Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2155 Endless Rewards (Fourteenth)

"Sell newspapers, buy them quickly. I'll go to class in a while."

"Good news, my Datang army brought back more than 60,000 people from the northeast region. They are already on board, and none of them died."

"Your Majesty is pleased. I would like to ask the people of Luoyang to eat sea rice, one big bag for one person, one big bag for one person, according to the head, the baby is also counted. A full eight, a full eight."

"Dongzhu Li invites everyone to eat dumplings. The day after tomorrow, there are ten per person, even for babies. I don't know what stuffing or what kind of stuffing is on the stall. You can find someone to change it yourself."

In the morning, the newspaper boy took advantage of the gap in school to sell and deliver newspapers.

There are no shoe-shining children, including those from Chang'an, all of whom will enter the school and receive more subsidies.

People who want to buy newspapers waited early. They are indeed out of date. If they want to buy them, they have to go to the newsstand. The price is more than a dollar.

The people know, more than 60,000 people joined, the more people the better, and they don’t have to worry about eating and drinking.

"You guys, have you seen it? Propaganda means, you say half a catty of sea rice, it sounds less, a big bag, it's a good deal, it's worth it, and it listens more."

Yu Huaide whispered to others that the same amount would be too much to put it another way.

"Where are the dumplings?" Shopkeeper Feng didn't notice how much the dumplings were publicized.

"Dumplings said after your majesty, they are weaker than your majesty. If you say it is a big dumpling, you will have all the meat and vegetables, and you will crush your majesty?"

Yu Huaide said that Li Dongzhu must be weak.

Didn't you see that the people put their majesty in the highest place when they placed the longevity tablet? Put Dongzhu Li up high, how much hatred do you have with Dongzhu Li?

"But so." Shopkeeper Song agreed.

Shopkeeper Zhao thinks about it: "Sixty thousand people, worth it?"

"This year, more than 60,000, next year, more than 60,000. How many people are born in the local area in a year? How many can grow up? How many will die of old age?"

This time, shopkeeper Feng understood that he couldn't stand to bring people from there every year.

What's more, sixty thousand this year, or sixty thousand next year?

"Yes, one trades the other, tries to seek far away without looking at short-term gains, and measures long distances without counting inches."

"It's really good, I'll wait..." The shopkeeper Guan wanted to show that we have money.

"I'm waiting to donate money. I donated to the army before. Don't worry about the people's accusations. Now I donate money to later people to build houses. Sixty thousand people are not sixty thousand houses."

Yu Huaide decided to pay, not to lose.

"I support it. Now I am looking for information. When the time comes, they will let them build their own houses. It will take a few days."

Shopkeeper Song agreed that they dare not just find people to build houses, railways, roads, bridges, factories, they use money to grab people?

It's really hard to find people. The canal is a line, and the land is leveled at the same time, ready to lay the railroad tracks.

At Lijiazhuangzi Hospital, Li Yi laughed at everyone again, but he could only tell through his eyes that he was wearing a mask.

A group of new nurses will be selected and pass the assessment. To be smart, you must have some experience.

He doesn't teach new nurses, but throws it to the old nurses.

Princess Yongmu has nothing to do today, and she doesn't want to read a book, so La Xiaolan comes over to check the room together.

"Li Lang, I saw a 15-year-old girl winking at you just now." Princess Yong Mu squeezed her eyes and said to Li Yi.

"Don't look at it as a broken bone, but she also fell to the corner of her eye. It looks like everyone else.

But there was a young man who was in a daze when he saw you, and his soul was lost. Should I really go to the underworld to find him? "

Li Yicai was not fooled. The girl fell and broke four ribs and left arm. Fortunately, it was non-comminuted. The bones of the arm were cast without surgery.

"The boy's general anesthesia gastroscope turned out to be a torn cardia. He drank porridge and egg custard normally, no problem."

Princess Yongmu is not to be outdone, she will lose her soul if anything, you are on anesthesia.

"His condition is due to excessive gastric acid secretion and always vomits. If he is not fully anaesthetized, he will be sensitive to gastroscopy and aggravate vomiting.

Where did he learn the theory? He thought that eating more food could reduce stomach acid, and as a result, he secreted more stomach acid, vomited, and broke his cardia. "

Li Yi said that in the case of teenagers, this must be a regular medicine, a medicine that neutralizes stomach acid, which is simple to make, and Zhuangzi can do it.

This has a certain relationship with heredity.

"People from Bohai, have you arranged your accommodation right?"

"Be prepared early."

"But I heard that Yu Huaide is going to build a house, what should I do?"

"Jian, I will live in the house I prepared for the time being, and they will build it by themselves." Li Yi instantly thought of how to cope.

The house he gave was considered temporary, and Yu Huaide and others were kind enough to stay cold.

Xiaolan pushed a small robot: "Li Lang, can dumplings be wrapped by a machine?"

"It's been wrapped all the time. Time is enough. The machine-made dumplings can't be steamed and won't stand."

Li Yi still trusts the dumpling machine. He is fast, throws the noodles and vegetables in, and adjusts himself.

The disadvantage is that to steam dumplings, you have to put the dumplings on the cloth. The machine packs crooked as soon as you put it on the machine, and the steamed dumplings are fine.

Why did he make steamed dumplings more expensive than boiled dumplings? One is about time, and the other is that the machine can process the dumplings even if they are not done by hand.

The two kinds of dumplings have different wrapping methods. The steamed dumpling method can be boiled, but the boiled dumpling method cannot be steamed.

He invited everyone to eat dumplings. He didn't intend to steam them. It was too time-consuming. They were cooked in a large pot and cooked quickly.

"Li Lang, Xiaolan and I will make you steamed dumplings, okay?"

"Well, if you want beef and green onion filling, you can put some pork belly in it, otherwise it's too dry."

"Proprietor, your third brother is looking for you." The little robot being pushed by Xiaolan suddenly made a sound, frightening everyone.

"Take it." Li Yi took a deep breath, preparing to deal with emergencies.

"Brother Yi, there is something, the post-Turkic Yulin Feiqi Telegraph, the post-Turkic wants to borrow 200,000 standard feather arrows to hunt for survival."

Li Longji's voice came, and others wanted to borrow an arrow.

"Call back and tell them to send them a lot of meat and food immediately. We are almost out of arrows, let's use guns."

Li Yi responded quickly. He didn't say to borrow something when he gave it. Will he return it if he borrowed it? It won’t be repaid if you borrow an arrow.

People in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms take a risk with an arrow, but there is no risk in this borrowing.

"The ministers also meant the same, saying that their purpose of borrowing arrows was to expand north during the winter.

One is true borrowing, and the other is temptation. Why do you think?

If we refuse, the post-Turkic will naturally understand that we know what it means and stop it. "

Li Longji also said that arrows are not so easy to borrow and refuse.

"It's the same whether you borrow or not, and it's the same with what you borrow. It's always the same for us."

Li Yi is very pleased, the ministers are not stupid!

"Exactly." Li Longji agreed that the post-Turks wanted to beat others in the name of Datang helping them.

When the time comes, others will hate Datang together, if you don't borrow it, the post-Turkic people will say the same.

"Tell the Post Turks that Yulin will fly 20,000 yuan and recruit 30,000 soldiers, and will go over to help them hunt."

Li Yi gritted his teeth and said, "You Tujue dare to brush his presence, threatening me, come on, let me help you."

"It's okay." Li Longji terminated the call and resolved.

One reply, the post-Turkic did not dare to beat others.

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