Bring The System To Datang

Chapter 351 The ultimate goal is counted in a row (fifth)

When Li Longji heard Li Yi's order to beat the fish, he thought about it, but didn't understand it.

"Brother Yi, won't the fish become mud after being beaten? Put it in the water and not disperse?"

"Because the protein will solidify when heated, you should stir it in one direction when you stir it. If you are worried about it, you can add egg white and starch. The same goes for pork, beef and mutton."

Li Yi later explained that he knew that fish balls were not popular in Chang'an now, and only people from the south would make them in his own home.

"Then you said that the people who spread the rumors in Lantian County caught it, do you want to twist it?" Li Longji's topic changed instantly.

"According to the law, but they are all good identities. They died straight away, and they are overwhelmed. They don't understand their hatred." Li Yi hated a group of people.

He wanted to torture and made others look scared.

"Three thousand miles?" Li Longji thought of a way.

"No, it was in Lantian County. When they bought the land, they found that they couldn't make any money. When I asked me about it, I taught them how to make it.

Then put them there and do eight days of work every ten days, leaving two days to report.

You can go to Chang'an or the other twenty counties in Jingzhao Mansion.

Tell me about the mistakes they made, what they thought when they made the mistake, and how they felt now. "

Li Yi made a ruthless move, did coolie, and then confessed, feeling that every day is so difficult.

They also have family members who can visit the prison once a month and talk.

When strangling, their families give up their hearts, they suffer, and their families are worried.

Li Longji swallowed. For the first time, he found that there were more terrifying punishments than killing and exile.

Of course, copying all the doors is another.

This crime is not as guilty as family members, and whoever commits the crime is stranded.

Li Longji hesitated, did not say that the court had already started, and Yao Chong personally led the team.

I discussed it before I came out in the morning, as long as Li Yi's side is involved in making money, he will count the time to make a move.

The businessmen who cooperated with the performance in Chang'an were used to calculate, in order to cheat people, the lineup was very large.

Let the businessmen in Luoyang spread the false news, and then the businessmen in Chang'an cooperated with the performance.

Even if the court did not take action, after waiting, I believe that those people and the officials of Lantian County were also abolished.

There should be at least more than 100,000 smashes at a time. As for the subsequent operation, it is still unclear.

As he thought about it, Li Longji asked, "Brother Yi, how did you arrange there?"

"Ah, the news about land sales first, they dig and dig after they get it. There is no treasure at all. In half a month, they naturally want to ask me for technology.

As for me, I used to dig all kinds of stone mines. The places I chose did not have gold. They were all places with a lot of ores such as Black Tortoise rock, bentonite, kaolin, silica, limestone, and talc.

Give them these things, except for kaolin they can use to make ceramics, they can't use other things.

But I will, I will raise the price for long-term acquisitions in the name of Zhuangzi's technology.

Doesn't this prove that the output of those land is valuable? There is no problem. It is clearly written on the text that it is to pay, not to dig for treasure. "

Li Yi came up with the follow-up plan, a complete set.

"Then they sold you to Uncle?" Queen Wang interjected next to her.

"Then I don't buy theirs, I just tell them that they are worth the money, I have the technology, why should I buy theirs?" Li Yi said the result.

"Ah!" Queen Wang understood, telling others that the things in your field are valuable, and only if I use the technology is valuable.

It's useless if you hold it. I spent the money in vain. I haven't violated the content of the contract.

"Then what?" Queen Wang felt that there should be a follow-up.

"Then the court took action, grabbed them, and auctioned the land. I would give a high price to the county government.

Buy the land and mine it with other merchants, but to make it clear, it must be merchants who have paid commercial taxes to cooperate.

In this way, Lantian County’s goal of collecting business tax has been achieved, and the businessmen are not disgusted. All the yamen should have been cleaned up, there is nothing they can do.

Other big forces who want to oppose, I continue to drag them to dig other mines. "

Li Yi said all the routines, the ultimate goal is to complete the commercial tax payment, and the process of cleaning up people is a smooth process, which is not important.

Staring at a group of people is for the purpose, not a person who has a big picture.

It's just like selling medical equipment. What's the point of packing up people or not selling them?

Li Longji obviously felt that he was accustomed to this Yi Yi's shot, but when he really waited for Yi Yi to be serious, he found that he was still underestimated.

This whole set of methods was planned after seeing the people of Lantian County helplessly leave their hometown on the way back.

The moment when twenty Habayashi Feiqi each set off on three fast horses, it was the moment when things finally headed.

It’s hard to beat and cut, the money that should be earned, the people who should clean up, and the goal that should be accomplished cannot be bad.

This is the first time Brother Yi is, what is serious is to deal with the locust plague.

Since last year, they have been raised in large numbers, and even the soy sauce has been converted into prices to allow others to send poultry and pigs.

Raise, sell eggs, and eat at the same time.

When we arrived in Luoyang, the locust plague had just begun.

When the local people scolded him, they exchanged money with him and went to work in his place to get wages.

At the moment when the locust plague really came, the people estimated that they felt uncomfortable in their hearts, and then they left.

Because the matter is resolved, just follow the instructions. By the end of this year, there will be millions of chickens and ducks...not millions.

It should be tens of millions. The method of artificial incubation has spread, and the people in other places will increase the number of hatched eggs.

Thinking about it, Li Longji stretched out his hand and patted Li Yi's shoulder, and said, "Brother Yi, if you ask you to use soldiers, what would you do?"

"Of course I asked an experienced veteran. I will give them assistance, such as making sand tables, as well as medical care and logistics.

They said how to fight, I cooperated, and I have never fought, so how can I dare to command blindly? "

Li Yi directly positioned himself as a logistical person, even if he was given the position of supreme commander.

Queen Wang ate a ball: "When they finish fighting with the army, Uncle you will do the most."

She came from a family of military generals, knowing that as long as she wins the battle, the general will lead the victory.

Li Yi shook his head: "I don't want any credit. If I can deter you with soldiers, it's best not to fight on a large scale.

I can use other methods to obtain land and other things. The good of the good War Practitioner, a soldier who defeats others without fighting. "

What Li Yi said was what he thought in his heart, and he was also willing to gratify and kill the enemy with fear.

Grab all the way and kill all the way to achieve a prestigious reputation.

Then Datang has many more people who lost their sons, husbands, and fathers.

"Proprietor, I am back, proprietor. Guess how much we made? Two hundred and ten thousand yuan, a full two hundred and ten thousand yuan."

Song De ran in when the manager's shout came from outside.

"Proprietor, they couldn't afford to pay later, so I borrowed it from the county. It's just that when we came back, we saw the court's team, which looked like..."

Song De showed regret when he said this, he guessed the purpose of the team passing by.

The follow-up tricks can't be used, it's a pity.

"Very well, I told the businessmen who cooperated, 30% of the money, whether you want money or a 20% discount, you can choose whatever you want."

Li Yi nodded his head, said what was to be divided, and agreed with the businessman, 30% of the money would be distributed to them.

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