Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2068 New Products in the North Region (second more)

"Little Yi! Is the pie making method in your Zhuangzi hidden away from the old man? The old man took it back to his family. Why didn't it taste like something?"

Lao Bi took a bite of the pie, fragrant, he said that Li Yi kept private.

Li Yi gave them some of the secret recipes for cooking, and some of them were not given to them in particular.

The same formula, he asked why the taste is so bad?

"Oh!" Li Yi lowered his head and drank the soup, using his chopsticks to hold it. There were indeed a lot of dry goods in it, more than stew.

"What did you hide?" Bi Gou took another bite of the pie.

"Huh? No!" Li Yi speeded up.

"Looking at the stuffing inside is also minced meat, and there is a lot of lean meat. It is not suitable to eat fat meat for a young age. It is made with refined meat at home, what's the difference?"

Bi Gou's chopsticks opened the pie, as if to explore.

Li Yi stopped, stretched out his chopsticks and picked one from the pie plate in front of Bi Gou, took a small bite, blown, and took another big bite, chewing and watching.

Chew and sip the soup, take another bite, and continue to observe.

"Rabbit meat, today's pie is not pork."

Li Yi tasted it. The rabbit meat is stuffed with celery. The celery is chopped very finely, not minced.

"Is that so? The old man turned around and asked them to follow suit."

Bi Gou said that he understood that it was so.

Li Yi just ate the pie with the spicy soup and couldn't throw it away.

He looked for water to rinse his mouth and went back to sleep.

"Longze, your family still cooks in Zhuangzi?"

Some of Yao Chong's family came to eat Zhuangzi's.

"Xiao Yi said that he should eat some carbohydrates in the morning, which is rice noodles.

I saw that he didn't want it, so I said so.

With the same recipe, why can't you make a pie with the same taste? "

Bi Gou added another pies as he said, he was going to eat two, and deliberately brought three.

"A scheming plan!" Xiao Lan couldn't hold back, and hurriedly covered her mouth after muttering.

"Little girl ate you." Bi Go glared over.

Xiaolan covered her mouth and nodded, don't look at me and I will eat.

"The movement in the north is too slow, I have to wait to eat fresh pine nuts."

Bi Gou turned his head and talked about the dried fruit. He was in a good mood and his goal was achieved.

Li Yi said that he should eat carbohydrates. He thought of a way to ask Li Yi to eat a pie when he was not completely awake and confused.

Concubine Doulu looked at Bi Gou with admiration. This Bi Zaifu is good. It would be better if you don't always find Xiaoyi to calculate money.

"It's been the last time to come back! There will be a lot of pine nuts from the Celestial Army and the Yokoye Army."

The little robot seemed to have a good impression on Bi Gou, and Bi Gou would reply after he said it.

There was a telegram in Jiang Gang, and the weather was getting colder and colder. Everyone missed home when they made money.

Continue to the north, in case of special circumstances, drawing too long a supply line is a big taboo for military strategists.

This thing is like the enemy is tempting the enemy to go deep, he can't charge, stay steady, and take advantage of it to go home.

"Where are the pine nuts of the Post-Turkic? They are gone, right?"

Bi Gou has another problem. Pine nuts mean tax.

"I don't know, the telegram only talks about transportation, not much." The voice of the little robot was cute.

"The pine nuts weren't shipped back?" Song Jing worried.

The little robot turned and returned to Princess Yongmu, expressing his attitude with actions.

"The pine nuts are all in the Celestial Army? It's cold there."

Zhang Jiuling also wants to eat pine nuts, so he wants to send some back to the folks in his hometown.

Of course, he was the prime minister, and initially he didn't dare to be too kind to own's hometown.

Now he wants to understand that if the prime minister is not kind to the people in his hometown, how can he be kind to the people of Datang?

Besides, he didn't want pine nuts. He bought them. He saved all his salary and bought a batch of them.

"It's too trendy. Wang Han asked the people to help dry the sun. He wants to come to Luoyang with him, and wants to be an official tomorrow.

The damp pine nuts are piled up and transported here, and some may become moldy.

The people can get a little money to subsidize the family by helping to dry the sun. "

The little robot explained the situation. The pine nuts are all undergoing slow dehydration, which is too damp.

During transportation, there is no problem on the outside, but the Ren Er inside is prone to mold because the temperature is high after accumulation.

The pine nuts can't be frozen, because they contain water, and they will melt again after freezing, and they will taste a lot worse unless they are cooked.

"Wang Han?" Princess Yongmu looked up. She had heard Li Yi talk about this person and liked to write frontier poems.

The key point is that Wang Han is also smuggling. He has a jinshi degree, but he is not an official. He guards his family's property and makes friends with a group of Rivers and Lakes people.

Zhang Jiazhen used to be courteous for three points, and Wang Han's family was too powerful in the local area.

"It's just a Jinshi." The little robot said nonchalantly.

Jinshi does not represent the first place, let alone the first place.

Li Jiazhuang will not be short of Jinshi if he lacks other things. Next year, Song De, the manager, will have to take the first place in the first class?

After he had thought about taking the imperial examination, he was in charge of Zhuangzi safely.

It’s boring to be an official. You have the ability to take a different grade in the imperial examination, and then the highest official given is from the sixth rank, like Guo Ziyi.

The key is that the sixth rank official Song De will not be accepted! Only from the fifth rank.

Let's put it this way, officials who are not qualified to participate in the Great Court are not qualified to discuss matters with Song De, and their grades are too low.

The servants of the various ministries, when they saw Song De, they were going to treat each other in courtesy, but Zaifu could not order Song De to do things.

Zaifu can meet Li Longji alone, Song De is no problem, but he will not go to Li Longji, he has something to tell the proprietor.

"It's not easy to get a Jinshi, does your proprietor have a Jinshi?" Princess Yongmu lifted her chin slightly.

"No, no!" The little robot's voice was aggrieved: "The proprietor is busy teaching Jinshi all day, and his own study time is wasted. I can't get into Jinshi, so delay!"

"Hahahaha~~~" Li Dan burst out laughing, the little robot was so fun and showed off solemnly.


Wang Han, who was talked about by everyone, happened to have breakfast at this time. He sneezed several times and drank lamb soup. It was estimated that the pepper was irritated.

"I left after a month and entered the twelfth lunar month in Luoyang.

I don’t think it is enough just to write Fu.

Do you have a good plan? I also thought about writing it in and presenting it to your majesty. "

Wang Han wants to be an official. If peace is going to happen today, smuggling is not easy to do.

After the Turks were driven to Xiaohai, other tribes joined Datang, with whom did they smuggle?

Is it going further north? That's not called smuggling, it's called normal trade.

Send a batch of things, change the sheep from there and rush back? Change one hundred, and come back to give the remaining one alive?

There is not much to change sheepskins. At present, people are raising rabbits in Jingzhao Mansion and surrounding areas, and Henan Mansion and surrounding areas.

As the number of rabbit skins increases, sheep skins become worthless.

Unless there are a large number of horses and camels, one change can increase animal power for Datang.

"Zi Yu wants to play the people's livelihood? Uh~~!" Zhang Jiazhen listened and bowed her head in thought.

After a few breaths, he said, "There are good policies. Don't write about people's livelihood. Li Yi is in Luoyang. You want to help fill up the vacancies. I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

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