Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 2173 Fear of wealth and wealth is the reality of the people (second more)

Lunch time was postponed until 3:30 in the afternoon. Li Longji and others had two meals today.

I am hungry and eat dried fruits at noon, just to replenish it, and I will not let myself absorb too much calories a day.

The other officials are normal. Only some Li Longji made special adjustments. In order to have dinner with Guan Jijing's family, they adjusted Own's body by the way.

Guan Jijing's family had a good night's sleep and relieved the fatigue of the journey, mainly psychologically.

I finally returned to Datang. When I was in other places in Datang, I was thinking of more medical books in my heart.

When I arrived in Chang'an, I saw the prosperity of Chang'an, as well as trains. I have never seen this one.

Get off the train, what kind of person is Dongzhu Li? How do you view your own family?

The result was that the two emperors and empresses of the Tang Dynasty brought the Manchu civil and military to greet them. They used different bathing items and different sleeping places.

Slowly, lie down for two more hours.

In the afternoon, I have hot pot, mandarin duck pot, and a lot of dishes. Anyway, everyone can't finish it, so I will give them to Taohong to eat.

The dishes in front of Guan Luo's are all pregnant women can eat.

One of her mandarin duck pots is a clear soup base of chicken and pig bones, and the other is a thick soup base of crucian fish.

Guan Teng tasted everything in front of his daughter-in-law, including tomatoes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, potatoes, beans and other things that he had never seen before.

After tasting, he nodded and expressed his approval. As expected, all can be eaten. The daughter-in-law eats a little bit, which is good for both adults and children.

Guan Jijing's family felt the foundation of Lijiazhuangzi, so many dishes that they had never seen before tasted very good.

Yes, it is suitable to raise a baby in Zhuangzi, better than elsewhere.

"Zhuang Zizhong has prepared a large courtyard for you. You can eat in the cafeteria. You can go to whichever you think is better.

We are usually in the No. 1 Canteen, and sometimes Xiao Yi will cook by himself, and the small stir-fry made is suitable for our taste.

There are three buildings for all kinds of books. You can read them when you enter them. Remember not to bring fire inside.

If you want to watch it at night, take it out, and register, it’s best not to watch it too late and hurt your eyes. "

Li Dan is the biggest here, let him speak and use straightforward words.

Actually is not people who don’t understand the language, the humanities foundation of medicine is not bad.

Guan Jijing's family is happy, and they have never dreamed of it in these days.

I didn't do anything at home, just poisoned people while helping others. Isn't that what it should be! Is it really good to treat the enemy?

The key is that they escaped from the front line and returned, and Datang's army was behind, so they could take a gamble.

Guan Teng looked at the little girl: "I like this child Qingdai, I don't know how to use some methods..."

"Teach or worship you as a teacher." Li Yi is generous. Whoever stipulates that he can only worship one Master.

He knew that the other party was from the southwest minority, and he was particularly good at using drugs.

She said she brought her daughter-in-law to eat opium. After she became addicted to it, she stopped living normally.

It shows that the drugs that people are exposed to in normal times are addictive, and they get used to it and their will is tempered.

Li Yi has heard of a kind of people who are very special. They take drugs, and the purpose of taking drugs is not to enjoy the process of taking drugs.

After they finished taking drugs, they stopped using any drugs, so they just quit so hard, and they felt what it was like at this time, and it was fun!

That kind of physical and psychological torture, they regard it as a wonderful experience.

The drugs are right by the side, do not take them, wait for the withdrawal, and do it again if necessary.

Guan Teng hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't be a teacher, Qingdai would like to learn very well."

"Learn! I will also poison the enemy at that time."

The little girl felt that the other party was using poison more severely than her family sometimes gave people heavy doses.

"Saving people is not poisoning people." Li Yi emphasized: "Poison people are teachers and have the means to teach you. One poison is a large piece, and one death is thousands."

"Li Shen...Proprietor, what kind of poison is there?"

Guan Teng is interested, what kind of poison is so sharp?

"Yes, let's talk more later." Li Yi does have it, but it can't be used, it hurts Tianhe.

In his opinion, the people of Tubo, Post-Turkish, Khitan, Bohai and other places will all be citizens of the Tang Dynasty. Why did they kill so many people?

"Dongzhu Li is really a genius doctor." The old man Guan Shitang felt that he had found the organization.

"There is no such thing as a genius doctor. It's nothing more than doing his best." Li Yi shook his head, knowing that he was far away.

"Everyone cook the sweet potato slices, cut them thickly, or they will cook quickly, they will be broken in one clip. Don't eat too much."

Princess Yongmu introduced sweet potatoes, and she saw that Li Lang was helpless when talking about medicine.

The healer is heaven-defying, and the manpower is poor.

Everyone picked up sweet potato slices and threw them into the pot, and then picked up the greens.

"Mr. Li, oh, the proprietor, are all vegetables in the greenhouse, right?"

The teenager Guan Zhong is not a child from Bohai, thinking that there are fresh cucumbers and eggplants in Luoyang in the current season.

"It's not Chinese cabbage, nor is it radish peels in vinegar, nor are sweet potatoes, potatoes, and pumpkins. There are others.

Pumpkins bring back large varieties, and people who are not large households cannot store them for food.

There are six people in your family who can't finish eating for a few days, and the more they don't want to eat it later, it should be mainly for sale. "

Li Yi was very patient and explained to the teenager that there are different varieties of big pumpkins, one 20 or 30 jin.

You can keep it in your own home for a long time. Once you cut it open, the shelf life drops.

Those who sell this kind of pumpkin are cut into sections, and others buy one to go home and eat.

"I haven't seen it elsewhere. Can you sell the seeds to others?" Guan Zhong thought of the people.

"As you wish, when there are more seeds, there will be pumpkins wherever Datang can be planted."

What Li Longji said, he admired Guan Lin more and more, not Guan Jijing's family.

His education is good, he has the heart to heal the people, but he also has the aspirations for the country.

Li Longji is in a good mood. You can't get his family back even if you catch a doctor from Tubo, let alone Yidi and the others.

Even if Brother Yi didn't arrive in Chang'an, he would definitely pack up a group of you in other places and come back to find Yue Zhang?

The relationship between the two parties of Li Long Gene became entangled, and he happily ate hot pot, regardless of what happened, brother Yi couldn't run anyway.

Everyone had a meal until it was dark, and Guan Luoshi didn't eat much. She controlled it by herself. She had two children and knew how to do it.

She is in a happy mood, eating well by herself, and surely the baby in her belly is also good.

Even in the current season, there are many edible fruits. There are few fresh fruits in the season, but there are canned ones.

Everyone had eaten and went back to rest. Guan Jijing's family entered the courtyard, where the eunuchs and court ladies taught various things.

Now Lijiazhuangzi has provided heating, allowing small windows to be opened for ventilation, but not allowing large windows to adjust the temperature in the room.

If the heat is too hot, adjust the valve down to save coal for Zhuangzi.

The family couldn't sleep, from morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, even Guan Luoshi was not sleepy, she was eating fruit.

"Li Jiazhuang is good, so good that it makes people scary." Guan Shitang expressed his opinion.

"Father, want to leave?" Guan Jijing asked, with a reluctant expression on his face.

"Where to go? Where to go? Afraid of other people's wealth? Isn't the enemy more afraid?"

Guan Teng thinks differently. How much luggage and weapons did Lijiazhuangzi send out? How much are those things worth?

Still not allowing Li Yi to enjoy the money he earned? Your Majesty's family is here, including the other kings.

It is equivalent to saving expenses in the imperial palace and treating Lijiazhuang as a big house.

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