Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2158 Word Congshun's Word Set (Second More)

"Zizhong, are you back today?" "Brother Shun, I have been back for two days."

In a room, four people, Li Yi, Li Longji, Gao Lishi, and Li Chengqi, were there, watching...videos.

The room is very bright, without the feel of a cinema. On the screen, Ron was walking side by side with a man who was similar in age.

The man was dressed up as a scholar, and his clothes were of good fabric and well-made.

It can be seen because Guo Ziyi gave a close-up. The circle around the sleeve is full of peonies, peonies of various colors.

From the workmanship point of view, the typical style of Su embroidery.

If the clothes inside are of the same style, then this piece of clothing is worth a kerosene lamp.

"Rich man, my clothes are only more than thirty dollars." Li Yi said in his white coat.

"Dongzhu Li wears these clothes. If he is not willing to perform operations on people, his 100 sets of clothes will not be able to change his life."

Gao Lishi held Li Yi and said, it doesn't matter what you wear, good medical skills can make money.

"Just because he can wear one suit and needs interventional surgery, the money for a hundred sets of clothes is really not enough." Li Yi nodded.

One hundred sets, one hundred thousand dollars, if the heart bypass surgery, with the current technology of Datang, if you do it yourself, you will lose money.

"If he really falls ill outside Lijiazhuangzi, will Yi Yiyi?" Li Longji asked.

"I'll save his life and ask for money. If there is no money, let the nurse and the little girl do it. I'll be here to point him."

Li Yi agreed to the treatment, provided that he was practicing hands.

In this case, the hospital finds a rare disease and wants to overcome the difficulty, and promises to waive all expenses, but it does not guarantee the survival.

Li Chengqi said from the side, "Brother Yi is still kind-hearted!"

"I'll start it myself when I'm kind."


"The clothes he wears, he has money, and he doesn't care if he doesn't give it to me."

They talked, and the two people on the screen said hello and walked there without speaking.

After a while, they came to the front of Ron's house, did not go in, and stood at the door, facing the road outside.

This angle is just right, suitable for shooting.

"Zizhong supervises this road, but he has done a great job!" The person with the word Shunzhi smiled and said.

"It depends on your majesty's holy grace." Ron hugged the cupped fist towards Luoyang.

"It looks okay." Li Longji is satisfied, and can take the initiative to say without supervision, not bad.

The man cupped fist together: "Seeing Zizhong has a ruddy complexion, but is there an official?"

"After the road is built, there will be a good idea from brother Shun. Treat the craftsman with courtesy, listen to the craftsman's words, and learn from it. I use this to get your Majesty's ears."

Ron arched his cupped hands again, his smile brightened.

"Where's the eartip? I took him out, hum!"

Li Longji is not happy, you really stole the craftsman's technology and used tricks.

Artisans say everything stupidly, and don't know how to cherish technology.

"Congratulations!" Congratulations on that obedient way.

"Brother Shun is really thankful for his help. I got a cosmetic box for me, and brother Wang Shun laughed at it."

When Ron spoke, he took out a two-inch square makeup case from his sleeve and handed it over.

"Such a good thing, brother..." Shun Yi wanted to welcome but refused.

"Disgusting!" Li Yi pouted his lips.

"Hahaha!" Li Longji and Li Chengqi laughed together.

"Brother Shun, a little thing, why not push it around."

Ron switched to one hand, and the other hand pulled the opponent, Seri.

"Ashamed!" The other party covered his face with his sleeve, and put the makeup box in his sleeve.

Fu took it out again, opened the photo, and looked left and right.

Li Yi sighed: "Ron is still relatively simple and will not give gifts."

While others were looking in the mirror, Li Yi gave Ron a comment.

"How do Li Dongzhu deliver it?" Gao Lishi was curious.

"I said that the mirror of the makeup box felt a bit crooked, let him take a look, and when he got it, I took out a Bibi, and used a little foundation inside.

He wanted to pay me back. I said that the mirror was still not good. After using this habit, the awkwardness made me feel uncomfortable when I saw it. I asked him to help throw it away. "

Li Yi told him his methods without even thinking about it. He was most afraid that the other party would not want to give gifts. If the other party wanted to ask for it, there was no gift that could not be given out.

"Thank you Li Dongzhu." Gao Lishi thanked him.

"Why can you thank you? You can give gifts to others? Whoever you give gifts to, who will be out of luck."

Li Yi speaks bluntly, everyone is too familiar.

If Gao Lix gives Yu Huaide a gift, give it a piece of stuff, it won’t work if Yu Huaide doesn’t return it back.

It was the same as when he sent the kerosene lamp and thermos to the temple, let alone the other party.

"Zizhong, come in and look at the makeup box outside. It is not good for other craftsmen to see it."

After taking a few shots, the Shunzhi found the problem and pulled Ron into the door.

"Can he take anything?" Li Longji also found a problem. Did Ron stole the makeup case from his Little Sister?

"Wen Tian is responsible for the daily necessities of Princess Yuzhen, Princess Jinxian, and Princess Jincheng. They will not sell them, so they will give a lot and the cost is low."

Li Yi explained that there is no need to steal, there are lots and lots of them.

The two of them entered, without seeing the image, and the sound came out.

"Brother Shun didn't write a book today?"

"The Analects of Confucius in the imperial examinations next year will be too warm. Therefore, I am asking you if you know the current affairs and policies?"

"The policy of current affairs is easy to answer, ten ways, medical books and arithmetic are also important."

"Isn't the current affairs policy changed? The match is easy to use for my brother, can the factory recruit people?"

"How do I know about these things, Li...Ah! I dare not see Li Yi."

"What's so scary?"

"It's not that he's afraid of him, he doesn't eat people, but that your Majesty will be with him, and your Majesty will remember me when he saw me."

"It's hard to be a big problem. For those who recommend, your Majesty usually takes Li Yi as a photo. There are only a handful of people who can be above Li Yi in the world."

"Bah!" Gao Lishi suddenly said, frightening the three of them.

"I disturbed you all, he said nonsense." Gao Lishi apologized.

"It's okay, really nonsense." Li Longji forgave generously.

"Brother Shun, an unparalleled heart."

"I have a distant relative who knows craftsmanship skills. I will see you someday and see if I can help him into the match factory."

"Brother Shun brought it here, let me talk to Xuan Xuan."

"I got a poem suddenly, so Shunzhi will taste it?"

"Oh? Very happy."

The next two people started talking about poetry. There was nothing to hear about it.

"They want to enter the match factory, what can they do there? Material production is separated from processing and production."

From these words, Li Yi guessed the other party's purpose, Match Factory.

What can I do when I go in? Stealing technology? Engage in a terrorist attack?

It's just a joke, that place is like gunpowder manufacturing, and it's impossible to give you a chance.

The flour mills in the south of Chang'an City have river crossings, static elimination, absolute fire, water paving, and recycling ponds.

A little mistake will kill people and pollute the environment. People will die because of own operation, and the loss will be too great.

"Brother Yi, Match Factory, An Steady?" Li Longji asked.

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