations."

"Can't you put a bed here?" Another young hunter pointed to the interior of the spacious cave.

"Put grass mats, put horses in the cave, yell or throw stones before you come in.

After entering, he straightened his horse and guarded against leopards and other dexterous meat-eating beasts.

Flying owls and other things are not afraid, they don't eat people. "

Old man Shi became angry, but he still had to talk about relevant things and teach the young people.

Someone in the team carried tools on their backs and made them on site. Later, they would leave a set of tools in the hunter's hut in the cave.

The iron tools are marked with the number of Lijiazhuang's craftsman.

Actually it is not to pursue the responsibility of the craftsman in order to prevent others from taking it home secretly for one day when the tool is worn out.

Hunters don’t know how to take it. What if someone goes up the mountain to play in the hunter’s hut while idle?

The things in the hunter's hut are not afraid to be eaten, anyone can use it, including the woodcutter who goes up the mountain to chop wood.

There is only one request, what was used and what was eaten. After going down the mountain, tell the government according to the number of the hut, so everyone can add it.

Otherwise, if you don’t eat it, you don’t want to say, others will find nothing after hiding in a critical moment, but it’s dying!

After processing the cave, everyone continued to walk to the next hunter hut deployment location negotiated.

The young man who was just going to enjoy in the cave followed at the end, and it was impossible to let him go. He would die in the mountain alone.

When another place is set up, when it gets dark, everyone eats something and rushes back with a torch.

The novices who were brought to study by the Master suddenly couldn't bear it. They were tired for a day and didn't rest at night?

I thought I could have a barbecue, but I only ate dried Bami, which was steamed and dried in the sun.

Oh, and hard sun-dried pickles, which is not the same treatment when you come.

"Hurry up and get to the hunter's cabin tomorrow morning, where you can drink hot water."

The old head of Shi didn't know the young man's thoughts, and he gave it to tomorrow morning as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Walking from the hunter's hut will take a while to the village at the foot of the mountain." Someone murmured.

"It's fine! Go to the village and rest again." The old man Shi followed his kindness.

Other young people stare at this young man, you talk a lot.

Fortunately, there was no light rain at night, but the sky was so cloudy that the stars and moon were not visible.

The sky in Luoyang was not warm anymore, and when the wind blew, people trembled twice unconsciously in the sound of sobbing.

The other hunters did not respond. They knew that Shi Xianzi deliberately exercised young people and taught them a lesson.

It was not like that when I came, because I was afraid that the young people would not be able to stand it.

On the return journey, insist on being able to reach Lijiazhuangzi in ten hours at most.

Even if he gets tired and sick on the road, he can be cured with the help of Lijiazhuangzi.

The apprentices should feel the physical state when running continuously or tracking the prey.

The hunter's cabin is for rest, not for you to give up tracking your prey.

The purpose of hunters going up the mountain is to hunt and earn money to support their families.

At this time, there are many people and dogs on the road, so there is no need to worry about danger. Any large animal that comes out can only avoid people.

Is the tiger's territorial awareness strong? I would choose to forbearance when I met them. It was okay. They left in a while and didn't dare to stay longer in my place.

When it was dark, everyone finally saw the hunter's hut, and then went through the door of "home" and went to the village more than ten miles away.

There are people from the village in the team, belonging to three identities: woodcutter, hunter, and farmer.

There are a total of three families, with two people from each going up the mountain.

They usually make firewood in winter and transport it to Luoyang City in an ox cart to sell it to people in the city.

In the village, they don’t sell it. Wouldn’t other villagers get some firewood on the mountain?

"Laoguan, do you still sell firewood this year?"

Lao Guang said to the oldest one-third of the hunters in the village.

"Sell it! The more coal is used, the firewood is more valuable, and the number of people coming from outside increases. This year, firewood is good for sale."

With a smile on Lao Guan's wrinkled face, he sold firewood to make money, and bought six more cows in the village.

Burning coal requires soft wood fire and hard wood fire underneath. You can't use a fire sickle to ignite the coal directly, right?

To keep warm in winter, burn more, have eaten at night, want to make the kang hot, burning wood is relatively safe.

The firewood sold last year was pretty good. Everyone likes Pan Kang, which is warm.

It turns out that people who don't cook don't usually burn fire, but in winter they burn kangs.

However, there is less firewood for growing greenhouses, and it is more cost-effective for them to burn coal.

To make money by selling things to Luoyang City, the people in the village negotiated and pooled the money to buy six cows.

This winter, many villagers are looking for firewood on the mountain. Good trees nearby cannot be cut down. After heavy rain, there will be mudslides or landslides.

With the hunter's hut, it is convenient for the people to keep warm in winter, bring their own things up the mountain, and don't eat what is in the hut.

Life is easy, Laoguan is happy.

"My father always said that Henan Mansion this winter is the best Henan Mansion, with Your Majesty and Dongzhu Li."

"Zhong" Guan, the son of Lao Guan, made a speech, mentioning your Majesty and Li Yi.

He cannot be Xiaoguan, because he has a son.

"Your Majesty's meal in the morning is golden, right?" The young man in another village guessed.

Old man Shi glanced at the other person: "You guessed it, your majesty might drink millet porridge in the morning."

"Ah? Your Majesty will drink millet porridge?" The young man was a little confused.

"Otherwise? Go to your village and see if there is any porridge." Old Shi smiled.


"Drink millet porridge and eat pies this morning, how about you, Xiao Yi?"

Lijiazhuangzi, Li Yi didn't sleep much all night, and occasionally got up to see the situation.

Really go to bed at four o'clock in the morning, and then get up to eat.

At four o'clock in the morning, the snow in Fan Fan's place stopped, and the wind became smaller, so everyone was at ease.

"I drink soup, hot spicy soup, there are more dry goods, and I don't eat the others, and I will continue to sleep with a bowl of soup."

Li Yi only washed his face, brushed his teeth, didn't take a shower, and was sleepy.

"My brother Yi and I eat the same thing, making one bowl is making it, and making two bowls is also making it."

Li Longji doesn't drink millet porridge as the old man Shi said, but he takes an extra big meat bun.

"Yeah!" Princess Yongmu nodded, indicating that she was the same.

Xiaolan grabbed a robot and came in front of him: "Contact the cafeteria and make half a pot of spicy soup with more ingredients."

"Good!" the little robot responded.

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