Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2138 Translator is not worried about illness collection (third more)

"The proprietor, they have always lived in Haizhou. Looking at the situation in Haizhou, they took a train to Luoyang once, stayed for less than a day, and then returned to Haizhou."

Li Guiheng continued to report to Li Yi that he was responsible for Luoyang matters, including intelligence.

Zhang said with Li Longji: “Henan Prefecture Hongyou Temple had contact, and officials accompanied them. They paid more attention to the life situation of the people in Datang, especially fishing and railway transportation.”

When he finished speaking, Gao Lishi followed: "They are trying hard to learn the dialect of Datang. The language of Datang Guangzhou is different from that of Haizhou, Luoyang, and Chang'an.

The official language is similar, but it also includes accents. They look at fishing nets, poultry, livestock farming, and prices. "

Yao Chong got up: "Your Majesty, they have exchanged some small objects, such as buttons, belt straps, leather shoe buckles, and seem to be more interested in auxiliary small things."

Quartet summary, Datang's four intelligence departments. The same is true for Yi businessmen, and even more so for Datang.

The suffering of Datang officials! In the past, it was checked by a department.

Now the four places are not under the control of each other, they are acting alone, and there is another inspector from the fifth department.

I want to do bad things, knowing that there are too many channels for bribery when someone checks it.

Even if there are still people taking the risk, they have reduced most of them.

None of the officials in the main traffic routes are not afraid, because it is not clear who is coming to investigate.

Local officials who print newspapers in the region know that these people will make small reports.

The post may sometimes send messages upwards through official channels.

The officials communicate with each other, so you don't need to think about it at the level of Zaifu. The next one is to entertain such a team. In addition, do you know where the other teams are?

The team managed by Gao Lishi has physical characteristics that need to be carefully identified.

There may be people in the group who know each other and can provide information.

The manpower of Lijiazhuangzi, let alone cannot be found, even if found, bribery is impossible, kill? Try to kill one?

For a time, the local security has improved, and no one dares to touch a stranger. You don't know if he is from Lijiazhuangzi.

Do you think it is, maybe it is really, you are afraid, find a gangster to kill the Lijiazhuang people, and then kill the gangster and bury it.

No, Li Dongzhu has a good relationship with King Yama, and he always fights King Yama and the judge.

Zhuangzi promised to ask, he would ask if he didn't!

It's useless to kill as many intermediaries, it's up to Li Dongzhu to check.

At this time, as soon as the twenty-two Yi businessmen arrived, the parties immediately reported and stared at them.

Foreign ministers came to the court and walked to Hongshe Temple, and business must go through the Shibosi Division.

The former belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the latter is the customs.

"Xiao Yi, sell them the seeds?" Bi Gou did not forget that Li Yi wanted to deceive people to sell the seeds.

Li Yi thought about it and shook his head: "It's boring. The really powerful thing is force. Normal trade is enough."

Li Yi canceled his previous plan, it was meaningless and needed manpower to arrange it.

When Datang planted all the seeds, would he care about others stealing it?

"When the time comes, the departments of the places going to sea can do more stringent inspections. The coastline is long and it is difficult to guard against. Ships must always be sailed and inspected at sea."

Li Yi changed his method. Datang had more ships. When he went to investigate, the other party needed to take it out for inspection and then accept the boarding inspection.

He has other ways to restrict it, and the cost is not very high.

The Yi Merchant Marine Ship, stealing the seeds out, in order to avoid Datang's inspection, must take an unfamiliar route.

If the unfamiliar sea route is not close to the shore, their ship may capsize.

Then the trader group escorted by Datang's army discovered that crops that shouldn't have appeared suddenly in a place, and Datang's army went to eradicate it.

The delay time is not too much, insist on ten years.

Ten years later, it is not certain who owns the land where the new crops are planted.

"Go and see?" Lu Huaishen was curious.

"No, it's too far. Luoyang Palace is twenty-five miles away. I'll go to the hospital."

Li Yi doesn't want to waste time, do I have to dispatch 22 foreign merchants?

Datang was not someone who hadn't come from outside, it was just that these 22 people had arrived at Haizhou Port.

Twenty-two people from somewhere were rejected and no one met them.

No, someone is in charge of them, officials of Honghe Temple.

One of them holds a tablet computer and is responsible for recording.

The other party's language, Honghe Temple really understands, that is, there are some problems in the dialect, and they can communicate.

For example, when a foreigner in Li Yi went to a restaurant, he said one word: noodles.

Normal people do not think that the other person wants to eat bread, but stretched noodles and ramen.

When the Chinese go outside, needless to say, direct gestures with their hands and eat with chopsticks, and good-hearted foreigners will take him or them to a Chinese restaurant.

It's easy to set up when you arrive at a Chinese restaurant, regardless of which area the Chinese restaurant is opened, at least the other party can understand Mandarin.

In fact, those who go out do not speak a foreign language themselves, so they must find a tour guide who can speak foreign languages.

It's easier to use a mobile phone, regardless of whether the word order of the mobile phone translation is normal, anyway, everyone probably understands the meaning.

For example, if you want to have breakfast, you give two words, morning and eat.

This is absolutely wrong, but when people look at it, oh, understand, is breakfast right?

You can even point to the rising sun and call eat. The other party promises that they will not think that you are going to eat the sun. It is not easy to pick it down. The only thing is the key. If you eat it, what should you do?

International communication turned out to be so simple, and nothing else is an obstacle.

When Li Yi Yacht was dispatched to the island, there was no such thing as communication.

Human communication is intelligent and can be accomplished through facial expressions and body language.

There are powerful people in Hongshe Temple, who can understand and can understand Buddhist scriptures in Sanskrit. What's the difference in other languages?

Twenty-two people didn’t eat. They just came and were taken by the ‘guide’ to eat...breakfast?

Anyway, I have food to eat anytime, go to eat, don’t need to spend money, Datang manages, the money Datang can still afford, within the budget.

Haizhou has a lot of seafood, including rice, steamed buns, and wontons.

The officials of Hongshe Temple do not bring foreign guests to eat beef and mutton, they know that some places in Daoist's house always eat it.

They led people to the shabu-shabu-shabu area, where there was chili oil and there were many kinds of shabu-shabu.

The key is to plagiarize the water transportation of hot dishes in the heaven and earth. It cannot be said to be plagiarism. Here is another heaven and earth chain.


"Next, what happened recently? The number of patients with appendicitis is increasing, the eating habits of outsiders and the sudden eating of good things and overeating?"

Li Yi treated a patient with appendicitis in the hospital, the third one, he did it himself in one hour.

It's too much, it's concentrated.

The nurses in the laboratory are working hard, and every case needs to know the situation.

In addition, three of the same operations are in progress, performed by nurses, at a slow pace.

Li Yi is considering the root cause, not the surgical technology.

The appendix can not be cut, because he needs to pay attention to the increase in the number of appendicitis.

He is not another doctor, saying that the appendix is ​​useless, so he cut it off.

"Use lactic acid bacteria to control the meat intake of the foreign population." Li Yi ordered.

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