Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2168 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 2159th chapter originally lost money is not counted (third more)

"The situation in the Match Factory is like this..." Li Yi introduced.

He directly produces safety matches, and the most dangerous process is carried out in Lijiazhuangzi, which is the production of red phosphorus.

The phosphate ore in Feishan County in Xiaoluonan Village is taken over for processing.

After being prepared, it will be sent to the match factory for rationed supply and delivered six times a day. The match factory will not accumulate and there will be no inventory.

Safety matches are also toxic, flammable and explosive.

The wood for the match factory came from road construction, the road was widened, and the trees beside it were cut down and brought over.

Some are made into matchsticks, and some are made of paper. The paper for the matchbox is not wood, but bamboo.

Wood paper is used for other things. If it is not for the inconvenient processing of bamboo into matchsticks, bamboo is used.

The power is provided by the steam engine, the wood is turned into wood chips, and the wood chips are turned into match sticks with a stalk cutter. The stalks, arranging, and dismantling are mainly manual.

The drying room adopts the independent partition wall thermal type, when people come out during drying, the drying is good, the ventilation time is enough, people go in again, and a full set of protective measures.

Even if one of the drying rooms bursts, it will not affect other places.

The matchbox is pasted first, and then red phosphorus is hung.

The matchbox is printed with the word ‘Sheng Tang’ written on it. There is no manufacturer’s name and usage method. This thing will be used just by looking at it.

Matchboxes are not allowed to be taken home to paste, for fear that some people will light oil lamps to stay up late at night, or even run outside and use ‘street lamps’ to illuminate them.

Anyone who wants to destroy all the processes can destroy a little place.

When loading matches, I use tweezers and touch the deduction of wages with my hands. I always use my hands, and my hands will be dipped in medicine. Over time, it will not be good for my health.

And no matter which workshop you work in, you must wear a mask, and you must wear it when you are hot. You can go outside to breathe for a quarter of an hour in half an hour.

Go to the cafeteria for dinner. There is a place to take a bath. The work clothes are specially washed by someone who washes them once a day. You are not allowed to go home in work clothes.

"It's probably the case." After Li Yi finished the introduction, he himself was very satisfied.

The cost increase is at least three times, and he thinks it is worth it.

Before that time, the protection of the match factory was not good, and some even used yellow phosphorus.

The meal was also eaten in the workshop, and all the dust and other things fell into the meal.

"What's the profit? No, a few points?"

Li Longji asked, first asked what percentage, but later found it impossible, it should be only what percentage.

"How can there be profit? Benefit the people. The selling price is high, and the people can't afford it."

Reduce costs through the harsh production environment, and the people get sick.

The wages I paid were high, the labor insurance products were sufficient, and I had meat for meals. "

Li Yi spreads his hands and can't make any money at all, so it's not bad to maintain his capital.

"Don't make a good profit!" Li Longji approved.

"It's not easy to make money! Datang is a good time, no one is fighting with me."

Li Yi said with a smile, you can make money by just making something, so why bother to make money with matches?

That’s it, even if you give it to someone else’s technology, someone else will have to die if you take it.

"Brother Yi, how much is a box of matches now? How many people do you use?"

Li Chengqi didn't understand and was busy with other things all day long.

"One bag for one dollar, ten boxes for one bag, and fifty sticks for one box. That is, five hundred matches for one dollar."

Li Yi knows the price, wholesale is at this price, retail will increase the price.

Some have a pack of two dollars, and some have a dollar and fifty cents.

When it is shipped further afield, a package may be sold for four to five dollars, with a profit of 500%.

The actual situation does not exist. From here to the Shu area, the ships go against the current to prevent moisture and fire, and then distribute them to the store.

The store sells a pack of five dollars and spreads it layer by layer, and the profit is 30%.

Li Yi told three people about this situation, mainly two people.

"The people in the distance are not cheap." Li Longji understood.

A hundred sticks for a dollar means a penny, and a penny is lost.

"When the money for the temple is in place and the scale is expanded, the retail sales in Shudi can be reduced to three dollars a pack.

I brought all the wood used for road construction and felled trees, and planned economic forest planting.

It is a pity to choose fast-growing varieties, cut down and replant in batches, and make matches from wood with slow growth cycles.

Luoyang is the same as Chang'an. More than two-thirds of people do not cook their own meals, which is inconvenient.

Matches are more for lighting, and neighbors can borrow fire by other means.

Matches are mainly used when there is no fire around. The scythe is too exhausting, just draw one. "

The application of Li Yi matches is used by the people in special circumstances, and they are usually reluctant to bear it.

For example, Luoyang Shangshan Square can be said to be a Shangshan community, where someone cooks, and if there is no fire, they can figure out their own way.

But there is a ‘property’ in the community, right? The property is responsible for arranging people to make changes, and keep the fire on the way.

The "owner" of Shangshanfang took a wooden stick to the "property" to borrow a fire.

I ignited it and took it home, and it went out halfway, and I came back and started it again.

The people do not pay ‘property fees’ and the government is responsible, including cleaning.

A match is a heavy rain outside, so you need a lot of protection when you go out to borrow a fire. No matter how big the wind is, it is better to draw a match at home.

The village has the greatest use. Who can keep the fire for a long time?

"Zizhong, is it easy to make matches? Overseas, it is not easy to catch fire, and there are other wealthy people who have this thing to show their identity."

Finished talking about the poem over there.

"I don't know, Zhuangzili Workshop is in charge."

"Zizhong doesn't go check it out on weekdays?"

"Don't let me go, the place I can go has been arranged, Xuanxuan's courtyard, the first dining hall, the lakeside, and the reading room."

"Zizhong, what kind of status are you, and why are you still limited by this?"

"In Lijiazhuang Zhuangzi Mo Yan's identity, in some places Zaifu can't go there."

"Oh, so! The rest is really desirable."

"The place to go is actually pretty good. The Datang cruiser is moored in the lake. I have been there.

There are many books in the reading room, and the food in the canteen is delicious.

Xuan Xuan will not eat in the courtyard, and will go to the cafeteria with me. "

"I always hear about the world's delicacies, all in the Lijiazhuangzi canteen, but it is not visible. I really envy it. Alas!"

"It's nothing more than a wider variety of dishes and better taste."

"On the cruiser, Zizhong, you must go forward, isn't it easy?"

"Unattended, up and down at will. There are children in Zhuangzi who go up and play."

"Really? It's a pity that I missed it!"

"Brother Shun, I will go back next time and invite you to join me to see if I can enter. I will talk to Xuan Xuan first."

"It's too difficult for Zizhong. If you really go, Zizhong will have to do something else."

"Why do you get a lot of success?"

"No hurry, think about it for brother."

In the words, the word smoothly thought of Lijiazhuangzi, Li Longji and Li Chengqi while listening to Li Yi.

"Dage, third brother, what do you want to eat tonight?" Li Yi was at a loss, what did you see me doing?

"Match doesn't make money?" Li Chengqi asked.

"Ten boxes for a dollar, where can I make money? It's not bad if I don't lose it."

"What about the exit?" Li Longji asked.

"Ah? What is exported is not profitable? The export of matches also makes money. What does it have to do with Datang's internal affairs?"

Li Yi understood that there was nothing wrong with it. When the people of Datang bought matches, they couldn't make any money on their own, and they might even lose money.

But isn't it said in the inside! There are wealthy people out there who are willing to buy and show off.

Li Longji and Li Chengji looked at each other, do they make money inside and outside? Is it calculated like this?

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