Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2163 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 2154th chapter Xueqian return to the public hope (thirteenth)

"It's about to snow, look at the sky, it's scary."

"Get on the boat, it has nothing to do with us, get on the boat, let's go home."

"The boat is too big, a piece of boat."

"What about the people who brought us here?"

"There is a camp here. They stayed in the camp, and they stopped in the snow before leaving, just in time to bring their things."

At the pier in Bohai Bay, Datang ships docked one after another, urging the people to get on the springboard.

It's going to snow heavily, for fear of the wind direction, it's just right now.

The two escorts from the house, they took things, hid for a while, the snow stopped, just in time for the horses to rest and ride back on the sledge.

Everything left in the team was given to the two guardians, including the fish caught on the boat and the shrimp caught.

The two guardians will live very well this winter, and they will come back next year to give them things.

Waiting for everyone and Ma Quan to be brought back on board, there was a shadow of sail on the sea.

There are also four smoking boats, they are responsible for handling emergencies, this time the coal was not thrown down.

"Finally made it through." Someone was crying, and he felt that the journey was too difficult.

Several times he thought he would die on the road, but every time he was surprised.

At the most difficult moment, there was even a radio commander from Luoyang.

"Datang is too powerful." A Jin looked at the fleet, thinking about the events of this period, like a dream.

He did take his people to Luoyang on a Datang ship, and Datang’s navy was as powerful on land.

Fan Fan sat on the deck, regardless of the cold, drinking hot white wine and eating grilled fish.

Accompanied by Liu Tingguang on the opposite side, brine prawns were placed on the plate.

"You performed well on land." Fan Fan exaggerated.

"At the time, you were at the end of the battle. We train hard on weekdays. Doctor Li requires us to be amphibious, called... Uh! Marines."

Liu Tingguang showed off and finally helped Yulin Feiqi's people.

Fan Fan smiled slightly, not arguing, as long as the goal is achieved.

As for whether it is the end of the battle, the two sides are not hostile.

With a group of people, under great pressure, abandon the people, and see how powerful the two hundred Yulin Feiqi are.

Liu Tingguang skilfully peeled a prawn, and handed it over: "Westerly winds to the north, the return journey is fast. It only takes a few days, faster than before."

"You will go to celebrate the New Year?"

"We are collecting New Year goods in Haizhou and going home for the New Year. Everyone is waiting."

Liu Tingguang said that he was happiest during the New Year. He didn't know what was there, anyway, they were all good things, enough for the family to eat hard.

"Send a report, I'll send it, and tell your majesty and Dongzhu Li." Fan Fan wanted to get up and look for the telegraph.

"Someone posted it, on the boat, we are at home." Liu Tingguang stopped, and peeled a prawn to Fan Fan.

Large prawns, which are very expensive in Chang'an, are the cheapest on board.

"What do you want for the New Year? Soap? Towel? Perfume?"

Fan Fan sat down, dipped the prawns in his hands and dipped the chili oil in the sauce.

Liu Tingguang shook his head: "There is no shortage. I used it for three years. I want yak beef jerky, army coat, white wine, and white wine pickled dishes are delicious.

We have frozen pork from Chang'an. We raise few pigs in the local area, and the fish tastes too greasy. This boat is too convenient for fishing.

I heard that Luoyang has built a match factory. We want matches. It is troublesome to make fires in winter.

No dried fruit, we were allowed to intercept a bunch of pine nuts, hazelnuts, plus cocoon pupae.

We need antifreeze cream. We don’t feel that it’s enough to apply it in winter. I always want to apply it. "

Liu Tingguang talked about his own needs, and wanted to eat beef jerky and pork.

Fan Fan ate a few shrimps and two bites of fish: "It is convenient for you to raise pigs by the sea."

"There are few piglets. If there are more boars, you can kill. If the sow raises the piglets, it will be fine for two years.

There are more ducks and geese, and the growth cycle is shorter than that of pigs, that is, the eggs are more fishy than eggs.

A little far away from the sea, where there are many chickens, we went to the mountains to clear the nearby beasts.

The chickens are free-range and give some Chen Guzi, then they will go home by themselves. "

He briefed Fan Fan on the situation, and they did not lack meat and eggs at all.

After talking about himself, he asked Fan Fan: "What do you want?"

"Of course it is seafood. This is the benefit of road construction.

If Datang has railroads everywhere, you will sell us what you get bored with.

The jerky meat from the place where the yak is raised is provided to you, and the logistics are exchanged. "

Fan Fan has deep feelings about railway transportation. He has already shipped many things, but not enough.

Liu Tingguang sipped his wine; "It is estimated that Dongzhu Li will deliver dried goods by sea to your home.

"We love the dried ones, shrimp, sea rice, dried shrimp skins, mussels, dried oysters, dried scallops..."

Fan Fan was very proficient in talking about the types of seafood.

The opposite Liu Tingguang listened with a smile, you said, see if there is anything beyond my cognition?

I'm the one who took the fleet to fetch rubber. How many things did you say I've seen all the way at sea?

Fan Fan didn't care, he said own, he wanted to eat anything anyway.


"The proprietor, the proprietor, there is a telegram, they are on the ship, Fan Fan, Li Endong and others, there is no shortage of them."

When Li Yi was teaching nurses, the little robot broke in.

Li Yi was most annoying to be disturbed in class, but he was not angry at the moment, and ran over and pushed the little robot around in circles.

"Fuzzed, confused, dead." The little robot shouted.

"Proprietor, it's confused." A female nurse was anxious, too emotional.

"It can still be confused, it's definitely hell." Li Yi sent the little robot away, and the little robot turned and ran away.

Li Yi took two deep breaths, returned to the podium, and continued to lecture.

The nurses were absent-minded, and they were happy.

Knowing who the little robot is talking about is no less than one person.

Li Yi stopped, stood and waited.

The nurses soon discovered that something was wrong and adjusted their emotions.

"Remember, as a healer, when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and his color remained unchanged, the elk was happy but not blinking. I was wrong."

Li Yi taught that he should admit his mistakes first, and he was really happy.

He turned to speak again, and the nurses sat upright.

In another place, Li Longji played with Dudu, and when he heard the news, he held Dudu from side to side and sang: oh ah ah~ oh la la~

Dudu giggled and danced. She didn't know the good news and the bad news, but she could feel her father's happiness.

Li Longji retracted his hand, chirped at his daughter's chubby face, and drooled down.

Queen Wang hurriedly snatched it over, groaningly said: "You can't always pinch your face, kiss your face, and drool."

"The team of nearly 70,000 people, one of them is not dead, among them are pregnant women, babies, and elderly people. I am strong in the Tang Dynasty, so strong!"

Li Longji made two fists vigorously, just so strong.

"That was the strongest soldier in Datang. Five thousand people came from the southwest. They used to be soldiers, but they practiced and practiced. Li Endong's five villagers, Fan Fan two hundred Yulin Feiqi, Liu Tingguang's navy."

Queen Wang didn't say that the Southwestern barbarians were already from Datang with such a great effort.

Which of these teams is weaker? It's just a matter of sending all Yulin Feiqi.

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