Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2137 Independently Support Yi Shang Dynasty (Second)

It took a full half an hour for the monarchs and ministers to finish eating. They didn't care about the information at all, as long as Li Yi didn't speak.

They have concentration and at the same time they are used to it.

When there is no telegram, the border will send emergency military information. After receiving it, shouldn’t it be time to eat, sleep, or sleep?

How can the telegram arrive in a hurry?

Bring the dried fruits, eat and chat!

"Xiao Yi, aren't you busy? Just so..." Bi Go took up the pliers.

"Busy, I'm going to the hospital." Li Yi shook his head.

"No, there is no first aid, you just said nothing about fighting." Bi Gou disagreed.

"Oh!" Li Yi replied: "Whether you hit it or not, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. To hit, the Zhuangzi takes out the inventory support, which consumes a lot of money.

Tuqi Shi was exchanging prisoners for those who were catching white clothes, and our income became less.

The advantage is that Sulu faced the heavy snow, which caused the internal conflicts of his tribe to intensify.

Once Datang wins, Su Lu is likely to be killed by his own people, for example, I will offer a reward.

Starting next year, the passage of trade will be unblocked, and the white-clothed food cannot withstand the Datang army, so they have to give up. "

"Do you want to fight?" Song Jing hated war, but looked at Li Yi's mind.

"I don't want to fight. Soldiers take a rest. It's best to send troops in the spring next year." Li Yi replied.

"After the beginning of the spring, Tuqishi has grass. Fighting is not good for Datang?" Su Ting thought of the vigorous vegetation when he thought about the beginning of the spring.

"In the beginning of spring, wild vegetables in Luoyang are delicious, there is still snow covered, and even heavy snow keeps underground.

After spending a whole winter, Sulu’s horses and horses lacked food, we were well fed, and the horses were fed with fat.

Lijiazhuangzi has sufficient grain and grass, and slowly uses sledges to send them there before the beginning of spring, plus firearms.

Once Su Lu can be defeated, as long as he doesn't encircle him, he will definitely not be able to form a mourning formation. "

Li Yi emphasized regional differences. Do you think there are grasses in spring?

The local climate is fickle. Have you seen road closures due to heavy snow in July and August?

The places with no reserves are the hardest until spring, when the sun rises, I feel the dazzling cold.

The dazzling, snow-reflective, piercing and not piercing look at how many clothes you wear.

A group of people understood that, no matter when the fight started, the court was not responsible, and you could alone support the war logistics against Sulu.

It's not just buying things, it's just the reserves in Zhuangzi.

"During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, some large families were able to provide the luggage for a battle, but the scale was not large."

Li Rizhi remembered history. In the past, there were many small countries, fighting against each other, and the big clans in the locality could provide food and grass for thousands of people to fight.

Once a battle is won, the benefits will be several times, even dozens of times, provided that the sponsors don’t get rid of the backhand.

NS! Fighting Sulu is definitely not the burden of thousands of people, let alone starting from the vicinity of Lijiazhuangzi.

At least 200,000 troops must be dispatched to beat Su Lu to the ground at one time.

How many warehouses have you built in your Zhuangzi? You usually spend enough money, why do you still have it?

Liu You begged to hear it, and smiled and said to Li Yi: "When there are five tyrants and seven heroes, you will be the first to be destroyed."

"It's Datang right now. Your Majesty can't tolerate me? But there are people who want to rob Li Family Zhuangzi, and I can only take Wen Tian and Xiao Lan with my family and flee away."

Li Yi nodded, as if I recognized what you said.

Liu Youqiu: "..."

Are you flying away? Sorry, I forgot the level of force of your Zhuangzi, you can shoot out a gun array with so many machine guns.

Isn't it practical? You fly with a heavy machine gun to find the general to kill, the general can't hide.

Li Longji beckoned and asked Li Yi to sit and talk.

Li Yi has to give this Face, it's always hard to let Li Longji go to his side.

Li Longji gave Li Yi a handful of hazelnut kernels he had pinched: "Brother Yi, the spring of next year?"

"This matter is mainly your Majesty. Third Brother, whichever you think is good, talk to your Majesty."

Li Yi gave up the decision-making power, you say.

"You mention it, and then speak to your majesty for my brother." Li Longji is not sure about it himself.

"In the beginning of spring, we have sufficient logistics at this moment to be able to recuperate, but they can't. Such as the Turks, we will survive."

"Okay, next spring starts, March is feasible?"

"Looking at the weather, it's best to snow in March. If it doesn't fall, attack when the grass is green." Li Yi gave the answer.

If it snows a lot, wait, the other party consumes the reserves, and if there is no snow, don't give the other party's horse a chance to graze.

Su Ting used his nails to pick the pine nuts: "It should be before the grass is green, and the grass should be early, and the horse has grass to eat."

"Ting Shuoxu doesn't know." Li Longji slashed a pile of hazelnut shells into the bamboo trash can.

Then he said: "There is ice and snow next to the grass and the sheep and horses eat them all. They will shave their hooves and hurt their hooves. They eat little.

Sheep tends to get sick after hurting their hoof and cannot eat grass. How can a horse run fast on the battlefield with a wounded hoof?

Even if Habayashi Fei made a cut in his foot, his ability to fight would also affect his tactical movements. "

Su Ting's cupped fist, his complexion is calm, and he doesn't see any shame. After practicing, making a cut on his face won't affect his expression.

He is speechless, how can a strategy become a specific tactic when he talks about it? All horse hooves count?

Li Yi gave more than 20 pine nuts to Li Longji: "This year we can grow wild vegetables in the greenhouse, with high yield and high fiber content.

In the spring of the coming year, everyone will dig wild vegetables and make the best soup, or some people will miss the hard days and make rice balls.

During the New Year this year, some bean worms were dug up and transported from Jingzhao Mansion to the people for fried food. "

"Small Yi works hard." Bi Gou said with feelings.

"High skill, not bitter. I have Wen Tian and Xiaolan to accompany me, and Life is sweet."

Li Yi shook his head, why should I work? I enjoy it well, I eat chaffy vegetables by myself, and watch the common people’s big fish and meat, not that Realm.

Bi Gou got up and stretched out his hand, picked up the pine nut that Li Yi had pinched out again, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed hard.

He wanted to compliment Li Yi, but Li Yi did not cooperate.

He didn't understand what Li Yi just said before, but now he knows it.

Tell the people to eat wild vegetables. In the form of soup, wild vegetables are different from those in the greenhouse, and contain more minerals.

The bean worms from Jingzhao Mansion were transported to the people to eat, and the people would raise bean worms if they thought they tasted good.

On the whole, the yield reduction rate of beans is not as good as the economic and nutritional efficiency of raising bean worms.

Besides, bean worms don't have to eat soybean leaves, many plant leaves can be used.

Small talk is people's livelihood, but it is not a gentleman.

"The proprietor, the big cannibal who has been in Datang for nearly two months has arrived in Zhuangzi."

Li Guiheng hurried over, and he was also responsible for some specific things here.

Li Yi's motion of pinching the pine nuts stopped, after a few breaths: "Twenty-two people, two small boats?"

Li Guiheng nodded: "Yes, they are here."

"How long has it been? Why did you come? I almost forgot about them."

Li Yi patted his forehead, yes, someone.

When they didn't come from Chang'angu, those people had already arrived in Haizhou and were busy going around. They had no sense of existence.

"Hongshe Temple first contact." Yao Chong reminded him that he was afraid that Li Yi would be anxious to meet people. What is the majesty of the Tang Dynasty?

"Okay, I prepare things. It's not easy for people to come once, so I have to ask them to help promote it."

Li Yi agrees with Yao Chong's proposal, but the two think differently.

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