Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2172 family name is changed to use toxicology (first)

The brisk ritual music sounded and the welcome march was played. There was no normal Tang ritual music. It was too cumbersome and Guan Lin's family was unprepared.

The marching band appeared first, stepping on the rhythm.

"Wow~~" The people from Bohai exclaimed, beautiful, all beautiful women.

There are too many beauties in Datang, and any one is so beautiful.

Qian Niuwei's people also walked with ceremonial things, and the court lady eunuch had a smile on her face.

Li Dan, Concubine Doulu, Li Longji, and Queen Wang walked in the middle, and Li Yi followed Concubine Doulu.

The red carpet was spread all the way to the feet of Guan Lin's family. Behind them were twenty sixteen-guards.

The people from Bohai understood that it was not the people who greeted themselves and watched the big screen, there were Taishang and the current emperor.

Guan Lin's family waited, not knowing what to do, watching the team approach, the four adults began to cry.

Seeing that the two sides were a dozen steps away, Guan Lin's father directly knelt down, and the others knelt down one after another.

The speed of Li Dan and others increased, and they separated to help them. Li Yi helped the two children and got up as soon as they were mentioned.

"Off..." Li Dan took the old man.

"Guan Shitang, Majesty the Supreme Emperor, I changed my name. My name is Guan Shitang, my son is Guan Lin, Guan Jijing, grandson Guan Zhong, and second grandson Guan Si."

The old man first introduced the new name of his family. Obviously he couldn't forget the past, but he planned to start again.

"Okay, what a Guan Shitang." Li Dan clutched the opponent's hand tightly.

Concubine Doulu talked and laughed with Guan Teng: "We all know the hardships, sins, and things your family has done there.

Because of you, let Tang Shao sacrifice countless good men, and the two armies confronted each other in danger, and whoever attacked first would suffer.

You don’t look down on the rewards of things, just be an official. You can communicate with each other from the medical book Xiaoyi. "

Concubine Doulu arranged things, and things would naturally be given, but it is not good to bring them up now.

"There are too many restrictions in the palace, and our family is afraid of getting into trouble."

Guan Teng refused, and she guessed that they should be treated as imperial physicians.

"Where is there any restriction? As a foreign affairs officer, Feng Qingdai in Zhuangzi is a third-rank foreign officer in the Imperial Medical Office. You will be happy to be with her in the future."

Concubine Doulu introduced the little girl to the other party, and she would like the little girl relative to the other party.

I'm afraid that the other party will be depressed after contacting the little girl a few times, just like the little girl's younger brother returning to Tibet, the average Master can't teach it.

You can teach and ask at the beginning, and you can only teach life for the rest of the day.

"Is there still this official position?" Guan Teng was puzzled and had never heard of it.

"Yes, look at today's Xiao Yi, he is now an official of the Tang Zhengguo, the first-rank official, and he resigned when he had lunch at noon and changed back to his second-rank."

Concubine Doulu smiled and said, "You can be an official anytime you want, and you can be whatever you like."

Guan Teng's: "So?"

She seemed to understand. She understood that Li Yi's position in the Tang court was not restricted except for the emperor.

After a few words, everyone began to walk back, each holding each other, Li Yi left and right.

The older child is thirteen years old this year, and the younger one is seven years old. After the new year, they will grow up to one year old.

He glanced at Guan Jijing's daughter-in-law, Guan Luoshi, raised his brow, and asked the boy next to him: "Ling Ci is going to add Little Brother Little Sister to you again?"

"Huh?" The two children were surprised together, not knowing.

"Qingdai." Li Yi shouted.

"Master." The little girl jumped over from the side.

"Go to the Queen to talk." Li Yi ordered.

The little girl blinked and looked over: "Yeah! Got a baby? Go now."

After speaking, she bounced over and pulled Roche's hand on the other side.

"Li Shen... Proprietor, how... can you tell?" Guan Zhong didn't look out.

"Ling Ci knows himself clearly, so I can tell by looking at it."

Li Yi explained that under normal conditions, pregnant women have different looks on their faces.

The premise is that she herself knows that there is a child in her belly and is willing to give birth.

As soon as the little girl caught her hand, she put her finger on Guan Luo's Cun Guan Chi.

She pulls the left hand, male left and female right, but it doesn't matter, you have to change your hand when you get the pulse.

Guan Luoshi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and asked, "Did Qingdai see it?"

"For four months, there are many medicinal materials and ingredients in Zhuangzi, so you can choose at will."

The little girl nodded, and she knew it by looking at her, taking the pulse to determine the month.

"Worthy of being a disciple of a genius doctor." Guan Luoshi praised and approved at the same time.

The little girl is two or three years older than own's little son. She came over to take a left hand Cun Guan Chi, without a pulse pillow, and took a few breaths to determine the month.

Ordinary people who study medicine, don't have 20 or 30 years of knowledge, can't do it at all, such as yourself.

When Queen Wang heard it, she asked happily: "Zhen'er is pregnant? Ask the little girl to see if it is a man or a woman, so I can prepare small clothes in advance."

"Maybe men and women can be accurately determined?" Guan Luoshi was even more surprised now.

"Use something else to look at." The little girl shook her head, she couldn't see the pulse now, unless under special circumstances, it was too difficult to see the pulse.

You need to wait until the baby is big in the belly, the gender characteristics are obvious, and the pulse is reflected, but it is difficult to judge.

"Other means?" Guan Luoshi was still curious.

"After the rest, take a look, it's easy, as long as the baby is in the right position." The little girl continued to hold Guan Luo's hand.

"Zhen'er is a good nurse, and there is nothing lacking in Zhuangzi."

The Queen and Queen still have this confidence, no matter how precious the medicinal materials are, there is always in Zhuangzi.

As for whether to use medicine or how to use medicine, I believe that others know it by themselves.

After a while, everyone parted temporarily and had dinner together at noon.

Guan Jijing's family was arranged to take a bath, and the little girl accompanied Guan Luo and taught her and Guan Teng how to use things.

On the other side, Li Guizang was in charge, and the family enjoyed special treatment.

Li Guizang was depressed. He took four people with him. He memorized some medical books. He couldn't tell the specific application.

The time he studied was too short to be comparable to the senior sister. I heard that the senior sister helped concoct simple medicinal materials when she was two or three years old, and grabbed medicine at the age of four.

Others need to learn something for a year, my sister learned it for half a month, and has been learning it till now.

I have fallen too much, how can I chase it? Sister will stop and wait?

The only thing that is fortunate is that own has a lot of resources. When others get sick, the eunuchs take the pulse and follow suit by themselves.

The Master also has an electronic pulse, which simulates various pulse conditions, such as those of different ages, men and women, and special diseases...

It’s too difficult to learn medicine while taking the pulse while still talking and asking questions.

At present, I have not yet come into contact with the dumb system of infants. The child will cry if he can't tell where he feels uncomfortable.

Take the pulse first, then use the instrument, and compare with each other, remembering this situation.

People who study medicine elsewhere don't have this kind of treatment. Don't ask, I really don't.

The little girl had a good chat there. She likes to listen to Guan Teng's and Guan Luo's talk about how to use poison.

When using poison to treat diseases, some of the techniques and dosages that the two talked about were particularly bold. It felt that they weren't saving people, but wanted to poison people to death.

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