Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 350: Changing the rules of court officials (fourth more)

"It's better to buy news, otherwise ten plots will be auctioned, and only five plots will have things, and the others will be bought for nothing."

"I'm worried that I can't make money out of the land and I've been cheated."

"Tell him to take things as security."


"Technology, soy sauce, glaze, glycerin, toilet water, soap, lighter alcohol, fireworks."

"Fireworks are not good, do you dare to ask for them?"

"The first six are enough."

"Soap is the best, you use a lot."

"It's hot, and the toilet water is also good."

"Glaze is bought unless there is a kiln."

"The price of soy sauce is now low, but it is still more than 500 yuan per catty."

The businessmen in Chang'an discussed loudly, no matter what Song De listened to, he seemed to want to put some pressure on Song De.

Song De, if he didn't hear it, continued to eat his own meals instead of drinking.

Guan Shanxing and the crowd were tempted by listening, and they discussed in a low voice.

It wasn't until the second quarter of the first day, about half past one in the afternoon, that everyone finished eating.

The merchants from Chang'an and Guan Shanxing, together with the merchants from Luoyang, talked with Song De.

Song De took out Li Yi's seal, as well as a document written by Li Yi that allowed Song De to act with full authority, indicating that he could be the master.

Can talk about the specific content.

The Chang'an businessmen asked to write down the minimum amount of money or the value of a certain piece of land on the text.

With half a month as the time limit, if the money can't be paid out, Li Jiazhuang will take it over and prove that it can come out.

It can't be proved, the same technology must be handed over, and the technology has to be released out of the six types of toilet water.

Song De agreed, Guan Shanxing and the others looked at it, and they felt that there was no problem, and they felt relieved.

Write out one copy of the deed, in quadruplicate, one copy for each party, one copy for Yamen and one copy for Yaren.

Turning around, everyone talked with the county magistrate again. Each piece of land has 400 acres. When the news is finished, the price of five pieces of land should not be higher than one acre.

The county magistrate also agreed, and the benefits will be divided later.

The negotiation of the occupation of Datang's fixed assets is over, and everyone is ready.

"The first piece of land, area 5, 400 acres, can pay 100,000 yuan." Song De said the number of land.

Fill in the number and amount of money in the text contract, and press your handprint in that place.

"Ten thousand yuan." Someone from Guan Shanxing yelled.

The big businessman who came from Chang'an looked contemptuously: "Fifty thousand yuan."

"My surname is Ma, my double name is Hengrui, and I am..." Xiao Ma, the relative of the emperor of Wang Xun County Cheng, supervised Wang Xun, said.

"Don't mention who you are, how can you make this profitable business? Really capable, I will buy it later, and I will give it to you. At this time, I said something that shouldn't be said, and I lost my identity."

The shopkeeper of Changanliang is not used to stinking problems, who are you?

If your back is strong, wait for me to buy it, you tell me, I can't afford it, I will give you the land directly.

You tell me now, I don't recognize it.

Ma Hengrui got angry, but couldn't help it.

The people on Guan Shanxing's side whispered a few words and shouted again: "Five Thousand Yuan."

Song De waited and yelled: "The first time for fifty thousand yuan, is there any more, that's a good place to pay at least one hundred thousand yuan.

For the second time, if you add a little money, you will get more than 40,000.

For the third time, the deal! "

He is skilled at this job.

"Huh!" Ma Hengrui snorted coldly and glared at Liang's shopkeeper, meaning that you are too hard to say, add money? How dare you?

The shopkeeper Liang lowered his head, as if he didn't hear or see it.

The money was delivered over there. It was all silk, but from the outside, the quality was not very good.

Song De didn't care about it, the merchants carried it and collected it. If it's not good, it's not good, and it can be used for other things when it comes back to Zhuangzi.

Unlike a small business, you have to use a ruler to measure, almost impossible, you have to spread the cloth at two feet. If the color time is wrong, you need to add an extra one or two feet.

Bulk sales are almost the same, but Guan Shanxing's offer is really bad.

I believe that everything in it is bad, and the rags that have been under pressure for many years.

This kind of cloth can only be selected later, which is tied when making shoes.

"The second piece, six good land, you can pay 120,000 yuan." Song De took out the second piece of land after the news of the sale of one piece of land.

"Fifty thousand yuan." Another big businessman from Chang'an said first.

"Five thousand thousand yuan." Guan Shanxing's people increased the price.

"Five... I don't want it anymore." Ma Hengrui stared at the big businessman in Chang'an, seeming to feel guilty in his heart.

Song De yelled three times, and five bidders made a deal.

The third piece, Lot 7, can be sold for 150,000 yuan, and the transaction price is 41,000 yuan.

The fourth piece of land, No.9, can be sold for 160,000 yuan, and the transaction price is 1,000 yuan.

The fifth piece of land, No. 1, can be sold for 200,000 yuan, and the transaction price is 66,000 yuan.

The merchants in Chang'an and Luoyang seemed to have suffered great grievances. As soon as the business was over, they turned around and left. Some people left ruthless words. Today's things must be found back.

Song De organized a motorcade and hired a lot of cars and people from Lantian County to load gold, copper coins, and silk.

Some copper coins and silk were taken from the county treasury. Obviously Guan Shanxing and the others didn't have enough money, so they borrowed it from the county magistrate.

Less than five miles away from Song De, a team from Chang'an passed by him.

Apart from the horses, the team was a four-wheeled cart. Guan Shanxing entered the Zuixianlou to celebrate.

When the team arrived, the sergeant immediately got down, and the doors of the cars opened.

Officials from the household department, officials from the official department, officials from the criminal department, people from Zongzheng Temple, and officials from Taifu Temple came out from inside.

Yao Chong, Zhang Shuo, and Lu Huaishen also came down.

"All in." Yao Chong spit out four words from his mouth.

A group of sergeants rushed in and roared.

One person after another was escorted out with his hands behind him. Seeing this lineup, there were some who went straight down, some who couldn't walk, and some who continued to breathe and stare.

"Fraud is to make a book, and the sin is to be twisted. For your own personal interests, you do everything, Wang Xun, find it and bring it over."

Yao Chong glanced over the faces of a group of people and said in a deep voice.

Others ran to check the warehouses, such as those in Taifu Temple, and they were in charge of the warehouse.

Zongzheng Temple governs the emperor's relatives and relatives.

Accounts inspection by the Ministry of Accounts.

The arrested people cried, shouted that they were wronged, shouted that they knew they were wrong, shouted that others were involved...

With the help of the sergeants, the voice quickly disappeared.

Li Yi didn't know that the imperial court had taken action, and he would have done it after he had cheated the money.

He was very happy at the moment. Someone hurried over to report the news of the sale, and the first one came back as soon as it was sold.

Five thousand and one thousand yuan, one is enough for all the investment before.

Li Yi was making boiled meatballs and pancakes. He ate late in the morning and delayed at noon.

He was also preparing to wait for others to buy the land, and found that no treasure came to the door. He told the other party how to "pay out" what it meant.

He thinks it is fun to cheat, and teach others a bitter lesson.

The imperial court saw that it was illegal, so if it weren't for Li Yi to get the money, he would just shoot it.

People caught a torture, so many people, always can't bear to tell the matter.

"Okay, let's eat it, and eat this at night?" Li Yi brought the food, and it was still eaten by three people, and the eunuch and maid ate something else and served it by herself.

"Is the fish meatballs delicious?" Queen Wang wanted to change the ingredients.

"It's delicious, I will ask someone to beat the fish." Li Yi nodded and turned around to say.

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